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294 lines (154 loc) · 12 KB


v1.4.0 (2023-09-21)


  • chore: fix semantic release config for new version (8ffb6f4)

  • chore: update readme with compile targets (482148d)

  • chore: add support for building on remote docker

Adjust build scripts to work to retrieve the firmware on remote docker builds too. (d8cb40f)

  • chore: update Changelog with 1.3.0 changes (dcbf580)

  • chore: drop support for Micropython 1.13

Requires python 2 to build which is no longer supported. (6f8c186)

  • chore: update classifiers for pypi (159b7aa)


  • feat: add mip package support

Following configuration for (f7d6299)

v1.3.0 (2023-09-20)


  • chore: update documentation for new advertise function

Add documentation to show how service_host_name in the advertise endpoint works. (3b969b8)

  • chore: fix Makefile for other configs

Make tty interface configurable (c2bb1e7)

  • chore: fix Dockerfile configuration

Remove the python installations in all Dockerfiles to allow building the project with newer docker files. (89f2e58)


  • feat: add support for configurable service hostnames

Instead of fixing the service host name to the hostname of the host, make it possible to add a new parameter host into the advertise function of the service and allow it to register its own advertised name in the service.

Usage example:

loop = uasyncio.get_event_loop()
client = Client(own_ip_address)
responder = Responder(
    own_ip=lambda: own_ip_address,
    host=lambda: "my-awesome-microcontroller-{}".format(responder.generate_random_postfix()),

def announce_service():
    responder.advertise("_myawesomeservice", "_tcp", port=12345, data={"some": "metadata", "for": ["my", "service"]}, service_host_name="myoverwrittenhost")
``` ([`cc6169f`](

* feat: add build for micropython 1.20 ([`01b7996`](

### Fix

* fix: make all imports absolute

Fix which might help using the library in a frozen module. ([`bafe176`](

* fix: requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities

The following vulnerabilities are fixed by pinning transitive dependencies:
- ([`c717474`](

### Unknown

* Version 1.3.0 ([`afe2f04`](

* Merge pull request #7 from cbrand/snyk-fix-7f31355a1fdab2fb82c5f78ff819d38f

[Snyk] Security upgrade wheel from 0.30.0 to 0.38.0 ([`8a92073`](

## v1.2.3 (2022-10-04)

### Fix

* fix: always return a txt dns record even if empty ([`e75757a`](

## v1.2.2 (2022-10-04)

### Chore

* chore: adjust reference example for better use

Use the generate_random_postfix call outside of the responder
to let the example generate a consistent postfix
for each request. ([`e7b1087`](

* chore: remove confusing test folder ([`7ab609e`](

### Fix

* fix: skip null txt record

Do not try to send a txt record when information for sending
it out is missing. Before this if there was a TXT record request
it did raise an Exception instead of just not returning
the information. ([`40d09b7`](

## v1.2.1 (2022-10-03)

### Fix

* fix: correct name length package generation

Fixed an issue with name length generation for domain names
which resulted into micropython-mdns creating wrongly
formatted dns packages which couldn't be parsed by
certain implementations of mdns like avahi.

Fixes #6 ([`9a9ddae`](

## v1.2.0 (2022-09-27)

### Chore

* chore: wording adjustments README ([`8ac3435`](

* chore: fix changelog for 1.1.0 ([`024d33f`](

* chore: adjust pyproject ([`e38a376`](

### Feature

* feat: add compile targets for new micropython

Add support for micropython 1.18 and 1.19 ([`2b15d01`](

### Fix

* fix: responder dns ptr record zeroconf support

fixes #5 ([`285d24b`](

* fix: adjust release pipeline ([`1f96cf1`](

### Unknown

* Merge pull request #4 from hakancelikdev/patch-1

Fix unimport linter repo URL. ([`a3e0d47`](

* Fix unimport linter repo URL. ([`c5a044b`](

## v1.1.0 (2022-01-06)

### Chore

* chore: add semantic release support ([`6aa4325`](

### Feature

* feat: add image for micropython 1.16 and 1.17 ([`525ec39`](

### Unknown

* Merge pull request #3 from bgamari/patch-1

docs/REFERENCE: Fix erroneous example ([`812e296`](

* docs/REFERENCE: Fix erroneous example

The `host_name` argument is actually called `host`. ([`30f8726`](

## v1.0.1 (2021-06-15)

### Chore

* chore(client): reinitialize socket on send failure ([`52b3ff9`](

### Unknown

* Version 1.0.1 ([`b1a9473`](

## v1.0.0 (2021-04-25)

### Chore

* chore(pre-commit): update pre-commit config ([`50305a5`](

* chore(README): add reference to MicroPython 1.15 ([`549c594`](

* chore(examples): explicitly set wlan active flag ([`c7d0168`](

### Unknown

* Version 1.0.0 ([`021ecc2`](

* Merge branch 'feature/micropython-1-15' ([`6b2c79e`](

* feature(Dockerfile): add support for micropython 1.15 ([`c99657d`](

## v0.9.3 (2021-01-06)

### Unknown

* Version 0.9.3 ([`050be7f`](

* feature(README): add intended audience section

Also use FQDNs for all links, making the
README to also be fully functionality on PyPi. ([`f579c47`](

## v0.9.2 (2021-01-05)

### Fix

* fix(client): do not fail on error in packet processing ([`8fe0203`](

### Unknown

* Version 0.9.2 ([`b9b7379`](

* Version 0.9.2 ([`f95873b`](

## v0.9.1 (2021-01-05)

### Unknown

* Version 0.9.1 ([`e9afc26`](

## v0.9.0 (2021-01-05)

### Chore

* chore(REFERENCE): adjust shield colors ([`baf9589`](

* chore(examples): add examples for library usage ([`eb1ac35`](

* chore(debug): add better log debugging ([`03997cb`](

### Fix

* fix(client): handle memory issues on high traffic MDNS networks ([`8ee9488`](

* fix(parser): add possibility for nested name dereference ([`92f5b46`](

### Unknown

* feature(README): add gif header ([`bc76e3f`](

* Version 0.9.0 ([`bce2e9a`](

* feature(README): add README and LICENSE ([`2bc5318`](

* feature(mdns_client): add response to service discovery call ([`321cb52`](

* feature(responder): implement mdns service responder ([`d3dd54f`](

* feature(discovery): add optional txt extraction for service discovery ([`aaa9f61`](

* feature(discovery): implement first version of mdns service discovery ([`2f2f74e`](

* feature(client): add mdns compatible getaddrinfo resolve ([`93fc389`](

* feature(parser): implement proper name expansion ([`1459f64`](

* feature(mdns_client): add basic mdns client ([`1428a89`](