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File metadata and controls

349 lines (282 loc) · 8.15 KB

JavaScript API

Vite's JavaScript APIs are fully typed, and it's recommended to use TypeScript or enable JS type checking in VS Code to leverage the intellisense and validation.


Type Signature:

async function createServer(inlineConfig?: InlineConfig): Promise<ViteDevServer>

Example Usage:

import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { createServer } from 'vite'

const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))

;(async () => {
  const server = await createServer({
    // any valid user config options, plus `mode` and `configFile`
    configFile: false,
    root: __dirname,
    server: {
      port: 1337,
  await server.listen()


::: tip NOTE When using createServer and build in the same Node.js process, both functions rely on process.env.NODE_ENV to work properly, which also depends on the mode config option. To prevent conflicting behavior, set process.env.NODE_ENV or the mode of the two APIs to development. Otherwise, you can spawn a child process to run the APIs separately. :::


The InlineConfig interface extends UserConfig with additional properties:

  • configFile: specify config file to use. If not set, Vite will try to automatically resolve one from project root. Set to false to disable auto resolving.
  • envFile: Set to false to disable .env files.


The ResolvedConfig interface has all the same properties of a UserConfig, except most properties are resolved and non-undefined. It also contains utilities like:

  • config.assetsInclude: A function to check if an id is considered an asset.
  • config.logger: Vite's internal logger object.


interface ViteDevServer {
   * The resolved Vite config object.
  config: ResolvedConfig
   * A connect app instance
   * - Can be used to attach custom middlewares to the dev server.
   * - Can also be used as the handler function of a custom http server
   *   or as a middleware in any connect-style Node.js frameworks.
  middlewares: Connect.Server
   * Native Node http server instance.
   * Will be null in middleware mode.
  httpServer: http.Server | null
   * Chokidar watcher instance.
  watcher: FSWatcher
   * Web socket server with `send(payload)` method.
  ws: WebSocketServer
   * Rollup plugin container that can run plugin hooks on a given file.
  pluginContainer: PluginContainer
   * Module graph that tracks the import relationships, url to file mapping
   * and hmr state.
  moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
   * The resolved urls Vite prints on the CLI. null in middleware mode or
   * before `server.listen` is called.
  resolvedUrls: ResolvedServerUrls | null
   * Programmatically resolve, load and transform a URL and get the result
   * without going through the http request pipeline.
    url: string,
    options?: TransformOptions,
  ): Promise<TransformResult | null>
   * Apply Vite built-in HTML transforms and any plugin HTML transforms.
  transformIndexHtml(url: string, html: string): Promise<string>
   * Load a given URL as an instantiated module for SSR.
    url: string,
    options?: { fixStacktrace?: boolean },
  ): Promise<Record<string, any>>
   * Fix ssr error stacktrace.
  ssrFixStacktrace(e: Error): void
   * Triggers HMR for a module in the module graph. You can use the `server.moduleGraph`
   * API to retrieve the module to be reloaded. If `hmr` is false, this is a no-op.
  reloadModule(module: ModuleNode): Promise<void>
   * Start the server.
  listen(port?: number, isRestart?: boolean): Promise<ViteDevServer>
   * Restart the server.
   * @param forceOptimize - force the optimizer to re-bundle, same as --force cli flag
  restart(forceOptimize?: boolean): Promise<void>
   * Stop the server.
  close(): Promise<void>


Type Signature:

async function build(
  inlineConfig?: InlineConfig,
): Promise<RollupOutput | RollupOutput[]>

Example Usage:

import path from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { build } from 'vite'

const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))

;(async () => {
  await build({
    root: path.resolve(__dirname, './project'),
    base: '/foo/',
    build: {
      rollupOptions: {
        // ...


Type Signature:

async function preview(inlineConfig?: InlineConfig): Promise<PreviewServer>

Example Usage:

import { preview } from 'vite'
;(async () => {
  const previewServer = await preview({
    // any valid user config options, plus `mode` and `configFile`
    preview: {
      port: 8080,
      open: true,



interface PreviewServer extends PreviewServerForHook {
  resolvedUrls: ResolvedServerUrls


interface PreviewServerForHook {
   * The resolved vite config object
  config: ResolvedConfig
   * A connect app instance.
   * - Can be used to attach custom middlewares to the preview server.
   * - Can also be used as the handler function of a custom http server
   *   or as a middleware in any connect-style Node.js frameworks
  middlewares: Connect.Server
   * native Node http server instance
  httpServer: http.Server
   * The resolved urls Vite prints on the CLI
  resolvedUrls: ResolvedServerUrls | null
   * Print server urls
  printUrls(): void


Type Signature:

async function resolveConfig(
  inlineConfig: InlineConfig,
  command: 'build' | 'serve',
  defaultMode = 'development',
): Promise<ResolvedConfig>

The command value is serve in dev (in the cli vite, vite dev, and vite serve are aliases).


Type Signature:

function mergeConfig(
  defaults: Record<string, any>,
  overrides: Record<string, any>,
  isRoot = true,
): Record<string, any>

Deeply merge two Vite configs. isRoot represents the level within the Vite config which is being merged. For example, set false if you're merging two build options.


Type Signature:

function searchForWorkspaceRoot(
  current: string,
  root = searchForPackageRoot(current),
): string

Related: server.fs.allow

Search for the root of the potential workspace if it meets the following conditions, otherwise it would fallback to root:

  • contains workspaces field in package.json
  • contains one of the following file
    • lerna.json
    • pnpm-workspace.yaml


Type Signature:

function loadEnv(
  mode: string,
  envDir: string,
  prefixes: string | string[] = 'VITE_',
): Record<string, string>

Related: .env Files

Load .env files within the envDir. By default, only env variables prefixed with VITE_ are loaded, unless prefixes is changed.


Type Signature:

function normalizePath(id: string): string

Related: Path Normalization

Normalizes a path to interoperate between Vite plugins.


Type Signature:

async function transformWithEsbuild(
  code: string,
  filename: string,
  options?: EsbuildTransformOptions,
  inMap?: object,
): Promise<ESBuildTransformResult>

Transform JavaScript or TypeScript with esbuild. Useful for plugins that prefer matching Vite's internal esbuild transform.


Type Signature:

async function loadConfigFromFile(
  configEnv: ConfigEnv,
  configFile?: string,
  configRoot: string = process.cwd(),
  logLevel?: LogLevel,
): Promise<{
  path: string
  config: UserConfig
  dependencies: string[]
} | null>

Load a Vite config file manually with esbuild.