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Fixable Disable Directives


Inline disable directives such as /* eslint-disable */ that do not suppress any violations may be detected with the --report-unused-disable-directives CLI option, but there is no way to automatically remove those comments. This RFC proposes adding removal of those directives to the --fix CLI option as a new --fix-type: directive.


Manually deleting comments from --report-unused-disable-directives is cumbersome, especially in large repositories with many directives. Users would benefit from a quick way to fix these without having to manually map between CLI output lines and files.

Detailed Design

Recapping the existing flow of code:

  • When the --fix-type CLI option is specified, options.fix is patched to filter on the rule.meta of each fix's corresponding ruleId
  • Unused disable directives are calculated by an applyDirectives function within the applyDisableDirectives function called in the linter's _verifyWithoutProcessors
    • These problems have a ruleId of null
  • _verifyWithoutProcessors is called within the call stack of each of the 1-10 passes in the linter's verifyAndFix

This RFC proposes making three changes:

  • In the patched options.fix, consider a problem's meta type to be "directive" if its ruleId is null
  • Pass the SourceCode being linted as a parameter to applyDisableDirectives
  • Add a fix method to the unused directive problems returned by applyDirectives that uses the SourceCode

Fix Behavior

Directives where at least one rule is still used will have only the unused rule names removed from their source text.

Directives where all >=1 rules are unused will use the SourceCode to compute:

  • If they are the only non-whitespace on their line, delete that line
  • Otherwise, delete just the comment and any now-unnecessary surrounding whitespace

Fix Behavior Examples

- /* eslint-disable */
- // eslint-disable-next-line -- related explanation
- // eslint-disable-next-line unused, used
+ // eslint-disable-next-line used
- before /* eslint-disable-next-line -- related explanation */ after
+ before after
- before // eslint-disable-next-line -- related explanation
+ before
  // before
- // eslint-disable-next-line
  // after

Multiline block comments are already not allowed to be disable directives. eslint/eslint#10334



Like any new feature, this flag will slightly increase the complexity and maintenance costs of ESLint core.

This RFC's implementation would lock in the name for a new --fix-type even though we only have one concrete use case for it.

Backwards Compatibility Analysis

It is unlikely but not impossible that some --fix dependant users would rely on unused disable directives remaining in code.

Otherwise, this change is additive in behavior.


  • Applying directive fixes after the verifyAndFix passes
    • Not ideal: deleting a comment could introduce new rule violations that would warrant running >=1 other pass
  • Writing an external tool to apply these options
    • Not ideal: the internal implementation is simple; external would have to deal with variant formatters, etc and suffer from the same introduced rule violations

Open Questions

  • Is "directive" a good name for the fix type?
    • It feels like it could be too specific to be extended for other meta/configuration in the future.
    • This RFC originally proposed "meta" but that goes too far in being overly vague.

Help Needed

I'm looking forward to implementing this if approved! 🙌

Frequently Asked Questions

Will these be autofixed by default?

If --fix and --report-unused-disable-directives are both true, then yes. There is no additional configuration that would need to be provided.

If --fix is true but --report-unused-disable-directives is not, there will be no behavior change from this RFC. Unused directives would not add to reported problems and thus no new fixers would be added to them.

If --fix is not true but --report-unused-disable-directives is, there will be no observable change from this RFC for CLI clients. Problems for unused directives will have a fix property attached but it will not be used without --fix.

Can I opt out?

Yes. If you are in the peculiar situation of needing to enable --fix and --report-unused-disable-directives without fixing those directives (why?), you can use --fix-type with all types except directive.

How do the generated fixes compare to fixes from rules?

Problems reported by directive usage checking are joined with remaining rule violation problems in a single array. This should allow directive fixing to seamlessly act similarly to rule fixing.

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