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File metadata and controls

1127 lines (918 loc) · 96.5 KB


Events represent something that happened and help understanding how a user interacts with your application. Besides telling the story of what happened during a user’s journey, these events also provide data to enrich the evaluation context and refine the models that continuously improve user experience.

The SDK tracks most of the general-purpose events automatically for you. All other events depend on your use case, so it is up to you to decide which events make sense for your application. In the following sections, you will find a summary of all events available to help you decide which events can benefit your application.

Table of Contents

Event Summary

There are several event types that you can record within the customer journey:

Event Category Auto tracking Description
userSignedUp User No Records a user sign-up.
userSignedIn User Yes Records a user sign-in.
userSignedOut User Yes Records a user sign-out.
userProfileChanged User Yes Records user profile changes.
tabOpened Web Yes Records a tab open.
tabUrlChanged Web Yes Records a tab's URL change.
tabVisibilityChanged Web Yes Records a tab visibility change.
pageOpened Web Yes Records a page open.
pageLoaded Web Yes Records a page load.
productViewed E-commerce No Records a product view.
cartViewed E-commerce No Records a shopping cart view.
cartModified E-commerce No Records a shopping cart change.
checkoutStarted E-commerce No Records a checkout start.
orderPlaced E-commerce No Records a placed order.
goalCompleted Analytics No Records a goal completion.
interestShown Miscellaneous No Records a user has shown interest in something.
postViewed Miscellaneous No Records a post view.
linkOpened Miscellaneous No This event records a link opening.
sessionAttributesChanged Miscellaneous Yes Records session's attributes changes.
nothingChanged Miscellaneous Yes Records a period of inactivity.
eventOccurred Miscellaneous No Records a custom event.

User Events

The user category has the following events:


This event records that a user signed up.

You should track this event when a user signs up for your application.

If the user profile does not exist, the engine will create a new one with the provided information. This event does not affect existing profiles.

For the personalization engine, the semantics of this event does not encompass the userSignedIn event. If your application automatically signs in users after registration, make sure to call the identify method after the sign-up.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Constraints Required Description
userId string 1 and 254 characters Yes The ID that uniquely identifies the user on your application.
profile object No The user profile.
profile.firstName String Between 1 and 50 characters long No The first name.
profile.lastName String Between 1 and 50 characters long No The last name.
profile.birthDate String Valid date in the form YYYY-MM-DD No The birth date.
profile.gender String Either male, female, neutral or unknown No The gender. String Between 1 and 254 characters long No The email address.
profile.alternateEmail String Between 1 and 254 characters long No The alternate email address. String Between 1 and 30 characters long No The phone number.
profile.alternatePhone String Between 1 and 30 characters long No The alternate phone number.
profile.address object No The user address.
profile.address.street String Between 1 and 100 characters long No The address' street.
profile.address.district String Between 1 and 100 characters long No The address' district. String Between 1 and 100 characters long No The address' city.
profile.address.region String Between 1 and 100 characters long No The address' region. String Between 1 and 100 characters long No The address' country.
profile.address.postalCode String Between 1 and 20 characters long No The address' postal code.
profile.avatar String Well-formed URL No The personal avatar URL. String Between 1 and 200 characters long No The company's name.
profile.companyUrl String Well-formed URL No The company's website URL.
profile.jobTitle String Between 1 and 50 characters long No The job title.
profile.custom object JSON object No The map of custom attributes.

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('userSignedUp', {
    userId: '1ed2fd65-a027-4f3a-a35f-c6dd97537392'
Complete Example
croct.track('userSignedUp', {
    userId: '1ed2fd65-a027-4f3a-a35f-c6dd97537392',
    profile: {
        firstName: 'Carol',
        lastName: 'Doe',
        birthDate: '2000-08-31',
        gender: 'female',
        email: '',
        alternateEmail: '',
        phone: '+15555983800',
        alternatePhone: '+15555983800',
        address: {
            street: '123 Some Street',
            district: 'Kings Oak',
            city: 'San Francisco',
            state: 'California',
            region: 'California',
            country: 'US',
            continent: 'NA'
        avatar: '',
        company: 'Croct',
        companyUrl: '',
        jobTitle: 'Head of Marketing',
        custom: {
            points: 1,
            favoriteEmoji: '🐊',


This event records that a user signed in.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when you call either the identify or setToken method.


This event records that a user signed out.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when you call either the anonymize or setToken method.


This event records that a user profile has changed.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when you call save on the patch returned by the user.edit() method.

Web Events

The web category has the following events:


This event records that a user opened a new tab.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when the user opens your application in a new tab.


This event records that the tab URL changed.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when the user navigates between pages on your application.


This event records that the tab visibility changed.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when user minimizes the window or switches to another tab.


This event records that a user opened a page.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when the user opens a page on your application.


This event records that a page finished loading.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when a page has been completely loaded, without waiting for stylesheets or images to finish loading.

E-commerce Events

The e-commerce category has the following events:


This event records the user viewed a product.

You should track this event when a user opens a product page.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
product object Yes The product details.
product.productId string Yes Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID that uniquely identifies the product on your store. string Yes Between 1 and 200 characters long The name of the product.
product.displayPrice number Yes Non-negative The price of the product displayed in the store.
product.sku string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The code that uniquely identifies the product variant on your store.
product.category string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The category of the product.
product.brand string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The brand associated with the product.
product.variant string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The variant of the product, such as size, color and style.
product.originalPrice number No Non-negative The original price of the product.
product.url string No Well-formed URL The URL of the product page.
product.imageUrl string No Well-formed URL The URL of the main product image.


  • The sku and productId do not have to be different. Usually, the productId is the internal identifier, like 12345, and the SKU is a public-facing identifier like SM-124-GREEN.
  • The displayPrice is the price the user pays, while the originalPrice is usually the regular retail price.

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('productViewed', {
    product: {
        productId: '12345',
        name: 'Smartphone 9',
        displayPrice: 599.00
Complete Example
croct.track('productViewed', {
    product: {
        productId: '12345',
        sku: 'a9b2745f-9d0b-4bfe-8ebd-7376dd932169',
        name: 'Smartphone 9',
        category: 'Smartphone',
        brand: 'Pear',
        variant: '64GB Green',
        displayPrice: 599.00,
        originalPrice: 699.00,
        url: '',
        imageUrl: ''


This event records the user viewed the shopping cart.

You should track this event when a user views the shopping cart page or summary.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
cart object Yes The cart information.
cart.currency string Yes Between 1 and 10 characters long The currency in which the monetary values are expressed in the shopping cart. We recommend using the 3-letter currency codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard. For currencies having no official recognition in ISO 4217, consider using ISO-like codes adopted locally or commercially, such as XBT for BitCoin. number Yes Non-negative The total revenue or grand total associated with the transaction. It includes shipping, tax, and any other adjustment.
cart.items array Yes The list of items.
cart.items[*].product object Yes The product details.
cart.items[*].product.productId string Yes Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID that uniquely identifies the product on your store.
cart.items[*] string Yes Between 1 and 200 characters long The name of the product.
cart.items[*].product.displayPrice number Yes Non-negative The price of the product displayed in the store.
cart.items[*].index number Yes Non-negative The index, starting from zero, which represents the order in which the item was added to the shopping cart.
cart.items[*].quantity number Yes Positive The number of units of the item.
cart.items[*].total number Yes Non-negative The total for the item. It includes discounts and any other adjustment.
cart.items[*].product.sku string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The code that uniquely identifies the product variant on your store.
cart.items[*].product.category string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The category of the product.
cart.items[*].product.brand string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The brand associated with the product.
cart.items[*].product.variant string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The variant of the product, such as size, color and style.
cart.items[*].product.originalPrice number No Non-negative The original price of the product.
cart.items[*].product.url string No Well-formed URL The URL of the product page.
cart.items[*].product.imageUrl string No Well-formed URL The URL of the main product image.
cart.items[*].discount number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the item.
cart.items[*].coupon number No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the item.
cart.subtotal number No Non-negative The total of all items and quantities in the shopping cart including applied item promotions. Applied cart discounts, estimated shipping, and applied shipping discounts should be excluded from the subtotal amount.
cart.shippingPrice number No Non-negative The total shipping price for the items in the shopping cart, including any handling charges.
cart.taxes object No Non-empty string keys and values The taxes associated with the transaction.
cart.costs object No Non-empty string keys and values The costs associated with the transaction, such as manufacturing costs, shipping expenses not borne by the customer, or any other costs. number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the shopping cart. string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the shopping cart.
cart.lastUpdateTime number No Non-negative The time when the shopping cart was last updated, in milliseconds since epoch.


  • The sku and productId do not have to be different. Usually, the productId is the internal identifier, like 12345, and the SKU is a public-facing identifier like SM-124-GREEN.
  • The displayPrice is the price the user pays, while the originalPrice is usually the regular retail price.
  • When you don't specify a value for the lastUpdateTime property, the SDK considers the time at which you tracked the event as the last update time.

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('cartViewed', {
    cart: {
        currency: 'USD',
        total: 776.49,
        items: [
                index: 0,
                total: 699.00,
                quantity: 1,
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    displayPrice: 699.00
Complete Example
croct.track('cartViewed', {
    cart: {
        currency: 'USD',
        items: [
                index: 0,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 699.00,
                discount: 100.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    sku: 'SM-124-GREEN',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    category: 'Smartphone',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: '64GB Green',
                    displayPrice: 699.00,
                    originalPrice: 799.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
                index: 1,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 39.00,
                discount: 10.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '98765',
                    sku: '03132db8-2c37-4aef-9827-60d0206683d9',
                    name: 'Silicone Case',
                    category: 'Cases',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: 'Black',
                    displayPrice: 39.00,
                    originalPrice: 49.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
        taxes: {
            state: 53.51,
            local: 23.98
        costs: {
            manufacturing: 275.81,
            cos: 85.37
        subtotal: 848.00,
        shippingPrice: 59.99,
        discount: 169.99,
        total: 815.49,
        coupon: 'FREE-SHIPPING',
        lastUpdateTime: 123456789


This event records the user modified the shopping cart.

You should track this event when a user modifies the shopping cart page, either by adding, removing, or updating items.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
cart object Yes The cart information.
cart.currency string Yes Between 1 and 10 characters long The currency in which the monetary values are expressed in the shopping cart. We recommend using the 3-letter currency codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard. For currencies having no official recognition in ISO 4217, consider using ISO-like codes adopted locally or commercially, such as XBT for BitCoin. number Yes Non-negative The total revenue or grand total associated with the transaction. It includes shipping, tax, and any other adjustment.
cart.items array Yes The list of items.
cart.items[*].product object Yes The product details.
cart.items[*].product.productId string Yes Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID that uniquely identifies the product on your store.
cart.items[*] string Yes Between 1 and 200 characters long The name of the product.
cart.items[*].product.displayPrice number Yes Non-negative The price of the product displayed in the store.
cart.items[*].index number Yes Non-negative The index, starting from zero, which represents the order in which the item was added to the shopping cart.
cart.items[*].quantity number Yes Positive The number of units of the item.
cart.items[*].total number Yes Non-negative The total for the item. It includes discounts and any other adjustment.
cart.items[*].product.sku string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The code that uniquely identifies the product variant on your store.
cart.items[*].product.category string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The category of the product.
cart.items[*].product.brand string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The brand associated with the product.
cart.items[*].product.variant string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The variant of the product, such as size, color and style.
cart.items[*].product.originalPrice number No Non-negative The original price of the product.
cart.items[*].product.url string No Well-formed URL The URL of the product page.
cart.items[*].product.imageUrl string No Well-formed URL The URL of the main product image.
cart.items[*].discount number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the item.
cart.items[*].coupon number No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the item.
cart.subtotal number No Non-negative The total of all items and quantities in the shopping cart including applied item promotions. Applied cart discounts, estimated shipping, and applied shipping discounts should be excluded from the subtotal amount.
cart.shippingPrice number No Non-negative The total shipping price for the items in the shopping cart, including any handling charges.
cart.taxes object No Non-empty string keys and values The taxes associated with the transaction.
cart.costs object No Non-empty string keys and values The costs associated with the transaction, such as manufacturing costs, shipping expenses not borne by the customer, or any other costs. number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the shopping cart. string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the shopping cart.
cart.lastUpdateTime number No Non-negative The time when the shopping cart was last updated, in milliseconds since epoch.


  • The sku and productId do not have to be different. Usually, the productId is the internal identifier, like 12345, and the SKU is a public-facing identifier like SM-124-GREEN.
  • The displayPrice is the price the user pays, while the originalPrice is usually the regular retail price.
  • When you don't specify a value for the lastUpdateTime property, the SDK considers the time at which you tracked the event as the last update time.

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('cartModified', {
    cart: {
        currency: 'USD',
        total: 776.49,
        items: [
                index: 0,
                total: 699.00,
                quantity: 1,
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    displayPrice: 699.00
Complete Example
croct.track('cartModified', {
    cart: {
        currency: 'USD',
        items: [
                index: 0,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 699.00,
                discount: 100.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    sku: 'SM-124-GREEN',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    category: 'Smartphone',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: '64GB Green',
                    displayPrice: 699.00,
                    originalPrice: 799.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
                index: 1,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 39.00,
                discount: 10.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '98765',
                    sku: '03132db8-2c37-4aef-9827-60d0206683d9',
                    name: 'Silicone Case',
                    category: 'Cases',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: 'Black',
                    displayPrice: 39.00,
                    originalPrice: 49.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
        taxes: {
            state: 53.51,
            local: 23.98
        costs: {
            manufacturing: 275.81,
            cos: 85.37
        subtotal: 848.00,
        shippingPrice: 59.99,
        discount: 169.99,
        total: 815.49,
        coupon: 'FREE-SHIPPING',
        lastUpdateTime: 123456789


This event records the checkout process started.

You should track this event on the page that the user lands on after clicking on the checkout button.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
cart object Yes The cart information.
cart.currency string Yes Between 1 and 10 characters long The currency in which the monetary values are expressed in the shopping cart. We recommend using the 3-letter currency codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard. For currencies having no official recognition in ISO 4217, consider using ISO-like codes adopted locally or commercially, such as XBT for BitCoin. number Yes Non-negative The total revenue or grand total associated with the transaction. It includes shipping, tax, and any other adjustment.
cart.items array Yes The list of items in the shopping cart.
cart.items[*].product object Yes The product details.
cart.items[*].product.productId string Yes Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID that uniquely identifies the product on your store.
cart.items[*] string Yes Between 1 and 200 characters long The name of the product.
cart.items[*].product.displayPrice number Yes Non-negative The price of the product displayed in the store.
cart.items[*].index number Yes Non-negative The index, starting from zero, which represents the order in which the item was added to the shopping cart.
cart.items[*].quantity number Yes Positive The number of units of the item.
cart.items[*].total number Yes Non-negative The total for the item. It includes discounts and any other adjustment.
cart.items[*].product.sku string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The code that uniquely identifies the product variant on your store.
cart.items[*].product.category string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The category of the product.
cart.items[*].product.brand string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The brand associated with the product.
cart.items[*].product.variant string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The variant of the product, such as size, color and style.
cart.items[*].product.originalPrice number No Non-negative The original price of the product.
cart.items[*].product.url string No Well-formed URL The URL of the product page.
cart.items[*].product.imageUrl string No Well-formed URL The URL of the main product image.
cart.items[*].discount number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the item.
cart.items[*].coupon number No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the item.
orderId string No The ID that uniquely identifies the order on your store.
cart.subtotal number No Non-negative The total of all items and quantities in the shopping cart including applied item promotions. Applied cart discounts, estimated shipping, and applied shipping discounts should be excluded from the subtotal amount.
cart.shippingPrice number No Non-negative The total shipping price for the items in the shopping cart, including any handling charges.
cart.taxes object No Non-empty string keys and values The taxes associated with the transaction.
cart.costs object No Non-empty string keys and values The costs associated with the transaction, such as manufacturing costs, shipping expenses not borne by the customer, or any other costs. number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the shopping cart. string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the shopping cart.
cart.lastUpdateTime number No Non-negative The timestamp when the shopping cart was last updated, in milliseconds since epoch.


  • The sku and productId do not have to be different. Usually, the productId is the internal identifier, like 12345, and the SKU is a public-facing identifier like SM-124-GREEN.
  • The displayPrice is the price the user pays, while the originalPrice is usually the regular retail price.
  • It may seem unusual to specify the order ID at the start of the checkout process, but some e-commerce platforms generate the order ID at the start or even before the process begins.

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('checkoutStarted', {
    cart: {
        currency: 'USD',
        total: 776.49,
        items: [
                index: 0,
                total: 699.00,
                quantity: 1,
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    displayPrice: 699.00
Complete Example
croct.track('checkoutStarted', {
    orderId: '123',
    cart: {
        currency: 'USD',
        items: [
                index: 0,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 699.00,
                discount: 100.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    sku: 'SM-124-GREEN',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    category: 'Smartphone',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: '64GB Green',
                    displayPrice: 699.00,
                    originalPrice: 799.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
                index: 1,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 39.00,
                discount: 10.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '98765',
                    sku: '03132db8-2c37-4aef-9827-60d0206683d9',
                    name: 'Silicone Case',
                    category: 'Cases',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: 'Black',
                    displayPrice: 39.00,
                    originalPrice: 49.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
        taxes: {
            state: 53.51,
            local: 23.98
        costs: {
            manufacturing: 275.81,
            cos: 85.37
        subtotal: 848.00,
        shippingPrice: 59.99,
        discount: 169.99,
        total: 815.49,
        coupon: 'FREE-SHIPPING',
        lastUpdateTime: 123456789


This event records a placed order.

You should track this event when the user places an order.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
order object Yes The order details.
order.orderId string Yes The ID that uniquely identifies the order on your store.
order.currency string Yes Between 1 and 10 characters long The currency in which the monetary values are expressed in the order. We recommend using the 3-letter currency codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard. For currencies having no official recognition in ISO 4217, consider using ISO-like codes adopted locally or commercially, such as XBT for BitCoin. number Yes Non-negative The total revenue or grand total associated with the transaction. It includes shipping, tax, and any other adjustment.
order.items array Yes The list of items.
order.items[*].product object Yes The product details.
order.items[*].product.productId string Yes Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID that uniquely identifies the product on your store.
order.items[*] string Yes Between 1 and 200 characters long The name of the product.
order.items[*].product.displayPrice number Yes Non-negative The price of the product displayed in the store.
order.items[*].index number Yes Non-negative The index, starting from zero, representing the order in which the item was added to the shopping cart.
order.items[*].quantity number Yes Positive The number of units of the item ordered.
order.items[*].total number Yes Non-negative The total for the item. It includes discounts and any other adjustment.
order.items[*].product.sku string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The code that uniquely identifies the product variant on your store.
order.items[*].product.category string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The category of the product.
order.items[*].product.brand string No Between 1 and 100 characters long The brand associated with the product.
order.items[*].product.variant string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The variant of the product, such as size, color and style.
order.items[*].product.originalPrice number No Non-negative The original price of the product.
order.items[*].product.url string No Well-formed URL The URL of the product page.
order.items[*].product.imageUrl string No Well-formed URL The URL of the main product image.
order.items[*].discount number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the item.
order.items[*].coupon number No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the item.
order.subtotal number No Non-negative The total of all items and quantities in the order including applied item promotions. Applied order discounts, estimated shipping, and applied shipping discounts should be excluded from the subtotal amount.
order.shippingPrice number No Non-negative The total shipping price for the items in the order, including any handling charges.
order.taxes object No Non-empty string keys and values The taxes associated with the transaction.
order.costs object No Non-empty string keys and values The costs associated with the transaction, such as manufacturing costs, shipping expenses not borne by the customer, or any other costs. number No Non-negative The amount of the discount applied to the order. string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The coupon applied to the order.
order.paymentMethod string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The payment method used in the payment.
order.installments number No Non-negative The number of installments of the transaction.
order.status string No Either placed, paid or completed The current status of the order.


  • The sku and productId do not have to be different. Usually, the productId is the internal identifier, like 12345, and the SKU is a public-facing identifier like SM-124-GREEN.
  • The displayPrice is the price the user pays, while the originalPrice is usually the regular retail price.
  • The paymentMethod property accepts arbitrary values, such as credit-card, credit-balance, visa, paypal or bitcoin.

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('orderPlaced', {
    order: {
        orderId: '123',
        currency: 'USD',
        total: 776.49,
        items: [
                index: 0,
                total: 699.00,
                quantity: 1,
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    displayPrice: 699.00
Complete Example
croct.track('orderPlaced', {
    order: {
        orderId: '123',
        currency: 'USD',
        items: [
                index: 0,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 699.00,
                discount: 100.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '12345',
                    sku: 'a9b2745f-9d0b-4bfe-8ebd-7376dd932169',
                    name: 'Smartphone 9',
                    category: 'Smartphone',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: '64GB Green',
                    displayPrice: 699.00,
                    originalPrice: 799.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
                index: 1,
                quantity: 1,
                total: 39.00,
                discount: 10.00,
                coupon: 'PROMO',
                product: {
                    productId: '98765',
                    sku: 'CS-987-BLACK',
                    name: 'Silicone Case',
                    category: 'Cases',
                    brand: 'Acme',
                    variant: 'Black',
                    displayPrice: 39.00,
                    originalPrice: 49.00,
                    url: '',
                    imageUrl: ''
        taxes: {
            state: 53.51,
            local: 23.98
        costs: {
            manufacturing: 275.81,
            cos: 85.37
        subtotal: 848.00,
        shippingPrice: 59.99,
        discount: 169.99,
        total: 815.49,
        coupon: 'FREE-SHIPPING',
        paymentMethod: 'credit-card',
        installments: 1,
        status: 'paid'

Analytics Events

The analytics category has the following events:


This event records a completed activity, called a conversion.

You should track this event when a user completes a desired goal, such as filling out a form or downloading a resource.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
goalId string Yes Between 3 and 100 characters long, containing only letters, digits, and separators (-,_, :), starting and ending with letters or digits. The ID of the goal.
currency string No Between 1 and 10 characters long The currency in which the monetary value is expressed. We recommend using the 3-letter currency codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard. For currencies having no official recognition in ISO 4217, consider using ISO-like codes adopted locally or commercially, such as XBT for BitCoin.
value number No Non-negative The monetary value associated with the completion of the goal. This can represent an estimated value or a symbolic value. For example, if the sales team can close 10% of people who sign up for a newsletter, and the average transaction is $500, then a possible value for newsletter sign-ups can be $50 (i.e., 10% of $500).

Code Sample

Here are some examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('goalCompleted', {
    goalId: 'newsletter-sign-up',
Complete Example
croct.track('goalCompleted', {
    goalId: 'newsletter-sign-up',
    currency: 'USD',
    value: 9.99

Miscellaneous Events

The miscellaneous category has the following events:


This event records that a user has shown interest in something.

You should track this event when a user sees some content or perform some action that represents interest.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
interests array Yes Up to 10 strings between 1 and 50 characters long The list of demonstrated interests.

Code Sample

Here is an example of how to track this event:

croct.track('interestShown', {
    interests: ['music', 'movies'],


This event records that a user has viewed a post.

You should track this event when a user sees some post.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
post object Yes The post details.
post.postId string Yes Between 1 and 100 characters long The ID that uniquely identifies the post across the website.
post.title string Yes Between 1 and 100 characters long The title of the post.
post.publishTime number Yes Non-negative The timestamp of the post publication, in milliseconds since epoch.
post.url string No Well-formed URL The URL of the post page.
post.tags array No Up to 10 strings between 1 and 50 characters long The set of post tags.
post.categories array No Up to 10 strings between 1 and 50 characters long The categories the post belongs to.
post.authors array No Up to 10 strings between 1 and 50 characters long The authors of the post.
post.updateTime number No Non-negative The timestamp of the post's last update, in milliseconds since epoch.

Code Sample

Here are a few examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('postViewed', {
    post: {
        postId: 'announcing-our-seed-round',
        title: 'Announcing our $1.3M seed round',
        publishTime: 123456789,
Complete Example
croct.track('postViewed', {
    post: {
        postId: 'announcing-our-seed-round',
        url: '',
        title: 'Announcing our $1.3M seed round',
        tags: ['seed-round'],
        categories: ['croct-news'],
        authors: ['John Doe'],
        publishTime: 123456789,
        updateTime: 123456790,


This event records that session attributes have changed.

The SDK automatically tracks this event when you call save on the patch returned by the session.edit() method.


This event records that the user has been inactive for a while.

The SDK automatically tracks this event after a period of inactivity. The event's frequency decreases as the idle period increases until reaching a maximum of four events per hour.


This event records the occurrence of a domain-specific event.

You must track this event whenever you want to record that something happened for later analysis.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
name string Yes Between 1 and 50 characters long The name of the event.
personalizationId string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The name of the audience associated with the event.
audience string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The audience associated with the event. For example, "loyal-shoppers" or "mothers".
testId string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID of the test associated with the event.
groupId string No Between 1 and 50 characters long The ID of the test group associated with the event.
details object No Map of primitives The details about the event.

The following additional restrictions apply to the details property:

  • It allows up to 10 attributes
  • Attribute names should be strings up to 300 characters long, starting with a letter or underscore and optionally followed by more letters, digits or underscores
  • Attribute values can be strings up to 300 characters long, numbers, booleans, and null.

Code Sample

Here are a few examples of how to track this event:

Minimal Example
croct.track('eventOccurred', {
    name: 'userLiked',
Complete Example
croct.track('eventOccurred', {
    "name": "personalizationApplied",
    "personalizationId": "banner-home",
    "audience": "loyal-users",
    "testId": "test-banner-home",
    "groupId": "A",


This event records that the user opened a link.

You should track this event when a user opens in a link.


This event supports the following properties:

Property Type Required Constraints Description
link string Yes A valid URI The link that the user opened

Code Sample

Here is an example of how to track this event:

croct.track('linkOpened', {
    link: '',