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Development Setup

This document should get you up to speed and give you a working development environment for transcribee. The instructions in this document may not be used for production installations!

The transcribee project uses a development-setup managed by nix. This allows us to all use the same software & versions conviniently. Thus, the easiest way to start is to have a working nix installation on your system. Alternatively you can install the dependencies listed in the shell.nix file by hand (but that might be more inconvenient).

Minimal setup (nix)

If you just want to try out transcribee, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Install nix on your system & run nix-shell shell.nix to get a shell with all dependencies of transcribee installed. Alternatively you can install the dependencies listed in the shell.nix file by hand (but that might be more inconvenient).
  2. Run the dev script (this might take a long time as it downloads / compiles all the dependencies): execute ./packaging/ in the root folder of the transcribee repo.
  3. Profit! You can now point your browser to http://localhost:5173/ and interact with the running transcribee instance. An admin user with the username "test" and the password "test" is created for you.

Minimal setup (Dev Containers)

Dev Containers allow you to use a container as a full-featured development environment. If your IDE (such as VS Code) supports it, it should offer you an option to build the dev container and reopen the project within the container. You need to have Docker or another compatible container runtime installed.

The transcribee dev container is based on nix-devcontainer. On first run, the dev container will automatically build the nix environment and install dev dependencies, which may take a while. Subsequent runs or rebuilds will preserve the nix cache and should be much faster.

Minimal setup (Docker)

If you just want to try out transcribee and not install nix, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Install Docker on your system.
  2. Build the docker container: docker build -f packaging/Dockerfile -t transcribee:latest .
  3. Run the docker container: docker run -it -p 5173:5173 transcribee:latest
  4. Profit! You can now point your browser to http://localhost:5173/ and interact with the running transcribee instance. An admin user with the username "test" and the password "test" is created for you.

Note To use this setup for development, you can use the following command to bind-mount your code into the container. This way, the application will auto-reload if you change the code, and you do not need to restart the container:

docker run -it -p 5173:5173 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/app --entrypoint nix-shell transcribee:latest shell.nix --command /app/packaging/

Extended setup

If you do more development on transcribee, you may wish to do the following things:

  • Install direnv for automatically loading the nix-shell when you are in the transcribee directory.
  • Install the pre-commit hook so that your changes are automatically linted before you commit them. Run: pre-commit install

Add pages

transcribee contains a minimal page system. To add pages, add a markdown file to backend/data/pages. If the file contains a frontmatter with the footer_position attribute, the page is shown in the footer. To modify the name shown in the footer, set the name attribute in the frontmatter. Example file named

footer_position: 1
name: Example Page

# Example Page Showing The Page Feature

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet....

This page would be available at /pages/ and shown in the footer with a link labelled Example Page.


There are more specific instructions in the respective readme files of the backend/, frontend/ and worker/ directories.