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Disk usage and file

File metadata and controls

33 lines (18 loc) · 846 Bytes

Disk usage and file sizes

Calculate total disk usage / size for a folder

du -sh <folder>

Ignore specified files and directories when calculating size

du -sh -I <ignore-pattern> <folder>

Show disk space usage and available space (-h makes the output human readable values)

df -h

Usage Examples

Find files under the root directory and below that are larger than 10 MB (optionally ignore .git directories)

find <path> -size +10M
find <path> -size +10M -not -path '*/\.git/*'

Format output when using GNU find (Note: -printf is not POSIX)

find <path> -size +10M -printf "%s - %p\n"

Show ten largest files and directories under current location

du . | sort -nr | head -n10
du -s * | sort -nr | head -n10

Calculate size of files in git repo (ignoring git directory)

du -sh -I .git <folder>