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Damn simple value checker for Svelte. Works well with forms

-1. Installation

npm i -D @bztes/svelte-ds-validator
yarn add -D @bztes/svelte-ds-validator

0. Example Code

  import { and, createChecker, email, number, required } from '@bztes/svelte-ds-validator';

  export let data;

  // apply validation rules
  const checker = createChecker({
    fields: {
      email: {
        value: () =>,
        rule: and(required(), email()),
      age: {
        value: () => data.age,
        rule: and(required(), number({ min: 0, max: 130, int: true })),
      message: {
        value: () => data.message,
        // Default rule can be skipped
        // rule: required(),

  // validate on data changed
  $: data, checker.validate();

    <label for="email">E-Mail</label>
    <input type="email" name="email" bind:value={} />
    <label for="age">Age</label>
    <input type="number" name="age" bind:value={data.age} />
    <label for="message">Message</label>
    <textarea name="message" bind:value={data.message} />
    <button type="submit" disabled={!$checker.valid}>Send</button>

1. Checker


const checker = createChecker({
  defaultRule: ...
  fields: {
    [field_name]: {
      value: () => ...
      rule: ...

defaultRule (Optional)
A default rule that will be used by all checker fields where no specified rule is defined

fields.[].rule (Optional)
The rule to be checked. Use and() or or() to combine rules. If no rule is provided checker.defaultRule, settings.defaultRule or required() is used (in this order).

The function that provides the input value to be checked



  const checker = ...

  // validate on data changed
  $: data, checker.validate();

    <label for="message">Message</label>
    <textarea name="message" bind:value={data.message} />
    <button type="submit" disabled={!$checker.valid}>Send</button>

Triggers the validation. You probably want to call this function after the input has changed

Contains the error message for the individual fields if the input is invalid, null otherwise

true if the specific input value is valid, false otherwise

true if all input values are valid, false otherwise

2. Rules

Apply rules to a checker

const settings = {
  fields: {
    userMail: {
      rule: email(),

Available rules

3. Custome error messages

local - only for the specified rule instance

const options = {
  min: 18,
  msg = {
    numberToSmall: 'adults only',
rule = number(options);

global - default for all rule instances

number.Options.msg.numberToSmall = 'adults only';

4. Advanced

Rule definition


rule = {
  validate(input): true | string
  value(fieldValue)?: any
  error?: string

Validation function that takes an input value and returns true on validation success or an error message otherwise

value(input) (Optional)
Function that can be used to provide a rule specific input value for validate(). If undefined the field value will be used as an input

error (Optional)
Can be used to provide a rule specific error message. If undefined the return value from validate will be used as error message

Writing your own rule (examples)

const isTrue = {
  validate: (input) => input === true || 'Input value must be true',

With parameters

const equals = (value) => ({
  validate: (input) => value == input || 'Invalid value',

Overwrite all error messages for a rule

const checker = createChecker({
  fields: {
    legal: {
      value: () =>,
      rule: { ...equals(true), error: 'Legal rules have to be accepted' },

Rule specific input values (value mapping)

let message = { response: 'Succeed', error: null };

const checker = createChecker({
  fields: {
    message: {
      value: () => message,
      rule: and({ ...required(), value: (v) => v.response }, { ...falsy(), value: (v) => v.error }),