diff --git a/docs/rules/keyword-spacing.md b/docs/rules/keyword-spacing.md index ecc6bb0a49a..0cc952dc91e 100644 --- a/docs/rules/keyword-spacing.md +++ b/docs/rules/keyword-spacing.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ However, if you want to enforce the style of spacing between the `function` keyw ## Rule Details -This rule enforces consistent spacing around keywords and keyword-like tokens: `as` (in module declarations), `async` (of async functions), `await` (of await expressions), `break`, `case`, `catch`, `class`, `const`, `continue`, `debugger`, `default`, `delete`, `do`, `else`, `export`, `extends`, `finally`, `for`, `from` (in module declarations), `function`, `get` (of getters), `if`, `import`, `in`, `instanceof`, `let`, `new`, `of` (in for-of statements), `return`, `set` (of setters), `static`, `super`, `switch`, `this`, `throw`, `try`, `typeof`, `var`, `void`, `while`, `with`, and `yield`. This rule is designed carefully not to conflict with other spacing rules: it does not apply to spacing where other rules report problems. +This rule enforces consistent spacing around keywords and keyword-like tokens: `as` (in module declarations), `async` (of async functions), `await` (of await expressions), `break`, `case`, `catch`, `class`, `const`, `continue`, `debugger`, `default`, `delete`, `do`, `else`, `export`, `extends`, `finally`, `for`, `from` (in module declarations), `function`, `get` (of getters), `if`, `import`, `in` (in for-in statements), `let`, `new`, `of` (in for-of statements), `return`, `set` (of setters), `static`, `super`, `switch`, `this`, `throw`, `try`, `typeof`, `var`, `void`, `while`, `with`, and `yield`. This rule is designed carefully not to conflict with other spacing rules: it does not apply to spacing where other rules report problems. ## Options