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ICRC-34: Get Global Delegation

Status Badge Extension Badge Standard Issue


When a relying party wants to authenticate as a user, it uses a session key, and below icrc34_get_global_delegation method to obtain a delegation chain that allows the session key to sign for the user's global identity. The obtained delegation chain MUST be restricted by the signer to canister targets that trust the relying party following the ICRC-28 standard.

  • Due to the canister target restriction, only the canisters that the relying party owns can be called on behalf of the user.
  • A new delegation chain must be obtained for every new canister created by the relying party.
  • The identity is the same across all relying parties, the user is not anonymous between different relying parties.


Name and Scope: icrc34_get_global_delegation

Prerequisite: Active session with granted permission scope icrc34_get_global_delegation or *.

Scope (according to the ICRC-25 standard)

Scope: icrc34_get_global_delegation

Required Properties:

  • targets (text array): A list of target canister ids (textual representation) the scope is restricted to.

Example RPC Request Permission

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icrc25_request_permissions",
  "params": {
    "scopes": [
        "method": "icrc34_get_global_delegation",
        "targets": [


principal (text): Principal that the global delegation is requested for.
publicKey (blob): Public key that receives the global delegation as described in the IC interface specification, signatures section.
targets (text array): A list of target canister ids (textual representation) the scope is restricted to.
maxTimeToLive (text array): (Optional) Expiration of the delegation in nanoseconds, signer can still choose to return a delegation with a shorter expiration.

Example RPC Request

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icrc34_get_global_delegation",
  "params": {
    "principal": "gyu2j-2ni7o-o6yjt-n7lyh-x3sxq-zh7hp-sjvqe-t7oul-4eehb-2gvtt-jae",
    "publicKey": "MDwwDAYKKwYBBAGDuEMBAgMsAAoAAAAAAGAAJwEB9YN/ErQ8yN+14qewhrU0Hm2rZZ77SrydLsSMRYHoNxM=",
    "targets": [
    "maxTimeToLive": "28800000000000"


publicKey: Public key of global identity as described in the IC interface specification, signatures section.
global_delegation: An array of delegations (as defined by the IC interface specification, authentication section):

  • delegation (record): Map with fields
    • pubkey (blob): Public key as described in the IC interface specification, signatures section.
    • expiration (text): Expiration of the delegation, in nanoseconds since 1970-01-01, as a base-10 string.
    • targets (text array): A list of target canister ids (textual representation) the delegation is restricted to making canister calls to. If the list is not present, the delegation applies to all canisters (i.e. it is not restricted).
  • signature (blob): Signature on the 32-byte representation-independent hash of the map contained in the delegation field as described in IC interface specification, signatures section, using the 27 bytes \x1Aic-request-auth-delegation as the domain separator.

Example RPC Response

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "publicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEvHD28SXwRW2i6bgiqmel2fDV7/CDNyxkMwGh8BvmTVI+5DBSBMHJeyFZwbJEyj8Pc7rJv6XWOW+x4lsdEI4bdg==",
    "global_delegation": [
        "delegation": {
          "pubkey": "MDwwDAYKKwYBBAGDuEMBAgMsAAoAAAAAAGAAJwEB9YN/ErQ8yN+14qewhrU0Hm2rZZ77SrydLsSMRYHoNxM=",
          "expiration": "1702683438614940079",
          "targets": [
        "signature": "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"

Message Processing

  1. The relying party sends a icrc34_get_global_delegation request to the signer.
  2. Upon receiving the request, the signer validates whether it can process the message.
    • If the relying party has not been granted the permission to request the action, the signer sends a response with an error back to the relying party.
    • The relying party must make sure that the request complies with scope targets restriction.
  3. The signer tries to retrieve and verify the trusted origins according to the ICRC-28 specification.
    • If the trusted origins cannot be retrieved for any of the given delegations targets or the relying party origin is not within any of the trusted origin lists, the signer rejects the request and send a response with an error code back to the relying party.
  4. The signer returns a signed delegation to the relying party
    participant RP as Relying Party
    participant S as Signer
    participant C as Target Canister
    RP ->> S: Request global delegation
    alt Relying party has not been granted <br>the `icrc34_get_global_delegation` permission scope<br>or the request does not comply with scope restrictions
        S ->> RP: Error response: Permission not granted (3000)
        loop For every target canister
            S ->> C: Get trusted origins
            C ->> S: List of trusted origins
        alt Origin is trusted by all targets canisters
            S ->> RP: Signed delegation
            S ->> RP: Error response


This standard does not define additional errors. See ICRC-25 for a list of errors that can be returned by all methods.