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🚀 Serverless App Runner

Adds the ability to maintain long-running apprunner instance within your Serverless project.


If you want to have long running instance (like Cloud Run GCP) in AWS environment then you can take advantage of AWS App Runner.

App Runner is an AWS service that provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective way to deploy from source code or a container image directly to a scalable and secure web application in the AWS Cloud.

This plugin adds the ability to declare App runner instances configuration using serverless framework and deployment as Infrastructure as code.

At a high-level the plugin provides the following functionality:

  • Allows you to declare container image based App runner instances.
  • Uses the ECR image support provided within Serverless Framework to help build container image based instances.
  • Maintains an IAM role which honours all managed policies and statements that have been declared within the provider configuration.
  • Provides escape-hatches to supply custom configuration such as role ARNs/tags etc.
  • Provides you way to auto scale service instances.


Below is an example configuration which highlights all possible available options.

  # (required) similar to Lambda-containers, images defined within the provider are available to services.
        path: ./
        file: Dockerfile

  # (optional) role statements present within the provider are added to the task role.
    - Effect: Allow
      Action: 'sqs:*'
      Resource: '*'

  # (optional) managed polices present within the provider are added to the task role.
    - arn:aws:iam::123456:policy/my-managed-provider-policy

  # (optional) environment variables present within the provider are added to all tasks.
    name: value

  # (optional) tags present within the provider are added to service resources.
    name: value

    # (required) this name will be used to construct service name. Environment will be added as suffix. ex. service1-dev

      # (required) required for now because code version of appruner is not supported in plugin yet
      image: my-service

      # (optional) Environment variables that are available to your running App Runner service. An array of key-value pairs.
        - Name: stage
          Value: dev
        - Name: key
          Value: abc
      # (optional) An array of key-value pairs representing the secrets and parameters that get referenced to your service as an environment variable.
      # Read more info here [guide](
       - Name: ssm
         Value: /slsTs/stage
      # (optional) additional role statements you wish to add to the instance role, you would place statements here instead of at 
      # the provider level if you only wished them to target this service only.
       - Effect: Allow
          - 'ssm:Describe*'
          - 'ssm:Get*'
          - 'ssm:List*'
         Resource: '*'
      # (optional) The port that your application listens to in the container. 
      # Default 8080, Minimum: 0, Maximum: 51200
      port: 8080

      # (optional) command that App Runner runs to start the application in the source image.
      # If specified, this command overrides the Docker image’s default start command.
      startCommand: node index.js

      # (optional) Describes the runtime configuration of an AWS App Runner service instance (scaling unit)

        # (optional) The number of CPU units reserved for each instance of your App Runner service.
        # Default: 1 vCPU, Value: 256|512|1024|2048|4096|(0.25|0.5|1|2|4) vCPU
        cpu: 1 vCPU

        # (optional) The amount of memory, in MB or GB, reserved for each instance of your App Runner service.
        # Default: 2 GB, Value: 512|1024|2048|3072|4096|6144|8192|10240|12288|(0.5|1|2|3|4|6|8|10|12) GB
        memory: 2 GB

        # (optional) The ARN of an IAM role that provides permissions to your App Runner service.
        instanceRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::12345678901:role/my-instance-role

      # (optional) tags mentioned here will be added at service level
        name: value

      # (optional) Logical resource name within serverless file which will be prerequisuite for this service
      dependsOn: myQueuePolicy

      # (optional) Describes the settings for the health check that AWS App Runner performs to monitor the health of a service.
        # (optional) The number of consecutive checks that must succeed before App Runner decides that the service is healthy.
        # default 1, min 1,  max 20
        healthyThreshold: 1

        # (optional) The time interval, in seconds, between health checks.
        # default 1, min 1,  max 20
        interval: 5

        # (optional) The URL that health check requests are sent to.
        # default "/"
        path: "/"

        # (optional) The IP protocol that App Runner uses to perform health checks for your service.
        # If you set Protocol to 'HTTP', App Runner sends health check requests to the HTTP path specified by 'Path'.
        # default TCP, values: TCP|HTTP
        protocol: "HTTP"

        # (optional) The time, in seconds, to wait for a health check response before deciding it failed.
        # default 2, min 1,  max 20
        timeout: 2

        # (optional) The number of consecutive checks that must fail before App Runner decides that the service is unhealthy.
        # default 5, min 1,  max 20
        unhealthy: 5

        # (optional) If true, continuous integration from the source repository is enabled for the App Runner service.
        # Each repository change (including any source code commit or new image version) starts a deployment.
        # default: true, values: true|false
      autoDeploy: true

Road Map

In upcoming day we will be adding configuration for source code repository. Plus more functionalities will be added to make it more similar to cloudformation.