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File metadata and controls

76 lines (59 loc) · 1.88 KB

Helloworld in grpc-elixir


  1. Install deps and compile
$ mix do deps.get, compile
  1. Run the server
$ mix run --no-halt
  1. Run the client script
$ mix run priv/client.exs

HTTP Transcoding

# Say hello
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:50051/v1/greeter/test

# Say hello from
curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "test", "from": "anon"}' http://localhost:50051/v1/greeter

Regenerate Elixir code from proto

  1. Modify the proto priv/protos/helloworld.proto
  2. Install protoc here
  3. Install protoc-gen-elixir
mix escript.install hex protobuf
  1. Generate the code:
$ (cd ../../; mix build_protobuf_escript && mix
$ protoc -I priv/protos --elixir_out=:./lib/ --grpc_elixir_out=./lib --plugin="../../deps/protobuf/protoc-gen-elixir" --plugin="../../protoc-gen-grpc_elixir" priv/protos/helloworld.proto

Refer to protobuf-elixir for more information.

How to start server when starting your application?

Pass start_server: true as an option for the GRPC.Server.Supervisor in your supervision tree.


Using ghz

$ MIX_ENV=prod iex -S mix
# Now cowboy doesn't work well with concurrency in a connection, like --concurrency 6 --connections 1
$ ghz --insecure --proto priv/protos/helloworld.proto --call helloworld.Greeter.SayHello -d '{"name":"Joe"}' -z 10s  --concurrency 6 --connections 6
# The result is for branch improve-perf
  Count:	124239
  Total:	10.00 s
  Slowest:	18.85 ms
  Fastest:	0.18 ms
  Average:	0.44 ms
  Requests/sec:	12423.71

# Go
  Count:	258727
  Total:	10.00 s
  Slowest:	5.39 ms
  Fastest:	0.09 ms
  Average:	0.19 ms
  Requests/sec:	25861.68