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This file contains a walkthrough of the NumPy 1.21.0 release on Linux, modified for building on azure and uploading to The commands can be copied into the command line, but be sure to replace 1.21.0 by the correct version. This should be read together with the general directions in releasing.

Facility Preparation

Before beginning to make a release, use the *_requirements.txt files to ensure that you have the needed software. Most software can be installed with pip, but some will require apt-get, dnf, or whatever your system uses for software. Note that at this time the documentation cannot be built with Python 3.10, for that use 3.8-3.9 instead. You will also need a GitHub personal access token (PAT) to push the documention. There are a few ways to streamline things.

  • Git can be set up to use a keyring to store your GitHub personal access token. Search online for the details.
  • You can use the keyring app to store the PyPI password for twine. See the online twine documentation for details.

Release Preparation

Backport Pull Requests

Changes that have been marked for this release must be backported to the maintenance/1.21.x branch.

Update Release documentation

Four documents usually need to be updated or created before making a release:

  • The changelog
  • The release-notes
  • The .mailmap file
  • The doc/source/release.rst file

These changes should be made as an ordinary PR against the maintenance branch. After release all files except doc/source/release.rst will need to be forward ported to the main branch.

Generate the changelog

The changelog is generated using the changelog tool:

$ python tools/ $GITHUB v1.20.0..maintenance/1.21.x > doc/changelog/1.21.0-changelog.rst

where GITHUB contains your GitHub access token. The text will need to be checked for non-standard contributor names and dependabot entries removed. It is also a good idea to remove any links that may be present in the PR titles as they don't translate well to markdown, replace them with monospaced text. The non-standard contributor names should be fixed by updating the .mailmap file, which is a lot of work. It is best to make several trial runs before reaching this point and ping the malefactors using a GitHub issue to get the needed information.

Finish the release notes

If this is the first release in a series the release note is generated, see the release note in doc/release/upcoming_changes/README.rst to see how to do this. Generating the release notes will also delete all the news fragment files in doc/release/upcoming_changes/.

The generated release note will always need some fixups, the introduction will need to be written, and significant changes should be called out. For patch releases the changelog text may also be appended, but not for the initial release as it is too long. Check previous release notes to see how this is done. Note that the :orphan: markup at the top, if present, will need changing to .. currentmodule:: numpy and the doc/source/release.rst index file will need updating.

Check the file

Check that the file points to the correct release notes. It should have been updated after the last release, but if not, fix it now:


Release Walkthrough

Note that in the code snippets below, upstream refers to the root repository on GitHub and origin to its fork in your personal GitHub repositories. You may need to make adjustments if you have not forked the repository but simply cloned it locally. You can also edit .git/config and add upstream if it isn't already present.

Prepare the release commit

Checkout the branch for the release, make sure it is up to date, and clean the repository:

$ git checkout maintenance/1.21.x
$ git pull upstream maintenance/1.21.x
$ git submodule update
$ git clean -xdfq

Sanity check:

$ python3 -m "full"

Tag the release and push the tag. This requires write permission for the numpy repository:

$ git tag -a -s v1.21.0 -m"NumPy 1.21.0 release"
$ git push upstream v1.21.0

Build source releases

Paver is used to build the source releases. It will create the release and release/installers directories and put the *.zip and *.tar.gz source releases in the latter.

$ paver sdist  # sdist will do a git clean -xdfq, so we omit that

Build wheels

Trigger the wheels build by pointing the numpy-wheels repository at this commit. This can take up to an hour. The numpy-wheels repository is cloned from If this is the first release in a series, start with a pull as the repo may have been accessed and changed by someone else, then create a new branch for the series. If the branch already exists skip this:

$ cd ../numpy-wheels
$ git checkout main
$ git pull upstream main
$ git branch v1.21.x

Checkout the new branch and edit the azure-pipelines.yml and .travis.yml files to make sure they have the correct version, and put in the commit hash for the REL commit created above for BUILD_COMMIT variable. The azure/posix.yml and .travis.yml files may also need the Cython versions updated to keep up with Python releases, but generally just do:

$ git checkout v1.21.x
$ gvim azure-pipelines.yml .travis.yml
$ git commit -a -m"NumPy 1.21.0 release."
$ git push upstream HEAD

Now wait. If you get nervous at the amount of time taken -- the builds can take a while -- you can check the build progress by following the links provided at to check the build status. Check if all the needed wheels have been built and uploaded to the staging repository before proceeding.

Note that sometimes builds, like tests, fail for unrelated reasons and you will need to rerun them. You will need to be logged in under 'numpy' to do this on azure.

Download wheels

When the wheels have all been successfully built and staged, download them from the Anaconda staging directory using the tools/ script:

$ cd ../numpy
$ python3 tools/ 1.21.0

Generate the README files

This needs to be done after all installers are downloaded, but before the pavement file is updated for continued development:

$ paver write_release

Reset the maintenance branch into a development state (skip for prereleases)

Create release notes for next release and edit them to set the version. These notes will be a skeleton and have little content:

$ cp doc/source/release/template.rst doc/source/release/1.21.1-notes.rst
$ gvim doc/source/release/1.21.1-notes.rst
$ git add doc/source/release/1.21.1-notes.rst

Add new release notes to the documentation release list and update the RELEASE_NOTES variable in

$ gvim doc/source/release.rst

Commit the result:

$ git commit -a -m"REL: prepare 1.21.x for further development"
$ git push upstream HEAD

Upload to PyPI

Upload to PyPI using twine. A recent version of twine of is needed after recent PyPI changes, version 3.4.1 was used here:

$ cd ../numpy
$ twine upload release/installers/*.whl
$ twine upload release/installers/  # Upload last.

If one of the commands breaks in the middle, you may need to selectively upload the remaining files because PyPI does not allow the same file to be uploaded twice. The source file should be uploaded last to avoid synchronization problems that might occur if pip users access the files while this is in process, causing pip to build from source rather than downloading a binary wheel. PyPI only allows a single source distribution, here we have chosen the zip archive.

Upload files to github

Go to, there should be a v1.21.0 tag, click on it and hit the edit button for that tag. There are two ways to add files, using an editable text window and as binary uploads. Start by editing the release/ that is translated from the rst version using pandoc. Things that will need fixing: PR lines from the changelog, if included, are wrapped and need unwrapping, links should be changed to monospaced text. Then copy the contents to the clipboard and paste them into the text window. It may take several tries to get it look right. Then

  • Upload release/installers/numpy-1.21.0.tar.gz as a binary file.
  • Upload release/installers/ as a binary file.
  • Upload release/README.rst as a binary file.
  • Upload doc/changelog/1.21.0-changelog.rst as a binary file.
  • Check the pre-release button if this is a pre-releases.
  • Hit the {Publish,Update} release button at the bottom.

Upload documents to (skip for prereleases)


You will need a GitHub personal access token to push the update.

This step is only needed for final releases and can be skipped for pre-releases and most patch releases. make merge-doc clones the numpy/doc repo into doc/build/merge and updates it with the new documentation. If you already have a numpy installed, you need to locally install the new NumPy version so that document generation will use the correct NumPy. This is because make dist does not correctly set up the path. Note that Python 3.10 cannot be used for generating the docs as it has no easy_install, use 3.9 or 3.8 instead:

$ pushd doc
$ make dist
$ make merge-doc
$ pushd build/merge

If the release series is a new one, you will need to add a new section to the doc/build/merge/index.html front page just after the "insert here" comment:

$ gvim index.html +/'insert here'

Otherwise, only the zip and pdf links should be updated with the new tag name:

$ gvim index.html +/'tag v1.21'

You can "test run" the new documentation in a browser to make sure the links work:

$ firefox index.html  # or google-chrome, etc.

Update the stable link and update:

$ ln -sfn 1.21 stable
$ ls -l  # check the link

Once everything seems satisfactory, update, commit and upload the changes:

$ python3
$ git commit -a -m"Add documentation for v1.21.0"
$ git push
$ popd
$ popd

Announce the release on (skip for prereleases)

This assumes that you have forked

$ cd ../
$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
$ git checkout -b announce-numpy-1.21.0
$ gvim content/en/
  • For all releases, go to the bottom of the page and add a one line link. Look to the previous links for example.
  • For the *.0 release in a cycle, add a new section at the top with a short description of the new features and point the news link to it.

commit and push:

$ git commit -a -m"announce the NumPy 1.21.0 release"
$ git push origin HEAD

Go to your Github fork and make a pull request.

Announce to mailing lists

The release should be announced on the numpy-discussion, scipy-devel, scipy-user, and python-announce-list mailing lists. Look at previous announcements for the basic template. The contributor and PR lists are the same as generated for the release notes above. If you crosspost, make sure that python-announce-list is BCC so that replies will not be sent to that list.

Post-Release Tasks (skip for prereleases)

Checkout main and forward port the documentation changes:

$ git checkout -b post-1.21.0-release-update
$ git checkout maintenance/1.21.x doc/source/release/1.21.0-notes.rst
$ git checkout maintenance/1.21.x doc/changelog/1.21.0-changelog.rst
$ git checkout maintenance/1.21.x .mailmap  # only if updated for release.
$ gvim doc/source/release.rst  # Add link to new notes
$ git add doc/changelog/1.21.0-changelog.rst doc/source/release/1.21.0-notes.rst
$ git status  # check status before commit
$ git commit -a -m"REL: Update main after 1.21.0 release."
$ git push origin HEAD

Go to GitHub and make a PR.