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Laravel: Horizon

This is an step-by-step guide to install Laravel Horizon into your project. This expects the project to already have an working laravel project.


  1. Install redis using the service example

  2. Configure the redis configuration in .env

  3. Run ddev composer require laravel/horizon

  4. Run ddev artisan horizon:install

  5. Run horizon process in DDEV Installation

    • Option A: Run using nohup

      Copy the dot.ddev/config.laravel-horizon.yaml into your project's .ddev directory, or incorporate it into your .ddev/config.yaml. This snipped uses a post-start hook to use artisan to start the horizon process.

    • Option B: Run using supervisor

      Use both dot.ddev/web-build/Dockerfile and dot.ddev/web-build/horizon.conf

  6. Run ddev restart

  7. Configure your horizon configuration to your liking; see horizon documentation for reference

You are set! As configured in the supervisor or nohup command the logs are written in /storage/logs/horizon.log.

Inspired by laravel-queue-worker by @karlshea

Contributed by @bmoex