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merge: #12697
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12697: Fix flaky `EmbeddedSubProcessTest` r=koevskinikola a=remcowesterhoud

## Description

<!-- Please explain the changes you made here. -->
The test was flaky because it could occur that the messages got published before the subscription were opened. As the messages have no TTL this means they were not getting correlated, as expected.

Log of a failing run:
C DPLY         CREATE            - #1-> -1  -1 - 
E PROC         CREATED           - #2->#1 K01 - process.xml -> "process..process" (version:1)
E DPLY         CREATED           - #3->#1 K02 - process.xml
E DPLY         FULLY_DISTRIBUTED - #4->#1 K02 - 
C CREA         CREATE            - #5-> -1  -1 - new <process "process..process"> with variables: {correlationKey=correlationKey}
E VAR          CREATED           - #6->#5 K04 - correlationKey->"correlationKey" in <process [K03]>
C PI           ACTIVATE          - #7->#5 K03 - PROCESS "process..process" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E CREA         CREATED           - #8->#5 K05 - new <process "process..process"> with variables: {correlationKey=correlationKey}
E PI           ACTIVATING        - #9->#7 K03 - PROCESS "process..process" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATED         - #10->#7 K03 - PROCESS "process..process" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C PI           ACTIVATE          - #11->#7  -1 - START_EVENT "startEv..8897acc" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATING        - #12->#11 K06 - START_EVENT "startEv..8897acc" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATED         - #13->#11 K06 - START_EVENT "startEv..8897acc" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C PI           COMPLETE          - #14->#11 K06 - START_EVENT "startEv..8897acc" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           COMPLETING        - #15->#14 K06 - START_EVENT "startEv..8897acc" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PROC_MSG_SUB CREATING          - #16->#14 K07 - "eventSubProcess" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K03]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
E PI           COMPLETED         - #17->#14 K06 - START_EVENT "startEv..8897acc" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           SEQ_FLOW_TAKEN    - #18->#14 K08 - SEQUENCE_FLOW "sequenc..b7cb1a6" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C PI           ACTIVATE          - #19->#14 K09 - SUB_PROCESS "subProcess" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATING        - #20->#19 K09 - SUB_PROCESS "subProcess" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATED         - #21->#19 K09 - SUB_PROCESS "subProcess" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C PI           ACTIVATE          - #22->#19  -1 - START_EVENT "startEv..8b12a7c" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATING        - #23->#22 K10 - START_EVENT "startEv..8b12a7c" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATED         - #24->#22 K10 - START_EVENT "startEv..8b12a7c" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C PI           COMPLETE          - #25->#22 K10 - START_EVENT "startEv..8b12a7c" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           COMPLETING        - #26->#25 K10 - START_EVENT "startEv..8b12a7c" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PROC_MSG_SUB CREATING          - #27->#25 K11 - "boundary" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K09]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
E PI           COMPLETED         - #28->#25 K10 - START_EVENT "startEv..8b12a7c" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           SEQ_FLOW_TAKEN    - #29->#25 K12 - SEQUENCE_FLOW "sequenc..8c72ad0" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C PI           ACTIVATE          - #30->#25 K13 - SERVICE_TASK "task" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E PI           ACTIVATING        - #31->#30 K13 - SERVICE_TASK "task" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
E JOB          CREATED           - #32->#30 K14 - K14 "task" `@"task"[K13]` 3 retries, in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
E PI           ACTIVATED         - #33->#30 K13 - SERVICE_TASK "task" in <process "process..process"[K03]>
C MSG          PUBLISH           - #34-> -1 K01 - "boundary" correlationKey: correlationKey (no vars)
C MSG          PUBLISH           - #35-> -1 K01 - "eventSubProcess" correlationKey: correlationKey (no vars)
E MSG          PUBLISHED         - #36->#34 K15 - "boundary" correlationKey: correlationKey (no vars)
E MSG          EXPIRED           - #37->#34 K15 - "boundary" correlationKey: correlationKey (no vars)
E MSG          PUBLISHED         - #38->#35 K16 - "eventSubProcess" correlationKey: correlationKey (no vars)
E MSG          EXPIRED           - #39->#35 K16 - "eventSubProcess" correlationKey: correlationKey (no vars)
C MSG_SUB      CREATE            - #40-> -1  -1 - "eventSubProcess" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K03]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
C MSG_SUB      CREATE            - #41-> -1  -1 - "boundary" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K09]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
E MSG_SUB      CREATED           - #42->#40 K17 - "eventSubProcess" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K03]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
C PROC_MSG_SUB CREATE            - #43-> -1  -1 - "eventSubProcess" (inter.) `@[K03]` in <process ?[K03]> (no vars)
E MSG_SUB      CREATED           - #44->#41 K18 - "boundary" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K09]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
C PROC_MSG_SUB CREATE            - #45-> -1  -1 - "boundary" (inter.) `@[K09]` in <process ?[K03]> (no vars)
E PROC_MSG_SUB CREATED           - #46->#43 K07 - "eventSubProcess" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K03]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)
E PROC_MSG_SUB CREATED           - #47->#45 K11 - "boundary" (inter.) correlationKey: correlationKey `@[K09]` in <process "process..process"[K03]> (no vars)

The test isn't really flaky on 8.2+ anymore. This is a result of batch processing that was introduced recently. However, I believe it's still good to fix it on all versions and keep the test aligned across versions.

## Related issues

<!-- Which issues are closed by this PR or are related -->

closes #11844 

Co-authored-by: Remco Westerhoud <>
  • Loading branch information
zeebe-bors-camunda[bot] and remcowesterhoud committed May 9, 2023
2 parents d8b5e67 + cb26d2c commit 0458119
Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 4 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.impl.record.value.message.MessageRecord;
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.record.ValueType;
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.record.intent.MessageIntent;
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.record.intent.MessageSubscriptionIntent;
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.record.intent.ProcessEventIntent;
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.record.intent.ProcessInstanceIntent;
import io.camunda.zeebe.protocol.record.value.BpmnElementType;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,10 +96,15 @@ public void shouldNotTriggerBoundaryEventWhenFlowscopeIsInterrupted() {
.withVariable("correlationKey", "correlationKey")

"The 2 message subscriptions must be created before we publish the "
+ "messages. As the messages have a TTL of 0 seconds")

// when
// We need to make sure no records are written in between the publish commands. This could
Expand Down

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