From bdd24a77c381b276dd7bbec02baea093075c8dd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Philip Harrison Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 14:32:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Bump npm from 7.10.0 to 7.19.1 * [`013f0262d`]( [#3469]( fix(exitHandler): write code to logfile ([@wraithgar]( * [`0dd0341ac`]( [#3474]( fix(ping): make "npm ping" echo a right time ([@aluneed]( * [`d2e298f3c`]( [#3484]( fix(deprecate): add undeprecate support ([@wraithgar]( ### DOCUMENTATION * [`9dd32d08e`]( [#3485]( fix(docs): remove npm package config override ([@wraithgar]( * [`a4e095618`]( [#3486]( fix(docs): remove .hooks scripts ([@wraithgar]( * [`5f8ccccef`]( [#3483]( chore(tests): clean snapshot for lib/view.js tests ([@wraithgar]( * [`23ce3af19`]( [#3460]( feat(ls): report *why* something is invalid ([@isaacs]( * [`53f81af31`]( [#3450]( fix(docs): Improve phrasing of workspace example ([@lumaxis]( * [`78da60ffe`]( [#3454]( chore(linting): add bin and clean up lib/ls.js * [`54eae3063`]( [#3416]( chore(errorHandler): rename to exit handler ([@wraithgar]( * [`d0f50b156`]( [#3451]( chore(refactor): async npm.load ([@wraithgar]( * [`87f67d9ef`]( [#3458]( chore(tests): expose real mock npm object ([@wraithgar]( * [`f3dce0917`]( [#3459]( chore(config): snapshot config descriptions ([@wraithgar]( * [`6254b6f72`]( [#3234]( [#3455]( @npmcli/package-json refactor ([@ruyadorno]( * [`fe4138381`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.6.4`: * bin: allow turning off timer display with --timers=false * fix: do not try to inflate a fresh lockfile * fix(diff): walk target children if root is a link * chore: @npmcli/package-json refactor * [`fce30e423`]( [#3435]( fix(docs): rebuild config docs ([@wraithgar]( * [`ae285b391`]( [#3408]( feat(ls): support `--package-lock-only` flag ([@G-Rath]( * [`c984fb59c`]( [#3420]( feat(pack): add pack-destination config ([@wraithgar]( * [`40829ec40`]( [#2554]( [#3399]( fix(link): do not prune packages ([@ruyadorno]( * [`102d4e6fb`]( [#3417]( fix(workspaces): explicitly error in global mode ([@wraithgar]( * [`993df3041`]( [#3423]( fix(docs): ls command usage instructions ([@gurdiga]( * [`dcc13662c`]( [#3418]( fix(config): update link definition ([@wraithgar]( * [`b19e56c2e`]( [#3382]( [#3429]( fix(ls): respect prod config for workspaces ([@ruyadorno]( * [`c99b8b53c`]( [#3430]( fix(config): add flatOptions.npxCache ([@wraithgar]( * [`e5abf2a21`]( [#3386]( chore(libnpmdiff): added as workspace ([@ruyadorno]( * [`c6a8734d7`]( [#3388]( chore(refactor): finish passing npm context ([@wraithgar]( * [`d16ee452a`]( [#3426]( chore(tests): use path.resolve ([@wraithgar]( * [`6b951c042`]( `libnpmversion@1.2.1`: * fix(retrieve-tag): pass match in a way git accepts * [`de820a021`]( `npm-package-arg@8.1.5`: * fix: Make file: URLs (mostly) RFC 8909 compliant * [`16a95c647`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.6.3`: * fix(inventory) handle old and british forms of 'license' * fix: removes [_complete] check to apply correct metadata * ensure node.fsParent is not set to node itself * fix extraneous deps on load-actual * [`d341bd86c`]( `make-fetch-happen@9.0.3`: * fix: implement cache modes correctly * [`c90612cf5`]( `libnpmexec@2.0.0`: * use new npxCache option * [`ef668ab57`]( [#3368]( feat(diff): add workspace support ([@wraithgar]( * [`26d00c477`]( [#3364]( fix(tests): mock writeFile in pack tests so we dont create 0 byte files in the repo ([@nlf]( * [`f130a81d6`]( [#3367]( fix(linting): add scripts, docs, smoke-tests ([@wraithgar]( * [`992799cd8`]( [#3383]( fix(login): properly save scope if defined ([@wraithgar]( * [`844229519`]( [#3392]( docs(workspaces): update using npm section Added examples of using `npm init` to bootstrap a new workspace and a section on how to add/manage dependencies to workspaces. ([@ruyadorno]( * [`3654890fb`]( remove ignored dep ([@nlf]( * [`a4a0e68a9`]( [#3362]( check less stuff into node_modules ([@isaacs]( * [`7d5b049b6`]( [#3365]( chore(package) Use a "files" list ([@isaacs]( * [`e92b5f2ba`]( `npm-registry-fetch@11.0.0` * feat: improved logging of cache status * [`e864bd3ce`]( [#3345]( fix(update-notifier): do not update notify when installing npm@spec ([@isaacs]( * [`aafe23572`]( [#3348]( fix(update-notifier): parallelize check for updates ([@isaacs]( * [`bc9c57dda`]( [#3353]( fix(docs): remove documentation for '--scripts-prepend-node-path' as it was removed in npm@7 ([@gimli01]( * [`ca2822110`]( [#3360]( fix(docs): link foreground-scripts w/ loglevel ([@wraithgar]( * [`fb630b5a9`]( [#3342]( chore(docs): manage docs as a workspace ([@ruyadorno]( * [`54de5c6a4`]( `npm-package-arg@8.1.4`: * fix: trim whitespace from fetchSpec * fix: handle file: when root directory begins with a special character * [`e92b5f2ba`]( `make-fetch-happen@9.0.1` * breaking: complete refactor of caching. drops warning headers, prevents cache indexes from growing for every request, correctly handles varied requests to the same url, and now caches redirects. * fix: support url-encoded proxy authorization * fix: do not lazy-load proxy agents or agentkeepalive. fixes the intermittent failures to update npm on slower connections. `npm-registry-fetch@11.0.0` * breaking: drop handling of deprecated warning headers * docs: fix header type for npm-command * docs: update registry param * feat: improved logging of cache status * [`23c50a45f`]( `make-fetch-happen@9.0.2`: * fix: work around negotiator's lazy loading * [`c4ef78b08`]( [#3344]( fix(automation): update incorrect variable name in create-cli-deps-pr workflow ([@gimli01]( * [`598a17a26`]( [#3329]( fix(libnpmexec): don't detach output from npm ([@wraithgar]( * [`c4fc03e9e`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.6.1` * fixes reifying deps with mismatching version ranges between actual and virtual trees * [`9159fa62a`]( `libnpmexec@1.2.0` * [`399ff8cbc`]( [#3312]( feat(link): add workspace support ([@isaacs]( * [`46a9bcbcb`]( [#3282]( fix(docs): proper postinstall script file name ([@KevinFCormier]( * [`83590d40f`]( [#3272]( fix(ls): show relative paths from root ([@isaacs]( * [`a574b518a`]( [#3304]( fix(completion): restore IFS even if `npm completion` returns error ([@NariyasuHeseri]( * [`554e8a5cd`]( [#3311]( set audit exit code properly ([@isaacs]( * [`4a4fbe33c`]( [#3268]( [#3285]( fix(publish): skip private workspaces ([@ruyadorno]( * [`3c53d631f`]( [#3307]( fix(docs): typo in package-lock.json docs ([@rethab]( * [`96367f93f`]( rebuild npm-pack doc ([@isaacs]( * [`64b13dd10`]( [#3313]( Drop stale Python 3<->node-gyp remark ([@spencerwilson]( * [`7b56bfdf3`]( `cacache@15.2.0`: * feat: allow fully deleting indices * feat: add a validateEntry option to compact * chore: lint * chore: use standard npm style release scripts * [`dbbc151a3`]( `npm-audit-report@2.1.5`: * fix(exit-code): account for null auditLevel default (#46) * [`5b2604507`]( chore(package-lock): update devDependencies ([@Gar]( * [`3d5df0082`]( [#3294]( chore(ci): move node release PR workflow to cli repo ([@gimli01]( * [`0d1a9d787`]( [#3227]( feat(install): add workspaces support to npm install commands ([@isaacs]( * [`c18626f04`]( [#3250]( feat(ls): add workspaces support ([@ruyadorno]( * [`41099d395`]( [#3265]( feat(explain): add workspaces support ([@ruyadorno]( * [`fde354669`]( [#3251]( feat(unpublish): add workspace/dry-run support ([@wraithgar]( * [`83df3666c`]( [#3260]( feat(outdated): add workspaces support ([@ruyadorno]( * [`63a7635f7`]( [#3217]( feat(pack): add support to json config/output ([@mrmlnc]( * [`faa12ccc2`]( [#3253]( fix search description typos ([@juanpicado]( * [`2f5c28a68`]( [#3243]( fix(docs): autogenerate config docs for commands ([@isaacs]( * [`ec256a14a`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.6.0` * [`5f15aba86`]( `cacache@15.1.0` * [`b3add87e6`]( [#3262]( `npm-registry-client@10.1.2`: * fixed sso login token * [`076420c14`]( [#3231]( feat(publish): add workspace support ([@wraithgar]( * [`370b36a36`]( [#3241]( feat(fund): add workspaces support ([@ruyadorno]( * [`0c18e4f77`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.5.0` * [`b551c6811`]( `libnpmfund@1.1.0` * [`de49f58f5`]( [#3216]( fix(contributing): link to proper cli repo ([@mrmlnc]( * [`1d092144e`]( [#3203]( fix(packages): locale-agnostic string sorting ([@isaacs]( * [`0696fca13`]( [#3209]( fix(view): fix non-registry specs ([@wraithgar]( * [`71ac93597`]( [#3206]( chore(github): Convert md issue template to yaml ([@lukehefson]( * [`6fb386d3b`]( [#3201]( fix(tests): increase test fuzziness ([@wraithgar]( * [`f3a662fcd`]( [#3211]( fix(tests): use config defaults ([@wraithgar]( * [`285976fd1`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.4.4` * fix(reify): properly save spec if prerelease * [`f9f24d17c`]( `libnpmexec@1.1.1` * fix(add): Specify 'en' locale to String.localeCompare * [`cb9f17499`]( `glob@7.1.7` * force 'en' locale in string sorting * [`24b4e4a41`]( `ignore-walk@3.0.4` * Avoid locale-specific sorting issues * [`1eb7e5c7d`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.4.3` * guard against locale-specific sorting * [`a6a826067`]( `npm-packlist@2.2.2`: * fix(sort): avoid locale-dependent sorting issues * [`701627c51`]( [#3098]( feat(cache): Allow `add` to accept multiple specs ([@mjsir911]( * [`59171f030`]( [#3187]( feat(config): add workspaces boolean to user-agent ([@nlf]( * [`2c9b8713c`]( [#3182]( fix(docs): fix broken links ([@wangsai]( * [`88cbc8c44`]( [#3198]( fix(tests): reflect new libnpmexec logic * [`d01ce5e13`]( `libnpmexec@1.1.0`: * feat: add walk up dir lookup to satisfy local bins * [`81c1dfaaa`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.4.2`: * fix(add): save packages in the right place * fix(reify): do not clean up nodes with no parent * fix(audit): support alias specs & root package names * [`87c2303ea`]( `@npmcli/git@2.0.9`: * fix(clone): Do not allow git replacement objects by default * [`99ff40dff`]( `npm-packlist@2.2.0`: * feat(npmignore): Do not force include history, changelogs, notice * fix(package.json): add missing bin/index.js to files * [`c371f183e`]( [#3137]( [#3140]( fix(ls): do not warn on missing optional deps ([@isaacs]( * [`861f606c7`]( [#3156]( fix(build): make prune rule work on case-sensitive file systems ([@lpinca]( * [`fb79d89a0`]( `tap@15.0.6` * [`ce3820043`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.4.1` * fix: prevent and eliminate unnecessary duplicates * fix: support resolvable partial intersecting peerSets * [`e479f1dac`]( [#3146]( mention `directories.bin` in `bin` ([@felipecrs]( * [`7925cca24`]( `pacote@11.3.3`: * fix(registry): normalize manfest * [`b61eac693`]( [#3130]( `@npmcli/config@2.2.0` * [`c74e67fc6`]( [#3130]( `npm-registry-fetch@10.1.1` * [`efdd7dd44`]( Remove unused and incorrectly documented `--always-auth` config definition ([@isaacs]( * [`4c1f16d2c`]( [#3095]( feat(init): add workspaces support ([@ruyadorno]( * [`42ca59eee`]( [#3086]( fix(ls): do not exit with error when all problems are extraneous deps ([@nlf]( * [`2aecec591`]( [#2724]( [#3119]( fix(ls): make --long work when missing deps ([@ruyadorno]( * [`42e0587a9`]( [#3115]( fix(pack): refuse to pack invalid packument ([@wraithgar]( * [`1c4eff7b5`]( [#3126]( fix(logout): use isBasicAuth attribute ([@wraithgar]( * [`c93f1c39e`]( [#3101]( chore(docs): update view docs ([@wraithgar]( * [`c4ff4bc11`]( [npm/statusboard#313]( [#3109]( fix(usage): fix refs to ws shorthand ([@ruyadorno]( * [`83166ebcc`]( `npm-registry-fetch@10.1.0` * feat(auth): set isBasicAuth * [`e02bda6da`]( `npm-registry-fetch@10.0.0` * feat(auth) load/send based on URI, not registry * [`a0382deba`]( `@npmcli/run-script@1.8.5` * fix: windows ComSpec env variable name * [`7f82ef5a8`]( `pacote@11.3.2` * [`35e49b94f`]( `@npmcli/arborist@2.4.0` * [`95faf8ce6`]( `libnpmaccess@4.0.2` * [`17fffc0e4`]( `libnpmhook@6.0.2` * [`1b5a213aa`]( `libnpmorg@2.0.2` * [`9f83e6484`]( `libnpmpublish@4.0.1` * [`251f788c5`]( `libnpmsearch@3.1.1` * [`35873a989`]( `libnpmteam@2.0.3` * [`23e12b4d8`]( `npm-profile@5.0.3` --- Dockerfile | 9 +++------ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index f293b341ff6..b04554aef1c 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -97,14 +97,11 @@ USER root ### JAVASCRIPT -# Install Node 14.0 and npm (updated after elm) +# Install Node 14.0 and npm v7 RUN curl -sL | bash - \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends nodejs \ - && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* - -# NOTE: This was a hack to get around the fact that elm 18 failed to install with -# npm 7, we should look into installing the latest version of node + npm -RUN npm install -g npm@v7.10.0 \ + && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ + && npm install -g npm@v7.19.1 \ && rm -rf ~/.npm