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Releases: cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit

v5.0.1 SLC6 release

05 Dec 10:06
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This is the first good SLC6 release for HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit, that can be used on CMSSW_7_1_5 (or later 7.1.X) on the slc6_amd64_gcc481 architecture.

With respect to the previously announced v5.0, it fixes a bug in the code that warns about nuisance parameters close to their boundaries, which would under some circumstances cause a crash (PR #166)

It includes everything in the v4.0.1-sl5 release plus some pdfs needed for combination with ATLAS.

v4.0.1-sl5: SL5 legacy bugfix release

05 Dec 10:06
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This is the latest SL5 release, including everything that was developed so far in SL5.

With respect to the previously announced v4.0-sl5, it fixes a bug in the code that warns about nuisance parameters close to their boundaries, which would under some circumstances cause a crash (PR #165)

To be used on top of CMSSW_6_1_1 (or any release with the same roofit and roostats versions) for SL5

v5.0: First SL6 release

02 Dec 09:59
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Please use v5.0.1 instead, which fixes a bug that could cause crashes in some circumstances (#166)

This is the first SLC6 release for HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit, that can be used on CMSSW_7_1_5 (or later 7.1.X) on the slc6_amd64_gcc481 architecture.

It includes everything in the v4.0-sl5 release plus some pdfs needed for combination with ATLAS.

v4.0-sl5: legacy SL5 release

02 Dec 09:55
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Please use v4.0.1-sl5 instead, which fixes a bug that could cause crashes in some circumstances (#165)

This is the latest SL5 release, including everything that was developed so far in SL5.

To be used on top of CMSSW_6_1_1 (or any release with the same roofit and roostats versions) for SL5

Legacy SLC5 (prerelease)

13 Oct 13:14
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Tag containing all SL5 code that we are aware of, to start SLC5 vs SLC6 validation.
Not yet the final SL5 tag, as in the course of the validation we might find issues even in SL5, and in any case we'll want to update the validation suite in both releases.
After the validation, a final SL5 tag will be made

Intermediate release including YR3 BR and XS values

19 Sep 14:28
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This release fixes issues with counting experiments found in extrapolations and includes the latest YR3 XS and BR values as well a updates to customs pdfs.


13 Aug 08:41
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Implement a few bugfixes and regressions from V03-04-00 and -01 (solve conflicts between some option names, and allow backwards-compatibility with workspaces produced with tags earlier than V03-04-00)


06 Aug 11:40
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On top of V03-04-00, fix an issue in binned toy MC generation when bin volumes are different from 1.
It does not affect the observed datasets, Asimov toys, unbinned toy MC generation, nor any workspace providing inputs as bare TH1 histograms (as internally they are remapped to histograms with bin volumes of 1)