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Bndtools Development: Tips and Tricks

Adding Error/Warning Markers

Bndtools aims to be a thin wrapper over bnd. This means that it is comparatively rare that bndtools should be creating errors or warnings. In most cases bnd is responsible for generating errors at build time, it's then bndtools job to display them nicely to the user.

Step 1 - Customise the bnd error

Make sure that bnd is generating an appropriate error or warning using bnd's reporting API. By default all build errors are displayed as markers on the bnd.bnd file. This isn't usually the right file, and even when it is there isn't enough information to pick the correct line. To fix this you need to add information to the Location object associated with the error/warning. Importantly you must add a custom details object to the location. This should be your own object type, and not reused by any other error reporting.


SetLocation location = analyzer.error("A clever error message");
    .details(new org.bndtools.example.MyCustomizedLocationObject());

Step 2 - Create a BuildErrorHandler

Once bnd is generating extra error information then bndtools can use it to generate appropriate markers. This is achieved through the use of the (it's normally best to extend The method responsible for adding markers is generateMarkerData(), which returns a list of MarkerData objects. Each MarkerData will be used to create a Marker in a file. Normally an error should map to a single marker, although sometimes more than one is appropriate (e.g. if the error can be fixed by changing one of several files).

AbstractBuildErrorDetailsHandler provides convenience methods for adding markers to Java source files. Markers must be created with a message (which is typically the message written by bnd). Markers should also have a line number, or a start/end location. The convenience methods set the start/end location for you, but you have to set the message yourself.


MyCustomizedLocationObject errorInfo = (MyCustomizedLocationObject) location.details;

IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);

Map<String,Object> attribs = new HashMap<String,Object>();
attribs.put(IMarker.MESSAGE, location.message.trim());

MarkerData md = null;
if (errorInfo.isTypeLevel) {
  md = createTypeMarkerData(javaProject, errorInfo.className, attribs, false);
} else if (errorInfo.isMethodLevel) {
  md = createMethodMarkerData(javaProject, errorInfo.className, errorInfo.methodName, 
          errorInfo.methodSignature, attribs, false);

if (md == null) {
  // No other marker could be created, so add a marker to the bnd file
  result.add(new MarkerData(getDefaultResource(project), attribs, false));


return result;

Step 3 - Hook in to the Eclipse plugin registry

Bndtools uses the Eclipse plugin registry to discover BuildErrorDetailsHandler instances. To hook in to this you need to add the following to your plugin.xml

<extension point="bndtools.core.buildErrorDetailsHandlers">
  <handler typeMatch="org.bndtools.example.MyCustomizedLocationObject" 
      class="org.bndtools.example.handler.MyCustomBuildErrorDetailsHandler" />

Step 4 - You're done!

Error markers will now appear in the right places. More work can be done to add quick fixes, but it's much harder than adding the markers.

Using the ExtensionFacade

What is the ExtensionFacade?

org.bndtools.facade.ExtensionFacade was developed by the core Bndtools team as part of the bndtools.core project. It acts as a bridge between the Eclipse extension registry and OSGi Declarative Services components. Thus it allows you to deploy Eclipse extensions in your plugins that are implemented as OSGi Declarative Services components.

Why use the ExtensionFacade?

Eclipse extensions tend to be quite static. Although in theory the ExtensionRegistry was meant to allow dynamic extensions, in practice the assumption that the extension lifecycle is equal to the workbench lifecycle has been accidentally baked in to many Eclipse plugins (including core Eclipse plugins). This means that in practice you can't restart a plugin in a running Eclipse instance if it registers extensions.

The main purpose of ExtensionFacade is to allow extension implementations to be decoupled a bit from the registry, allowing the ExtensionRegistry to be shielded from the dynamic nature of the underlying implementation. This allows you to develop Eclipse plugins with extension implementations that can be dynamically restarted without requiring a restart of the entire Workbench.

This feature will most of the time not be noticed by the average Eclipse user. However, it is extremely useful to the Eclipse plugin developer who uses Bndtools as their plugin development platform, as it enables you to make use of Bndtools' live coding/testing feature. This significantly improves the rate at which you can develop/deploy/test changes to your plugin.

How to use the ExtensionFacade

Modes of operation

There are two ways to use the ExtensionFacade:

  1. Factory mode - in this case, the ExtensionFacade simply acts as a factory object, directly instantiating and returning the extension implementation objects. If the backing component service is not available, it will throw a runtime exception at instantiation time.
  2. Full proxy mode - in this case, the ExtensionFacade returns a dynamic proxy implementation of the extension interface. If the backing component is not available, then the proxy implementation will throw a runtime exception any time one of its methods is invoked.

A comparison of the advantages of each mode follows.

Full proxy mode

The full proxy mode presents the same extension object to the rest of the system for the life of the Workbench. This makes it more suitable when you have components in the system that are hanging on to references to the extension objects for extended periods, as it will allow the backing component object instances to be cleaned up. For example, if the extension client caches the reference to the extension object in a static class variable, there is no easy way to clear that reference when your service restarts. Using the proxy mode, the extension client's cache keeps the reference to the proxy, while the backing service is allowed to come-and-go as its bundle is stopped/started.

However, there are times when the full proxy mode won't work:

  • When the clients of the extension make assumptions about the concrete type of the extension object. An example is in the source lookup code, which at one point specifically looks for a subclass of AbstractSourceLookupDirector - even if your backing service extends AbstractSourceLookupDirector, the returned proxy object does not.
  • The proxy mode makes use of Java's dynamic proxies, and these can only be used when the base extension type is an interface. Some of the extension objects in Eclipse (eg, builders) have a class or an abstract class as their base class.

The full proxy mode also involves a theoretical performance overhead for requests (though this is not likely to be of practical significance).

Factory mode

The factory mode directly returns a reference to the backing component service every time create() is called. This means that the returned object it will be the exact same type as the actual extension object. This means it doesn't have the limitations that the proxy mode has - it can be used with extensions that have a class as their base type, and it will not cause code to break if it is expecting a particular concrete subtype.

The biggest problem with the factory mode is that it loses control over the lifecycle of the extension object. It is mostly useful where the lifecycle can be controlled in some other manner, otherwise you may not be able to release references to stale components when their implementation bundle is stopped or be able to instantiate the new implementation after the freshly-installed bundle is started.

When to use each mode

Generally speaking, you will most likely get smoother results using the proxy mode when you can, and use the factory mode as a fallback if you run into one of the proxy mode's limitations.

There also exists the possibility of extensions where neither approach will work properly - eg, a client of an extension that has a class as its base type, but the client also hangs on to references in a static variable. Unfortunately in this case you'll have to abandon the use of the ExtensionFacade altogether.

How to use

  1. Register your extension in the plugin.xml of a bundle that won't be restarted. For Bndtools, the best choice is probably bndtools.core.
    1. The id attribute of the extension point element must match the property of the backing component.
    2. In the attribute where you normally put the fqn of your implementation class, instead put the fqn of the facade, ie org.bndtools.facade.ExtensionFacade. This name of this attribute depends on the extension point, that you're implementing, but it's usually class or delegate.
    3. If you are using the proxy mode, add a ':' and then the fqn of the extension base type to the ExtensionFacade attribute.
  1. Implement your extension in your implementation bundle. The implementation bundle should not register any extensions in its plugin.xml otherwise you will not be able to restart it.
    1. Create a Declarative Services component that implements/extends the base type of the extension that you are implementing.
    2. Ensure that the property is the same as the id field in the plugin.xml of the plugin that registers the extension (set in step 1.i). By default, this is the fqn of the implementation class. (Note: there are some cases where you might need the id to be different from the - in such cases, see the section "Overriding the" below.)
    3. Set the correct component scope. Usually the component will need to be prototype scope, otherwise the implementation instances will interfere with each other - however, if your component implementation is stateless, then you can use default scope and all of the extension objects will share the same backend implementation.

That's all that is needed. With this setup, you can restart your implementation bundle dynamically without breaking your running Eclipse workbench.

Programmatic instantiation of extensions

Sometimes in your Eclipse plugin code you will want to directly instantiate a component implementation programmatically. However, this creates a hard dependency from your plugin on implementation bundle, so that you can't restart the implementation bundle unless your plugin also restarts. If your plugin is designed to be able to restart dynamically then this will not be a problem, but if it registers its own Eclipse plugins then it will prevent you from restarting your implementation bundle.

A way around this is to use the ExtensionFacade programmatically to reference the extension object. An example is in bndtools.editor.pages.RunAction. As a nice additional feature, you can then programmatically register callbacks on the facade to be notified when a new backing component arrives or is closed. RunAction uses this feature to enable/disable itself depending on whether or not the backing component is present.

Overriding the

By default, the ExtensionFacade will use the extension element's id attribute to look for a DS component with a that matches. However, sometimes you want two extensions that point to the same DS component. Because having extensions with duplicate ids is not a good idea, the ExtensionFacade provides an alternative method to specify the to match: by adding :<> to the end of the class.

If you need to combine the factory mode with this feature, leave the name of the class blank (eg, class="").

Examples of the ExtensionFacade in action

The prototype example of how to use the ExtensionFacade is in the org.bndtools.launch bundle, which contains the launch-related code for Bndtools. This bundle was used as a proving ground for the ExtensionFacade's initial development. The extensions are registered in bndtools.core and bndtools.m2e's plugin.xml files, using the ExtensionFacade configured as described above.