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File metadata and controls

188 lines (154 loc) · 8.87 KB

User-visible changes to the compartment mapper:

Next release

  • Fixes treatment of packages with a "module" property in their package.json: When the compartment mapper encounters such a package, every module in that package with .js extension including the referenced module will be treated an ESM, as if it had the .mjs extension.
  • Ensures that the "endo", "import", and "default" tags (Node.js conditions) are respected in package.json "exports" conditions.

v0.7.0 (2022-03-01)

  • BREAKING: Archive integrity checks now occur when the archive is loaded instead of waiting for the archive to be instantiated or executed. This will cause corrupt archives to produce errors earlier.
  • Adds a makeAndHashArchive function that returns both the generated bytes and the SHA-512 of an archive as its created. makeArchive just returns the bytes.

0.6.7 (2022-02-21)

  • BREAKING: The loadArchive and parseArchive functions, when given a computeSha512, now check the integrity of every module in the archive, and forbid the presence of any unused files in the archive. So, these functions now require a modules option if the archive will expect any built-in modules. The modules option is an object with a key for every built-in module the archive expects. The load and parse functions ignore corresponding values (even if they are falsey!) but will accept the same type of object as the import function.
  • The parseArchive function returns a promise for an archive. If provided a computeSha512, regardless of whether provided expectedSha512, the archive will have a sha512 property computed from the parsed archive, for the purpose of verifying integrity.

0.5.3 (2021-12-08)

  • The node-powers.js module now exports makeReadPowers and makeWritePowers which replace the deprecated functions makeNodeReadPowers and makeNodeWritePowers. The rename is necessary to facilitate a change to the signature of these methods so that url may be accepted as another dependency, to facilitate Windows support. Both accept a bag of Node.js modules that must include fs and url. The read powers may optionally take the crypto module.

0.5.2 (2021-11-16)

  • Adds source URL suffixes to archives, such that the archive hash remains orthogonal to the local directory but has sufficient information that editors like VS Code can match the suffix to a file in the IDE workspace.
  • Adds hooks to archive production and consumption for reading and writing source locations, such that other tools yet to be written can use these hooks to provide fully qualified local debug source URLs. Archive creation functions now accept a captureSourceLocation(compartmentName, moduleSpecifier, sourceLocation) hook and archive parsing functions accept computeSourceLocation(compartmentName, moduleSpecifier).

0.5.1 (2021-08-12)

  • Adds support for reflexive import specifiers, so modules in package named @example/example may import @example/example from their own modules. This is necessary for parity with Node.js.

0.5.0 (2021-07-22)

  • The calling convention between SES and StaticModuleRecords has changed and this impacts the code generated by the bundler.
  • Adds a support for consistent hashing (SHA-512) of applications:
    • nodeReadPowers(fs, crypto) produces the necessary capabilities for hashing, when passed the Node.js crypto module.
    • writeArchive and makeArchive accept a computeSha512 capability and use it to populate the compartment-map.json included within the archive with the SHA-512 of every module in the archive. This ensures that the hash of compartment-map.json in a pair of archives is consistent only if every file is consistent.
    • importArchive, loadArchive, and parseArchive all optionally accept a computeSha512 capability, use it to verify the integrity of the archive and verify the expectedSha512 of the contained compartment-map.json importArchive and loadArchive receive the hash function as a read power. parseArchive receives the hash function as an option since it doesn't receive read powers.
    • hashLocation produces the hash of an application off the filesystem, suitable for validating that an archive with the same hash was generated from identical files.
  • Also adds mapLocation, which produces the compartment map that would be in the corresponding archive for a package.
  • Ensures that IO errors on Node.js include a meaningful stack trace.

0.4.1 (2021-16-19)

  • Fixes internal type references.

0.4.0 (2021-06-16)

  • BREAKING: When constructing an archive, the creator must provide a record of exit modules. Unlike import functions, the values of the exit module record are ignored. Any omitted exit module will cause an exception during archive creation.
  • Adds a dev option to archive and import workflows to include the devDependencies of the entry package (but not other packages).
  • Fixes a missing file in the published assets for @endo/compartment-mapper/node-powers.js.

0.3.2 (2021-06-14)

  • Follows Node.js packages through symbolic links, but requires an additional read power to do this. Some functions now accept { read, canonical } powers in places only read was accepted previously, specifically compartmentMapFromNodeModules, makeArchive, writeArchive, and loadLocation.
  • Adds an "@endo/compartment-mapper/node-powers.js" entry point utility module that exports makeNodeReadPowers and makeNodeWritePowers that adapt the Node.js fs module to the promise and URL oriented interfaces expected by compartment mapper functions.

0.3.0 (2021-06-01)

  • Reenables CommonJS support with a fast lexer and without a dependency on Babel.
  • The Compartment Mapper now produces archives containing SES-shim pre-compiled StaticModuleRecords for ESM instead of the source.
  • The Compartment Mapper can now produce bundles of concatenated modules but without Compartments and only supporting ESM but not supporting live bindings.
  • Adds entrypoint modules import.js, archive.js, and import-archive.js to capture narrower dependency subgraphs.
  • BREAKING: Removes CommonJS and UMD downgrade compatibility. Supporting both Node.js ESM and the node -r esm shim requires the main entry point module to be ESM regardless of environment. UMD and CommonJS facets will likely return after all dependees have migrated away from depending upon the esm JavaScript module emulator.
  • BREAKING: Archives created for the previous version will no longer work. The importArchive feature only supports pre-compiled ESM and CJS.
  • BREAKING: This release parallels a breaking upgrade for SES to version 0.13. This entails the removal of StaticModuleRecord from SES, and the removal of the ses/lockdown light layering (there is no heavy layer to distinguish as the weight has shifted to the @endo/static-module-record package).
  • Archives are now deterministic.

0.2.4 (2021-03-30)

  • Applications may now have asynchronous module transforms, per language. When applied to archive creation, the transformed sources appear in the archive.
  • Every compartment's globalThis is frozen.

0.2.3 (2020-11-05)

  • Embellishes all calls to methods named import to work around SES-shim Compartment censoring for dynamic import, using properties instead of parentheses, since the syntax transformation tools at hand do not currently simplify these.

0.2.2 (2020-11-05)

  • Embellishes all calls to methods named import to work around SES-shim Compartment censoring for dynamic import.

0.2.1 (2020-11-04)

  • Changes all private fields to internal weak maps to Compartment Mapper can be read by parsers that do not yet support private fields.

0.2.0 (2020-11-03)

  • BREAKING: All import methods now take an options bag that may contain globals and modules options if present, instead of these as positional arguments.
  • BREAKING: Support for CommonJS is temporarily withdrawn to relieve a dependency on Node.js built-ins entrained by Babel that in turn make Compartment Mapper unusable with a combination of -r esm and Rollup. CommonJS support should be restored with an alternate implementation in a future version.
  • The import options bag now also accepts globalLexicals, transforms, and __shimTransforms__, passing these without alteration to each Compartment.
  • The import options bag now also accepts a Compartment constructor, to use instead of the one assumed to be present globally.

0.1.0 (2020-09-21)

  • This initial relase supports importing, archiving, and importing archives with the same authorities delegated to every compartment in an application. Future releases will support the attenuation of authority per-compartment, broaden support for Node.js module conventions, address the issue of shimming, and orchestrate SES lockdown.