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Releases: etcd-io/etcd

v0.2.0-rc0: a preview of the v2 API

17 Oct 20:47
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This is a preview release of etcd 0.2.0 with the new etcd v2 API. This branch is still baking but we wanted to give people a chance to try out the new API and have time to give us feedback on the changes. You can find the v2 API docs here:

As always trying out etcd is as easy as downloading one of the binaries below and extracting it and then running:

./etcdctl set hello-world "This is my first key"
./etcdctl get hello-world

If you are filing issues please indicate you are running v0.2.0-rc0 and send PRs against the 0.2 branch.

v0.1.2: New dashboard and bug fixes

11 Oct 00:20
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0.1.2 Blog Post:

Thank you to all of the contributors in this release:

Andrew Hobden, AndyPook, Antonio Terreno, Brandon Philips, David Fisher, Deniz Adrian, Derek Chiang (Enchi Jiang), Diwaker Gupta, Evan, Fabrizio (Misto) Milo, Fatih Arslan, Geoff Hayes, Yifan Gu, Jose Plana, Michael Burns, Michael Marineau, Michael Stillwell, Rob Szumski, Roberto Aguilar, Theo Hultberg, Xiang Li, kelseyhightower

v0.1.1: a small bugfix release

19 Aug 17:08
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This is a small release that fixes some bugs that users have reported.

Important changes include:

  • Moving all client API endpoints to the /v1/ namespace
  • Fixing testAndSet prefix in the raft log
  • Denying mixed versions while the internal protocol is in flux (see internal-protocol-versioning

v0.1.0: the first release of etcd

11 Aug 20:38
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This is the first release of etcd: v0.1.0. Kick the tires on the REST API with curl, try out the the command line utility etcdctl or test out how it operates on your 17 node cross data center cluster.

Checkout the blog post for more details.

To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v0.1.0.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v0.1.0.tar.gz
cd etcd-v0.1.0
./etcd &
# Press enter to background etcd
./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey

This setup a single etcd node and set and retrieved a key using etcdctl. Next steps? Read the full docs to setup a cluster, configure TLS and more.

We are already planning v0.2.0. Lets make v0.2.0 even more awesome.