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File metadata and controls

41 lines (40 loc) · 1.92 KB

To release Brisk there are a few steps you need to take:

  1. Update the Version and Build in the Info.plist to the version from the new release
  2. Change the master section in the to match the new release version. Don't add a new section for master changes yet
  3. Commit both those changes on master with the message Bump version $VERSION
  4. Tag the new commit with the version number of the release. Push the commit and the tag
  5. Archive Brisk in Xcode
  6. Create a tar.gz from the archived with tar -pvczf
  7. Copy the output of shasum -a 256 for later
  8. Draft a release on GitHub with the newly pushed tag
  9. Title the release based on whatever feature / bugfix is "most important"
  10. Fill the description with the contents of the changelog (you might need to join lines in the markdown to get it to render on a single line)
  11. At the bottom of the description include the output of shasum from the previous step in triple backticks
  12. Upload to the release
  13. Save / create the release
  14. In the appcast.xml, duplicate the top item, and paste it above
  15. Change the title, enclosure url, sparkle:version, releaseNotesLink url to the new version
  16. Get the size of the new with stat --printf="%s" Replace length with that
  17. Sign the release with path/to/sparkle/sign_update path/to/dsa_priv.pem. Replace the sparkle:dsaSignature with that
  18. Update the pubDate with the output of date +"%a, %d %b %G %H:%M:%S %z"
  19. Commit the appcast changes with the message Update appcast for $VERSION. Push the commit (note GitHub takes some time to propagate these changes)
  20. Add a new master section in the for future changes and commit it
  21. Submit a PR to update the Brisk formula in homebrew-cask
  22. Celebrate!