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This is a sample boilerplate monorepo for a collection of Vue components that you intend to publish to the NPM registry. To some extent, each individual component structure is based on the vue-dummy-published-component setup - and then adjusted to work in this monorepo setup with Lerna.

If you wish to only publish a single component, you are better off using vue-dummy-published-component.


Much of the baseline for this work comes from:

What's Included in this Boilerplate?

This adds a few new features that you mind useful when creating robust open-source Vue components (all of which you are welcome to change once your fork for your own purposes):

  • Code linting via eslint
  • Unit testing via jest and @vue/test-utils
    • Configured via jest.config.js
    • Tests located in the test/unit directories of components
  • Storybook Generation
    • Configured via the .storybook directories of components
    • Stories located in the stories directories of components
  • End-to-End tests with cypress that run on top of your generated Storybook
    • This is a pattern I haven't seen before that makes a lot of sense to me. Storybook is intended to show off the various usages of your components - so why not write integration tests to ensure those usages are working as expected?
    • Configured in cypress.json
    • Tests located in the tests/e2e directories of components
  • Precommit hook using husky to lint and test the component

MonoRepo Setup

This was my first time playing with Lerna, so there is always room for improvement, but I attempted to hoist as much to the root as possible to reduce duplication amongst leaf component packages.

  • All devDependencies live at the root package.json
  • Component devDependencies that are directly used in component npm scripts are listed with file: specifiers pointing up to the root
  • For this reason, it should never be required to run lerna bootstrap or deal with package-lock.json files in components
    • If your components have dependencies, then this may not work quite right for you. There's a good discussion in this lerna issue that might be useful.
  • Linting and Unit testing is done solely from the root, since there's nothing inherently component-specific about those. There are no npm run lint or npm run test:unit commands in components.
  • Storybook building and Cypress E2E tests must still be implemented at the component level because they require component-specific setups. They are executed from the root using lerna exec
    • Cypress requires a local cypress.json file, so the file lives at the root and is symlinked into each sub-package
    • Storybook didn't seem to like using --config to point to ../../.storybook, nor did it seem to like the symlink approach, so each sub-package has it's own .storybook directory
  • A single rollup.config.js is used from the root for all components, which loads component-specific info from the component package.json file

Getting Started

To get started with your own publishable components via a monorepo, I would start by copying this to your own new repo and then there's a few changes to make as well as some things to add that have been intentionally left out.

Things to Change

  • Update all relevant package.json fields (name, author, repository, etc.)
  • Modify the exported component names in the package.json rollup field - which is deep-merged onto the shared rollup config.
  • Write your components, unit tests, stories, and E2E Tests!
  • Update the with the proper license and attribution

Things to Add

  • Add some docs for how users can file issues and contribute back to your open-source components. Check out the Mozilla Science Lab Post for ideas and examples
  • Don't forget to host your Storybooks somewhere so users can access it. gitHub Pages is one potential solution.


# Build all components
npx lerna run build

# Run unit tests
npm run test:unit

# Build all storybooks
npm run storybook:build

# Run all E2E Tests against built Storybooks
npm run test:e2e

Publishing to NPM

Please refer to the NPM documentation and the Lerna Documentation