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96 lines (65 loc) · 5.79 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (65 loc) · 5.79 KB



If there is an open issue feel free to comment that you'll work on it. This prevents multiple people from working on the same issue.


Documentation on the interfaces/classes can be found here

Development Setup

  • Requires Node 8+
  • Fork the project to create a copy of it under your GitHub user
  • git clone that project
  • Run yarn install or npm install within the parent directory
  • Write code and E2E tests to ensure proper functionality is expected
  • For additional commands, look under the scripts section inside package.json
  • For testing, run yarn test-e2e

Setup Issues

  • If you run into any issues while getting set up with development of this project, create an issue. Working out the small details and hiccups will help others get started in the future

Development Notes

  • If your project needs changes to the HTTPS requests to BoxRec, you'll need to work on this repo
  • Ensure if you are working on separate repos to test the changes with npm link. This assumes you understand what the purpose of npm link is

Code Style

  • Follow the same coding style (Use an IDE that supports ES/TSLint/EditorConfig). The project code style should look like one person has written the code for consistency reasons
  • Keep pull requests to one feature/fix
  • If you're unsure of anything, ask one of these people

Issues and Bugs

If you have found a problem, follow these steps:

Security Vulnerabilities

If you have a found a security vulnerability with this package or a security vulnerability please create an issue. Emails will be sent out notifying people in this org


If you have a suggestion, feel free to create an issue with the label "suggestion". Please note that this project is more of a BoxRec API and nothing more.

Pull Requests

When your change is ready, create a pull request from your repo to this repo. The pull request should be pointing to develop. Assign one of the following people from here. Pull Requests are required to successfully build before they can be merged in. We merge into develop and not straight to master as not all changes are releasable at the time. Current Git style is like git flow but without squashing of commits to master.

Requirement to have pull requests accepted

  • Must include unit tests for the new functionality/fix. Write tests that prove the functionality works, not to merely pass code coverage
  • Must pass code review
  • Must follow the same coding style

Development Walkthrough

Before anything

This project heavily uses Typescript and decorators to work. The reason for the heavy use of decorators was for maintainability, to speed up changes and because there is overlap between pages.

If you do not understand Typescript and decorators, some of the code will look strange to you.

How it works

This project works by making HTTP requests through boxing-requests. The reason it is separated was that potentially the HTTPS requests portion could be used by other projects.

boxrec package flow

This package takes an HTML document and parses the information using Cheerio, which like jQuery can parse HTML.

The hardest parts are maintainability, as we can't control when BoxRec changes things or breaks things. So this package always can potentially break. has poor HTML standards and strange choices, which also can make things difficult. Tables inside tables, multiple thead elements per table, inconsistencies with CSS selectors to name a few things.

After a request is made, this package will feed the HTML into a class. The classes differ depending on the request made.


when requesting a boxer profile

const boxer = await boxrec.getPersonById(352);

The HTML is fed into BoxrecPageProfileBoxer

BoxrecPageProfileBoxer has a number of getters that when used, will take the HTML and parse that specific information that was requested. If you notice at the top there are a number of decorators, those update the class to add additional getters.

Important pieces of code


There is an important helper function that was created to parse table data. When developing this package, BoxRec would sometimes add new columns, change the order of columns, or remove columns. This made ensuring the correct data returned difficult.

This function getHeaderColumnText takes a table element, attempts to get what column it is by the header text, if it exists. If it does not exist, it then goes through the first row of data and attempts to figure out the column by what data is in there.