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Plugin for evrythng.js that adds PubSub connectivity with MQTT and MQTT over WebSockets.

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Plugin for evrythng.js (v5.1.0 and above) allowing easy subscription and publication to resources such as Thngs, products, and actions using either MQTT or WebSockets.



npm i --save evrythng-pubsub

Then require it into any module.

const evrythng = require('evrythng')
const PubSub = require('evrythng-pubsub')



Add it as a script tag to your page:

<script src=""></script>

Then use in the same manner as for Node:



After installing the plugin with evrythng.use(), three methods are added to all resource types, such as Thngs, products, actions, etc. if they are available as subscription topics.

  • .subscribe(onMessage) - Subscribe to topic updates with a callback.
  • .unsubscribe() - Unsubscribe from topic updates.
  • .publish(payload) - Publish to a topic with payload data, such as an action.


Subscribe to all actions:

const onActionCreated = (action) => {
  console.log(`Action created: ${} of type ${action.type}`)

await user.action('all').subscribe(onActionCreated)

Pubish a new action:

const payload = { type: 'scans', thng: thngId }

await user.action('all').publish(payload)

Unsubscribe from all actions:

await user.action('all').unsubscribe()


Use the tests/browser and tests/node directories to test this SDK in the browser or Node, or run the Mocha test suite using a testable Trusted Application API Key:

export TRUSTED_API_KEY=a87s9j3h...

npm test