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Releases: davidjerleke/embla-carousel

v3.0.23 - Bugfixes

02 Aug 07:54
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🛠️ Bugfixes

  • When an empty carousel with no slides was initialized, canScrollNext() and canScrollPrev() returned true when loop: true. This has been resolved.
  • Comes with a fix for issue #81. Special thanks to @misshu1 for reporting this.

v3.0.20 - Add Type suffix to exported types

21 Jul 18:33
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🌟 Improvements

This release resolves issue #78. Special thanks to @korsvanloon for opening this issue.

v3.0.19 - React dependency issue fix

19 Jul 19:27
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🛠️ Bugfixes

This release resolves issue #77. Special thanks to @jamesdbruner for noticing this.

v3.0.17 - Add missing types for vanilla-js package

10 Jul 07:44
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🛠️ Bugfixes

This release resolves issue #75. Special thanks to @korsvanloon for opening this issue.

v.3.0.15 - The React package moves in

29 Jun 07:37
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🌟 New Features

The embla-carousel-react has now moved into the core package which will improve the maintainability of this project. For example, as soon as a new version is released, React users won't have to wait for the React package to be published separately.

How to migrate from the React package

Please migrate as soon as possible. Start by uninstalling the react package and installing the core package like so:


npm uninstall embla-carousel-react --save

npm install embla-carousel --save


yarn remove embla-carousel-react --save

yarn add embla-carousel --save

Change your import

// from this...
import { useEmblaCarousel } from 'embla-carousel-react';

// this
import { useEmblaCarousel } from 'embla-carousel/react';


  • To anyone NOT using the useEmblaCarousel() hook. The class setup is no longer supported. Please migrate to the hook setup as soon as possible.
  • David here from the future! Some things have changed with the React implementation since this release. Make sure to read the release notes for version 4.0.0 on how to use Embla Carousel with React, if you're using version 4.0.0 and up.

I would very much appreciate

If you've starred the Embla Carousel React package, please take a moment to migrate your star ⭐ to the core package as well. I would appreciate that a lot.

Thank you!


29 Jun 07:08
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28 Jun 09:19
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28 Jun 08:45
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27 Jun 13:11
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v3.0.0 - Embla - More powerful than ever!

12 Jun 13:45
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Embla Carousel - The next major version is here 🎉 .

Embla Carousel v.3 is here, and here's all you need to know before upgrading.

🌟 New Features

New and changed options:

  • #50 - Y-axis support has been implemented { axis: 'x' | 'y' }.
  • #61 - Automatically falls back to loop: false when content isn't enough for the loop effect to work.
  • #19 - ContainScroll additions has been implemented as described here { containScroll: '' | 'trimSnaps' | 'keepSnaps' }.
  • Opt-out from selectedClass toggling by passing an empty string { selectedClass: '' }.
  • Opt-out from draggableClass by passing an empty string { draggableClass: '' }.
  • Opt-out from draggingClass toggling by passing an empty string { draggingClass: '' }.
  • Choose in view threshold for slides in view { inViewThreshold: 0.5 }. Pass a number between 0 and 1 representing percentage of each slide size that needs to be visible in the carousel viewport in order to be considered in view. Ex: 0.5 = 50% of a slide needs to be in view.

New API methods:

  • slidesInView() - Get a list of slide indexes within the carousel viewport.
  • slidesNotInView() - Get a list of slide indexes not within the carousel viewport.

💔 Breaking Changes

Renamed events:

  • dragStart has been renamed to pointerDown.
  • dragEnd has been renamed to pointerUp.

Deprecated API methods:

  • scrollBy() has been removed.
  • scrollToProgress() has been removed.

Deprecated API method parameters:

  • target : boolean for the API method scrollProgress() has been removed.

Changed options:

  • containScroll is now a string. An empty string equals the previous behavior when it was false. The previous true value is now named 'trimSnaps'.

Changed API methods:

  • changeOptions() has been renamed to reInit().
  • scrollSnapList() now returns an array of numbers representing the scroll progress for each snap point. Indexes and slide nodes per snap point has been removed.

🛠️ Bugfixes