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1140 lines (928 loc) · 32.1 KB

Form Checkbox


For cross browser consistency, BFormCheckboxGroup and BFormCheckbox use Bootstrap's custom checkbox input to replace the browser default checkbox input. It is built on top of semantic and accessible markup, so it is a solid replacement for the default checkbox input.

Example 1: Single checkbox

I accept the terms and use
State: {{ status }}
      I accept the terms and use

      State: <strong>{{ status }}</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'
const status = ref(false)

Example 2: Multiple choice checkboxes

Orange Apple Pineapple Grape
Selected: {{ selected }}

<template #html>

    <b-form-group label="Using options array:" v-slot="{ariaDescribedby}">

    <b-form-group label="Using sub-components:" v-slot="{ariaDescribedby}">
        <b-form-checkbox value="orange">Orange</b-form-checkbox>
        <b-form-checkbox value="apple">Apple</b-form-checkbox>
        <b-form-checkbox value="pineapple">Pineapple</b-form-checkbox>
        <b-form-checkbox value="grape">Grape</b-form-checkbox>

      Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
const selected = ref([])

const options = [
  {text: 'Orange', value: 'orange'},
  {text: 'Apple', value: 'apple'},
  {text: 'Pineapple', value: 'pineapple'},
  {text: 'Grape', value: 'grape'},

Checkbox group options array

options can be an array of strings or objects. Available fields:

  • value The selected value which will be set on v-model
  • disabled Disables item for selection
  • text Display text, or html Display basic inline html

value can be a string, number, or simple object. Avoid using complex types in values.

If both html and text are provided, html will take precedence. Only basic/native HTML is supported in the html field (components will not work). Note that not all browsers will render inline html (i.e. <i>, <strong>, etc.) inside <option> elements of a <select>.

const options = ['A', 'B', 'C', {text: 'D', value: {d: 1}, disabled: true}, 'E', 'F']

If an array entry is a string, it will be used for both the generated value and text fields.

You can mix using strings and objects in the array.

Internally, BootstrapVueNext will convert the above array to the following array (the array of objects) format:

const options = [
  {text: 'A', value: 'A', disabled: false},
  {text: 'B', value: 'B', disabled: false},
  {text: 'C', value: 'C', disabled: false},
  {text: 'D', value: {d: 1}, disabled: true},
  {text: 'E', value: 'E', disabled: false},
  {text: 'F', value: 'F', disabled: false},

Options as an array of objects

const options = [
  {text: 'Item 1', value: 'first'},
  {text: 'Item 2', value: 'second'},
  {html: '<b>Item</b> 3', value: 'third', disabled: true},
  {text: 'Item 4'},
  {text: 'Item 5', value: {foo: 'bar', baz: true}},

If value is missing, then text will be used as both the value and text fields. If you use the html property, you must supply a value property.

Internally, BootstrapVueNext will convert the above array to the following array (the array of objects) format:

const options = [
  {text: 'Item 1', value: 'first', disabled: false},
  {text: 'Item 2', value: 'second', disabled: false},
  {html: '<b>Item</b> 3', value: 'third', disabled: true},
  {text: 'Item 4', value: 'Item 4', disabled: false},
  {text: 'Item 5', value: 'E', disabled: false},

Changing the option field names

If you want to customize the field property names (for example using name field for display text) you can easily change them by setting the text-field, html-field, value-field, and disabled-field props to a string that contains the property name you would like to use:

Selected: {{ checkEx2Selected }}
  <div class="mt-3">
    Selected: <strong>{{ checkEx2Selected }}</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'
const checkEx2Selected = ref(['A'])

const checkEx2Options = [
  {item: 'A', name: 'Option A'},
  {item: 'B', name: 'Option B'},
  {item: 'D', name: 'Option C', notEnabled: true},
  {item: {d: 1}, name: 'Option D'},

Inline and stacked checkboxes

BFormCheckboxGroup components render inline checkboxes by default, while BFormCheckbox renders block-level (stacked) checkboxes.

Set the prop stacked on BFormCheckboxGroup to place each form control one over the other, or if using individual checkboxes not inside a BFormCheckboxGroup, set the inline prop on BFormCheckbox.

Form-checkbox-group inline checkboxes (default)
Form-checkbox-group stacked checkboxes
Individual stacked checkboxes (default)
{{ option.text }}
Individual inline checkboxes
{{ option.text }}
  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Form-checkbox-group inline checkboxes (default)</label>


  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Form-checkbox-group stacked checkboxes</label>


  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Individual stacked checkboxes (default)</label>

    v-for="option in checkEx3Options"
    {{ option.text }}

  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Individual inline checkboxes</label>

    v-for="option in checkEx3Options"
    {{ option.text }}
<script setup lang='ts'>
import {ref} from 'vue'
const checkEx3Selected = ref(['A'])

const checkEx3Options = [
  { text: 'Orange', value: 'orange' },
  { text: 'Apple', value: 'apple' },
  { text: 'Pineapple', value: 'pineapple' },
  { text: 'Grape', value: 'grape' }

Control sizing

Use the size prop to control the size of the checkbox. The default size is medium. Supported size values are sm (small) and lg (large).

Small Default Large
<BFormCheckbox size="sm">Small</BFormCheckbox>
<BFormCheckbox size="lg">Large</BFormCheckbox>


Use the reverse prop to put your checkboxes and switches on the opposite side of the label.

Reverse checkbox Disabled reverse checkbox Reverse switch ceckbox input
<BFormCheckbox reverse>Reverse checkbox</BFormCheckbox>
<BFormCheckbox reverse disabled>Disabled reverse checkbox</BFormCheckbox>
<BFormCheckbox reverse switch>Reverse switch ceckbox input</BFormCheckbox>

Checkbox values and v-model

By default, BFormCheckbox value will be true when checked and false when unchecked. You can customize the checked and unchecked values by specifying the value and unchecked-value properties, respectively.

When you have multiple checkboxes that bind to a single data state variable, you must provide an array reference ([ ]) to your v-model.

Note that when v-model is bound to multiple checkboxes (i.e an array ref), the unchecked-value is not used. Only the value(s) of the checked checkboxes will be returned in the v-model bound array. You should provide a unique value for each checkbox's value prop (the default of true will not work when bound to an array).

To pre-check any checkboxes, set the v-model to the value(s) of the checks that you would like pre-selected.

When placing individual BFormCheckbox components within a BFormCheckboxGroup, most props and the v-model are inherited from the BFormCheckboxGroup.

Note: the unchecked-value prop does not affect the native <input>'s value attribute, because browsers do not include unchecked boxes in form submissions. To guarantee that one of two values is submitted in a native <form> submit (e.g. 'yes' or 'no'), use radio inputs instead. This is the same limitation that Vue has with native checkbox inputs.

{{ car }}
Selected: {{ concatSelectedCars}}
    v-for="(car, index) in availableCars"
    {{ car }}

  Selected: <strong>{{ concatSelectedCars }}</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const availableCars = ['BMW', 'Mercedes', 'Toyota']
const selectedCars = ref([])

const concatSelectedCars = computed(() => {
  return selectedCars.value.join(', ')

Multiple checkboxes and accessibility

When binding multiple checkboxes together, you must set the name prop to the same value for all BFormCheckboxs in the group individually. This will inform users of assistive technologies that the checkboxes are related and enables native browser keyboard navigation.

Whenever using multiple checkboxes, it is recommended that the checkboxes be placed in a BFormGroup component to associate a label with the entire group of checkboxes. See examples above.

Button style checkboxes

You can optionally render checkboxes to appear as buttons, either individually, or in a group.

Button style checkboxes will have the class .active automatically applied to the label when they are in the checked state.

Individual checkbox button style

A single checkbox can be rendered with a button appearance by setting the prop button to true.

Change the button variant by setting the button-variant prop to one of the standard Bootstrap button variants (see BButton for supported variants). The default variant is secondary.

Button Checkbox (Checked: {{ button1Checked }}) Button Checkbox (Checked: {{ button2Checked }})
  <div class="hstack gap-3">
    <BFormCheckbox v-model="button1Checked" button>
      Button Checkbox (Checked: {{ button1Checked }})

    <BFormCheckbox v-model="button2Checked" button button-variant="danger">
      Button Checkbox (Checked: {{ button2Checked }})

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const button1Checked = ref(false)
const button2Checked = ref(false)

Grouped button style checkboxes

Render groups of checkboxes with the look of a button-group by setting the prop buttons on BFormCheckboxGroup. Change the button variant by setting the button-variant prop to one of the standard Bootstrap button variants (see BButton for supported variants). The default button-variant is secondary.

Form-checkbox-group inline checkboxes (default)
Button-group style checkboxes with variant primary and large buttons
Stacked (vertical) button-group style checkboxes
  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Form-checkbox-group inline checkboxes (default)</label>


  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Button-group style checkboxes with variant primary and large buttons</label>


  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Stacked (vertical) button-group style checkboxes</label>

  <BFormCheckboxGroup v-model="checkEx3Selected" :options="checkEx3Options" stacked buttons />

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const checkEx3Selected = ref(['A'])

const checkEx3Options = [
  {text: 'Orange', value: 'orange'},
  {text: 'Apple', value: 'apple'},
  {text: 'Pineapple', value: 'pineapple'},
  {text: 'Grape', value: 'grape'},

Switch style checkboxes

Switch styling is supported on BFormCheckbox and BFormCheckboxGroup components.

Note: If the checkbox is in button mode, switch mode will have no effect.

Individual checkbox switch style

A single checkbox can be rendered with a switch appearance by setting the prop switch to true.

Switch Checkbox (Checked: {{ switchChecked }})
  <BFormCheckbox v-model="switchChecked" switch>
    Switch Checkbox <strong>(Checked: {{ switchChecked }})</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const switchChecked = ref(false)

Grouped switch style checkboxes

Render groups of checkboxes with the look of a switches by setting the prop switches on BFormCheckboxGroup.

Inline switch style checkboxes
Stacked (vertical) switch style checkboxes
  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Inline switch style checkboxes</label>

  <BFormCheckboxGroup v-model="groupSwitchSelected" :options="groupSwitchOptions" switches />

  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Stacked (vertical) switch style checkboxes</label>


<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const groupSwitchSelected = ref([])

const groupSwitchOptions = [
  {text: 'Red', value: 'red'},
  {text: 'Green', value: 'green'},
  {text: 'Yellow (disabled)', value: 'yellow', disabled: true},
  {text: 'Blue', value: 'blue'},

Switch sizing

Use the size prop to control the size of the switch. The default size is medium. Supported size values are sm (small) and lg (large).

Small Default Large
<BFormCheckbox switch size="sm">Small</BFormCheckbox>
<BFormCheckbox switch>Default</BFormCheckbox>
<BFormCheckbox switch size="lg">Large</BFormCheckbox>

Sizes can be set on individual BFormCheckbox components, or inherited from the size setting of BFormCheckboxGroup.

Note: Bootstrap v5.x does not natively support sizes for the custom switch control. However, bootstrap-vue-next includes custom SCSS/CSS that adds support for sizing the custom switches.

Non-custom check inputs (plain)

You can have BFormCheckboxGroup or BFormCheckbox render a browser native checkbox input by setting the plain prop.

Plain inline checkboxes
Plain stacked checkboxes
  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Plain inline checkboxes</label>

  <BFormCheckboxGroup v-model="groupSwitchSelected" :options="groupSwitchOptions" plain />

  <div class="my-2">
    <label>Plain stacked checkboxes</label>

  <BFormCheckboxGroup v-model="groupSwitchSelected" :options="groupSwitchOptions" plain stacked />

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const groupSwitchSelected = ref([])
const groupSwitchOptions = [
  {text: 'Red', value: 'red'},
  {text: 'Green', value: 'green'},
  {text: 'Yellow (disabled)', value: 'yellow', disabled: true},
  {text: 'Blue', value: 'blue'},

Note: The plain prop has no effect when button or buttons is set.

Contextual states

Bootstrap includes validation styles for valid and invalid states on most form controls.

Generally speaking, you'll want to use a particular state for specific types of feedback:

  • false (denotes invalid state) is great for when there is a blocking or required field. A user must fill in this field properly to submit the form
  • true (denotes valid state) is ideal for situations when you have per-field validation throughout a form and want to encourage a user through the rest of the fields
  • null Displays no validation state (neither valid nor invalid)

To apply one of the contextual state icons on BFormCheckbox, set the state prop to false (for invalid), true (for valid), or null (no validation state).

Note: Contextual states are not supported when in button mode.

Contextual state and validation example

Checkbox state false Checkbox state true Checkbox state null
Please select two
Thank you
  <BFormCheckbox :state="false">Checkbox state false</BFormCheckbox>
  <BFormCheckbox :state="true">Checkbox state true</BFormCheckbox>
  <BFormCheckbox>Checkbox state null</BFormCheckbox>


  <div v-if="!contextualState">Please select two</div>
  <div v-if="contextualState">Thank you</div>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, ref} from 'vue'

const contextualStateOptions = [
  {text: 'First Check', value: 'first'},
  {text: 'Second Check', value: 'second'},
  {text: 'Third Check', value: 'third'},

const contextualSelected = ref([])

const contextualState = computed(() => contextualSelected.value.length === 2)

Required constraint

When using individual BFormCheckbox components (not in a BFormCheckboxGroup), and you want the checkbox(es) to be required in your form, you must provide a name on each BFormCheckbox in order for the required constraint to work. All BFormCheckbox components tied to the same v-model must have the same name.

The name is required in order for Assistive Technologies (such as screen readers, and keyboard only users) to know which checkboxes belong to the same form variable (the name also automatically enables native browser keyboard navigation), hence required will only work if name is set. BFormCheckboxGroup will automatically generate a unique input name if one is not provided on the group.


When the autofocus prop is set on BFormCheckbox, the input will be auto-focused when it is inserted (i.e. mounted) into the document, or re-activated when inside a Vue KeepAlive component. Note that this prop does not set the autofocus attribute on the input, nor can it tell when the input becomes visible.

Indeterminate (tri-state) support

Normally a checkbox input can only have two states: checked or unchecked. They can have any value, but they either submit that value (checked) or do not (unchecked) with a form submission (although BootstrapVueNext allows a value for the unchecked state on a single checkbox).

Visually, there are actually three states a checkbox can be in: checked, unchecked, or indeterminate.

The indeterminate state is visual only. The checkbox is still either checked or unchecked as a value. That means the visual indeterminate state masks the real value of the checkbox, so that better make sense in your UI!.

BFormCheckbox supports setting this visual indeterminate state via a secondary named model called indeterminate (defaults to undefined). Clicking the checkbox will clear the indeterminate state and emit an update:indeterminate=false event. To reset the state set v-model:indeterminate value to true.

Click me to see what happens Reset Indeterminate
Checked: {{ intermChecked }}
Indeterminate: {{ indeterminate }}
  <BFormCheckbox v-model="intermChecked" v-model:indeterminate="indeterminate"
    >Click me to see what happens</BFormCheckbox
  <BButton class="mt-2" :disabled="indeterminate" @click="indeterminate = true"
    >Reset Indeterminate</BButton
  <div class="mt-2">
    Checked: <strong>{{ intermChecked }}</strong
    ><br />
    Indeterminate: <strong>{{ indeterminate }}</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue'

const intermChecked = ref(true)
const indeterminate = ref(true)

Indeterminate checkbox use-case example:

Choose your flavors:
{{ allSelected ? 'Un-select All' : 'Select All' }}
Selected: {{ flavorSelected }}
All Selected: {{ allSelected }}
Indeterminate: {{ asIndeterminate }}
    <template #label>
      <b>Choose your flavors:</b><br />
        {{ allSelected ? 'Un-select All' : 'Select All' }}

    <template #default="{ariaDescribedby}">
        aria-label="Individual flavors"

    Selected: <strong>{{ flavorSelected }}</strong
    ><br />
    All Selected: <strong>{{ allSelected }}</strong
    ><br />
    Indeterminate: <strong>{{ asIndeterminate }}</strong>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, watch} from 'vue'
import {type CheckboxValue} from 'bootstrap-vue-next'

const flavors = ['Orange', 'Grape', 'Apple', 'Lime', 'Very Berry']
const flavorSelected = ref<string[]>([])
const allSelected = ref(false)
const asIndeterminate = ref(false)

const toggleAll = (checked: CheckboxValue | CheckboxValue[]) => {
  flavorSelected.value = checked ? flavors.slice() : []

watch(flavorSelected, (newValue: string[]) => {
  // Handle changes in individual flavor checkboxes
  if (newValue.length === 0) {
    asIndeterminate.value = false
    allSelected.value = false
  } else if (newValue.length === flavors.length) {
    asIndeterminate.value = false
    allSelected.value = true
  } else {
    asIndeterminate.value = true
    allSelected.value = false
<script setup lang="ts"> import {data} from '../../data/components/' import {computed, ref, watch} from 'vue' import ComponentReference from '../../components/ComponentReference.vue' import HighlightCard from '../../components/HighlightCard.vue' import CrossSiteScriptingWarning from '../../components/CrossSiteScriptingWarning.vue' import {BButton, BFormCheckboxGroup, BFormCheckbox, BFormGroup, BCard, BCardBody, BAlert} from 'bootstrap-vue-next' const status = ref(false); const selected = ref([]); const options = [ { text: 'Orange', value: 'orange' }, { text: 'Apple', value: 'apple' }, { text: 'Pineapple', value: 'pineapple' }, { text: 'Grape', value: 'grape' } ] const button1Checked = ref(false); const button2Checked = ref(false); const switchChecked = ref(false); const intermChecked = ref(true); const indeterminate = ref(true); const availableCars = ['BMW', 'Mercedes', 'Toyota']; const selectedCars = ref([]); const concatSelectedCars = computed(() => { return selectedCars.value.join(', ');}); const checkEx2Selected = ref(['A']); const checkEx2Options = [ {item: 'A', name: 'Option A'}, {item: 'B', name: 'Option B'}, {item: 'D', name: 'Option C', notEnabled: true}, {item: {d: 1}, name: 'Option D'}, ]; const checkEx3Selected = ref([]); const checkEx3Options = [ { text: 'Orange', value: 'orange' }, { text: 'Apple', value: 'apple' }, { text: 'Pineapple', value: 'pineapple' }, { text: 'Grape', value: 'grape' } ]; const groupSwitchSelected = ref([]); const groupSwitchOptions = [ { text: 'Red', value: 'red' }, { text: 'Green', value: 'green' }, { text: 'Yellow (disabled)', value: 'yellow', disabled: true }, { text: 'Blue', value: 'blue' } ]; const contextualStateOptions = [ { text: 'First Check', value: 'first' }, { text: 'Second Check', value: 'second' }, { text: 'Third Check', value: 'third' } ]; const contextualSelected = ref([]); const contextualState = computed(() => contextualSelected.value.length === 2); const flavors = ['Orange', 'Grape', 'Apple', 'Lime', 'Very Berry'] const flavorSelected = ref([]) const allSelected = ref(false) const asIndeterminate = ref(false) const toggleAll = (checked: CheckboxValue | CheckboxValue[]) => { flavorSelected.value = checked ? flavors.slice() : [] } watch(flavorSelected, (newValue: string[]) => { // Handle changes in individual flavor checkboxes if (newValue.length === 0) { asIndeterminate.value = false allSelected.value = false } else if (newValue.length === flavors.length) { asIndeterminate.value = false allSelected.value = true } else { asIndeterminate.value = true allSelected.value = false } }) </script>