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electron v5.0.2

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@electron-bot electron-bot released this 23 May 15:24
· 151 commits to 5-0-x since this release

Release Notes for v5.0.2


  • Added missing 'page-title-updated' event on webContents to documentation. Also fixed forwarding of the explicitSet argument when emitted on BrowserWindow. #18318
  • Fixed a crash in systemPreferences.getAccentColor(). #18194
  • Fixed a regression in Kerberos SPN generation. In the M69 upgrade, the default for the enable_negotiate_port option was inadvertently changed from false to true; this restores the former behavior and aligns with Chromium. #18284
  • Fixed case where the promise returned by loadURL and loadFile would be rejected with ERR_ABORTED if you triggered a virtual navigation before the page had finished loading. E.g. Used history.pushState or set location.hash. #18142