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Fr Jeremy Krieg edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 21 revisions

Bnd/Bndtools 5.3.0


  • The resolver now gives some (imperfect) feedback on progress during the resolution process.
  • The context-sensitive launching for OSGi JUnit tests now works better - in particular, it will now properly launch test methods that have parameters.
  • Fixes/improvements for the quick fix processor:
    • The versioning policy is now configurable via the Bndtools preferences page for the workspace. You can set it to use either "earliest" (no version attribute) or "latest" (version=latest) when adding bundles to the -buildpath or -testpath.
    • Suggestions will now also include classes that belong to your own projects' bundles (previously these were omitted due to a bug).
    • Fixed a stack overflow bug on self-referential types (eg, class MyClass<T extends MyClass<T>> {}).
    • Added handling for a few more cases of errors caused by missing types.
  • Better error reporting for misconfigured bnd workspaces (eg, missing bnd.bnd file in a project, missing cnf, etc).
  • Fixed a bug where non-bundle jars were sometimes listed twice in the repository view.

Bndtools m2e

  • TBD


  • Properly creates the bnd.hashes element for bundles in your workspace (enables workspace bundles to be suggested by QuickFix processor).

Bnd Command Line

  • TBD


  • Documented -maven-dependencies and -maven-scope instructions which add <dependency> information to the generated pom. These instructions have been supported since 4.2.0 but were not documented.

Bnd Maven Plugins

  • The Bnd Maven plugins require a minimum of Maven 3.1.1.
  • The -runee inference has been updated to use the java.specification.version system property instead of the java.version system property when inferring the EE.

Bnd Gradle Plugins

  • The Bnd Gradle plugins require a minimum of Gradle 5.3 for Java 8 to Java 12, Gradle 6.0 for Java 13, Gradle 6.3 for Java 14, and Gradle 6.7 for Java 15.

Backward compatibility

  • Bndtools is built to run on Eclipse 2018-12 or later. So Bndtools 5.0 may not run on older versions of Eclipse.
  • The Bnd Gradle plugins no longer work on versions of Gradle less than 5.3.

Known Issues

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