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Releases: cssnano/cssnano


01 Jun 10:05
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v4.0.0-rc.0 Pre-release

Since version 4 has been in-development for some time, we thought it would be
best to release an alpha version so that we could catch any issues before
the actual release.

Breaking changes

  • cssnano & its plugins have been upgraded to PostCSS 6.x. Please ensure that
    for optimal results that you use cssnano with a PostCSS 6 compatible runner
    & that any other plugins are also using PostCSS 6.

  • cssnano is now essentially a preset loader and does not contain any built-in
    transforms (instead, it delegates to cssnano-preset-default by default).
    Due to the new architecture, it's not possible to exclude asynchronous
    transforms and run it synchronously, unlike in 3.x. Any transforms that
    were "core" modules have now been extracted out into separate packages.

  • Because of the new preset system, cssnano will not accept any transformation
    options; these must be set in the preset. The option names remain mostly the
    same, except some cases where "core" modules have been extracted out:

    • core is now normalizeWhitespace.
    • reduceBackgroundRepeat is now normalizeRepeatStyle.
    • reduceDisplayValues is now normalizeDisplayValues.
    • reducePositions is now normalizePositions.
    • reduceTimingFunctions is now normalizeTimingFunctions.
    • styleCache is now rawCache.

    When excluding transforms, we now have an exclude option (in 3.x this was
    named disable). Similarly, the safe option was removed; the defaults
    are now much less aggressive.

  • By default, the following transforms are no longer applied to any input CSS.
    You may see an increased output file size as a result:

    • autoprefixer
    • postcss-discard-unused
    • postcss-merge-idents
    • postcss-reduce-idents
    • postcss-zindex

    Note that you can load cssnano-preset-advanced instead which does contain
    these transforms.

  • We no longer detect previous plugins to silently exclude our own, and now
    consider this to be an anti-pattern. So postcss-filter-plugins was removed.

  • We also changed some options to make the default transforms safer:

    • postcss-minify-font-values: removeAfterKeyword set to false from true.
    • postcss-normalize-url: stripWWW set to false from true.
  • cssnano now does not accept the sourcemap shortcut option; please refer
    to the PostCSS documentation on sourcemaps. The quickstart.js file included
    with this module will give you a good starting point.

  • cssnano.process is no longer a custom method; we use the built-in process
    method exposed on each PostCSS plugin. The new signature is
    cssnano.process(css, postcssOpts, cssnanoOpts), in 3.x it was
    cssnano.process(css, cssnanoOpts).

  • We dropped support for Node 0.12, now requiring at least Node 4.

  • Finally, cssnano is now developed as a monorepo, due to the fact that some
    transforms have a lot of grey area/overlap. Due to this, some modules have
    been refactored to delegate responsibility to others, such that duplication
    of functionality is minimized. For instance, postcss-colormin will no
    longer compress whitespace or compress numbers, as those are handled by
    postcss-normalize-whitespace & postcss-convert-values respectively.

Other changes

  • Due to the PostCSS 6 upgrade, we have been able to reduce usage of custom
    methods, such as node clone behaviour. In cases where some utility
    has been used by several plugins it is now a separate package, reducing
    cssnano's footprint.
  • cssnano now makes much better use of Browserslist. postcss-colormin &
    postcss-reduce-initial were enhanced with different behaviour depending
    on which browsers are passed. And now, the footprint for the caniuse-db
    dependency is much smaller thanks to caniuse-lite - 7 times smaller as
    of this writing. This makes cssnano much faster to download from npm!


03 Jan 22:26
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  • cssnano will no longer console.warn any messages when using deprecated
    options; these are now sent to PostCSS. You will be able to see them if you
    use a PostCSS runner with built-in messages support, or alternately by
    loading postcss-reporter or postcss-browser-reporter in your plugins list.
  • Prepares support for grid identifier reduction by adding it to the list
    of optimisations turned off when is set to true.
  • Adds support for normalizing unicode-range descriptors. Values will
    be converted when the code matches 0 & f in the same place on both sides
    of the range. So, u+2000-2fff can be converted to u+2???, but
    u+2100-2fff will be left as it is.


12 Dec 17:25
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  • Resolves an integration issue with v3.9.0, where undefined values
    would attempt to be parsed.


12 Dec 13:50
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  • Adds a new option to normalize wrapping quotes for strings & joining
    multiple-line strings into a single line. This optimisation can potentially
    reduce the final gzipped size of your CSS file.


09 Dec 12:48
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  • Resolves an issue where display: list-item inline flow would be normalized
    to inline list-item rather than inline-list-item (thanks to @mattbasta).


25 Nov 21:45
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23 Oct 13:49
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  • Adds support for normalizing multiple values for the display property. For
    example block flow can be simplified to block.


09 Oct 22:01
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  • Further improves CSS mixin handling; semicolons will no longer be stripped
    from rules as well as declarations.


02 Oct 14:16
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  • Resolves an issue where the semicolon was being incorrectly stripped
    from CSS mixins.


18 Sep 12:24
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  • Resolves an issue where the safe flag was not being persisted across
    multiple files (thanks to @techmatt101).