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File metadata and controls

17 lines (14 loc) · 1.18 KB


  1. Change the version in to a non-SNAPSHOT version.
  2. Update the for the impending release.
  3. ./gradlew clean build install --no-build-cache -x :henson-plugin:functionalTest This step is not conventional, it installs the new version in your local maven repo, and skips the henson-plugin functional tests. It will update the version of DH that is installed by the plugin the next time it will run.
  4. git commit -am "Prepare for release X.Y.Z." (where X.Y.Z is the new version)
  5. ./gradlew clean build uploadArchives (build is important here as we need the version number to be passed to a resource file)
  6. Visit Sonatype Nexus and promote the artifact.
  7. git tag -a X.Y.X -m "Version X.Y.Z" (where X.Y.Z is the new version)
  8. Update the to the next SNAPSHOT version.
  9. ./gradlew clean build --no-build-cache -x :henson-plugin:functionalTest to update the dependency versions installed by the plugin
  10. git commit -am "Prepare next development version."
  11. git push && git push --tags

If step 5 or 6 fails, drop the Sonatype repo, fix the problem, commit, and start again at step 5.