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583 lines (490 loc) · 19.1 KB

File metadata and controls

583 lines (490 loc) · 19.1 KB



update dateCreation and dateUpdate when inserting.

var clock;
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
return new Thingy({
  creator: objectCreatorUserId,
  owner: objectCreatorUserId
}).save(function(err, thingySaved) {
  assert.deepEqual(new Date(), thingySaved.dateCreation);
  assert.deepEqual(new Date(), thingySaved.dateUpdate);
  return done();

only update dateUpdate when updating.

var clock;
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2011, 0, 1, 1, 1, 36).getTime());
return new Thingy({
  creator: objectCreatorUserId,
  owner: objectCreatorUserId
}).save(function(err, thingySaved) {
  clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2012, 0, 1, 1, 1, 36).getTime());
  return, thingySaved) {
    assert.notDeepEqual(new Date(), thingySaved.dateCreation);
    assert.deepEqual(new Date(), thingySaved.dateUpdate);
    return done();

Plugin methods


retrieve null if comment doesn't exist.

return assert.equal(null, thingy.getComment('n0t3x1t1n9'));

retrieve comment.

assert.equal(level1UserOneMsg, thingy.getComment(commentIds['level 1 ' + userOneId]).message);
return assert.equal(level1UserTwoMsg, thingy.getComment(commentIds['level 1 ' + userTwoId]).message);

retrieve a comment when commentId is a string and not an ObjectId.

return assert.equal(level1UserOneMsg, thingy.getComment(String(commentIds['level 1 ' + userOneId])).message);

document.addComment(userId, message, callback)

append a new comment and return comment id.

var commentId;
return commentId = thingy.addComment(commentorUserId, 'dummy message', function(err) {
  return Thingy.findById(thingy._id, function(err, updatedThingy) {
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.comments.length);
    return done();

update dateCreation and dateUpdated.

var clock, commentId;
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
return commentId = thingy.addComment(commentorUserId, 'dummy message', function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.deepEqual(new Date(), updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).dateCreation);
  assert.deepEqual(new Date(), updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).dateUpdate);
  return done();

fails if message length is out of min and max.

return thingy.addComment(commentorUserId, '', function(err) {
  return done();

document.editComment(userId, commentId, message, callback)

fails if message length is out of min and max.

return thingy.editComment(commentorUserId, commentId, '', function(err) {
  return done();

when user is not the creator

always fails.

return thingy.editComment('n0t3x1t1n9', commentId, updatedMessage, function(err) {
  return done();

when user is the creator

edit comment and return comment id if user is the owner.

return checkEditCommentWhenOwner(commentorUserId, commentId, updatedMessage, done);

edit comment and return comment id if user is the owner when userId is a string.

return checkEditCommentWhenOwner(String(commentorUserId), commentId, updatedMessage, done);

update dateCreation and dateUpdated.

var clock;
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2012, 0, 1, 1, 1, 36).getTime());
return thingy.editComment(commentorUserId, commentId, updatedMessage, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.notDeepEqual(new Date(), updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).dateCreation);
  assert.deepEqual(new Date(), updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).dateUpdate);
  return done();

document.removeComment(userId, commentId, callback)

fails if comment doesn't exist.

return thingy.removeComment(commentorUserId, 'n0t3x1t1n9', function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return done();

when user is not the creator

it's not removing the comment.

return thingy.removeComment('n0t3x1t1n9', commentIds['level 1'], function(err, updatedThingy) {
  should.exists(updatedThingy.getComment(commentIds['level 1']));
  return done();

when user is the creator

can remove comment.

return thingy.removeComment(commentorUserId, commentIds['level 1'], function(err, updatedThingy) {
  should.not.exists(updatedThingy.getComment(commentIds['level 1']));
  return done();

remove comment when userId param is a string.

return thingy.removeComment(String(commentorUserId), commentIds['level 1'], function(err, updatedThingy) {
  should.not.exists(updatedThingy.getComment(commentIds['level 1']));
  return done();

remove comment when commentId is a string.

return thingy.removeComment(commentorUserId, String(commentIds['level 1']), function(err, updatedThingy) {
  should.not.exists(updatedThingy.getComment(commentIds['level 1']));
  return done();

document.addLike(userId, callback)

add one user like if user doesn't already liked.

return thingy.addLike(commentorUserId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likes.length);
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likesCount);
  return done();

not add an other user like if user already liked.

return thingy.addLike(commentorUserId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likes.length);
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likesCount);
  return updatedThingy.addLike(commentorUserId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likes.length);
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likesCount);
    return done();

not add an other user like if user already liked and userId param is a string.

return thingy.addLike(commentorUserId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return thingy.addLike(String(commentorUserId), function(err, updatedThingy) {
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likes.length);
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likesCount);
    return done();

document.removeLike(userId, callback)

not affect current likes list if user didn'nt already liked.

return thingy.removeLike(userTwoId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(2, updatedThingy.likes.length);
  assert.equal(2, updatedThingy.likesCount);
  return done();

remove user like from likes list if user already liked.

return thingy.removeLike(commentorUserId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likes.length);
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likesCount);
  return done();

remove user like from likes list if user already liked when userId param is a string.

return thingy.removeLike(String(commentorUserId), function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likes.length);
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.likesCount);
  return done();

remove likesCount keep 0 when no there is no more likes.

return thingy.removeLike(String(commentorUserId), function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return thingy.removeLike(String(userOneId), function(err, updatedThingy) {
    return thingy.removeLike(String(userOneId), function(err, updatedThingy) {
      assert.equal(0, updatedThingy.likes.length);
      assert.equal(0, updatedThingy.likesCount);
      return done();

document.addLikeToComment(userId, commentId, callback)

fails if comment doesn't exist.

return thingy.addLikeToComment(commentorUserId, 'n0t3x1t1n9', function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return done();

add one user like if user doesn't already liked and comment exists.

return thingy.addLikeToComment(commentorUserId, commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).likes.length);
  return done();

not add an other user like if user already liked and comment exists.

return thingy.addLikeToComment(commentorUserId, commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return thingy.addLikeToComment(commentorUserId, commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).likes.length);
    return done();

not add an other user like if user already liked and comment exists when userId param is a string.

return thingy.addLikeToComment(String(commentorUserId), commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return thingy.addLikeToComment(commentorUserId, commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
    assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).likes.length);
    return done();

document.removeLikeFromComment(userId, commentId, callback)

fails if comment doesn't exist.

return thingy.removeLikeFromComment(commentorUserId, 'n0t3x1t1n9', function(err, updatedThingy) {
  return done();

not affect current likes list if user didn'nt already liked.

return thingy.removeLikeFromComment(new ObjectId(), commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(2, updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).likes.length);
  return done();

remove user like from likes list if user already liked.

return thingy.removeLikeFromComment(commentorUserId, commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).likes.length);
  return done();

remove user like from likes list if user already liked when userId param is a string.

return thingy.removeLikeFromComment(String(commentorUserId), commentId, function(err, updatedThingy) {
  assert.equal(1, updatedThingy.getComment(commentId).likes.length);
  return done();

Plugin statics


(num, maxNumLastPostComments, callback)

get list of the number of 'num' last rattles and return likesCount instead of likes array.

return Thingy.find({}, function(err, rattles) {
  return Thingy.getList(1, 0, function(err, rattles) {
    assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
    assert.deepEqual(rattles[0].creator, creator2Id);
    assert.equal(rattles[0].likesCount, 2);
    return done();

get all rattles if 'num' is greater than the number of rattles.

return Thingy.getList(3, 0, function(err, rattles) {
  assert.equal(rattles.length, 2);
  return done();

each rattle get the maximum of 'maxLastComments' last comments.

return Thingy.getList(1, 1, function(err, rattles) {
  assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
  assert.deepEqual(rattles[0].creator, creator2Id);
  assert.equal(rattles[0].comments.length, 1);
  assert.equal(rattles[0].comments[0].message, '22');
  return done();

each all comments when 'maxLastComments' is greater than number of comments.

return Thingy.getList(1, 3, function(err, rattles) {
  assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
  assert.equal(rattles[0].comments.length, 2);
  return done();

(num, maxNumLastPostComments, options, callback)

from a creation date

get list of last rattles created from the 'fromDate'.

return Thingy.getList(1, 0, function(err, rattles) {
  return Thingy.getList(1, 0, {
    fromCreationDate: rattles[0].dateCreation
  }, function(err, rattles) {
    assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
    assert.deepEqual(rattles[0].creator, creator1Id);
    return done();

get all last rattles if 'num' is greater than the number of last rattles.

return Thingy.getList(1, 0, function(err, rattles) {
  return Thingy.getList(2, 0, {
    fromCreationDate: rattles[0].dateCreation
  }, function(err, rattles) {
    assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
    return done();

each rattle get the maximum of 'maxLastComments' last comments.

return Thingy.getList(1, 0, function(err, rattles) {
  return Thingy.getList(1, 1, {
    fromCreationDate: rattles[0].dateCreation
  }, function(err, rattles) {
    assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
    assert.deepEqual(rattles[0].creator, creator1Id);
    assert.equal(rattles[0].comments.length, 1);
    assert.equal(rattles[0].comments[0].message, '12');
    return done();



return new User({
  _id: creator2Id,
  name: 'Dummy Name'
}).save(function(err) {
  return Thingy.getList(1, 0, {
    populate: 'creator'
  }, function(err, rattles) {
    assert.equal(rattles.length, 1);
    assert.equal(rattles[0], 'Dummy Name');
    return done();

document.getListOfCommentsById(rattleId, num, offsetFromEnd, callback)

get last 'num' of comments for 'rattleId' when offsetFromEnd is 0.

return Thingy.getListOfCommentsById(rattleId, 1, 0, function(err, comments) {
  assert.equal(comments.length, 1);
  assert.equal(comments[0].message, '13');
  return done();

get last num of comments from the offsetFromEnd.

return Thingy.getListOfCommentsById(rattleId, 1, 1, function(err, comments) {
  assert.equal(comments.length, 1);
  assert.equal(comments[0].message, '12');
  return done();

get no comments when offsetFromEnd is equal to the number of comments.

return Thingy.getListOfCommentsById(rattleId, 1, 3, function(err, comments) {
  assert.equal(comments.length, 0);
  return done();

limit comments when offsetFromEnd + num is greater that the number of comments.

return Thingy.getListOfCommentsById(rattleId, 3, 1, function(err, comments) {
  assert.equal(comments[0].message, '11');
  assert.equal(comments[1].message, '12');
  assert.equal(comments.length, 2);
  return done();

keep comments order.

return Thingy.getListOfCommentsById(rattleId, 3, 0, function(err, comments) {
  assert.equal(comments[0].message, '11');
  assert.equal(comments[1].message, '12');
  assert.equal(comments[2].message, '13');
  assert.equal(comments.length, 3);
  return done();