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53 lines (42 loc) · 1.92 KB

File metadata and controls

53 lines (42 loc) · 1.92 KB


Persist Datascript databases in Firebase's Firestore.

Supports offline usage, tab synchronization, and multi-user simultaneously. You can use Firestore Security Rules to limit access.


Clojars Project

:dependencies [[datascript "0.18.9"]
               [datascript-transit "0.3.0"]
               [datafire "0.1.1"]]
(ns app.quickstart
  (:require ["firebase/app" :as firebase]
            [datascript.core :as d]
            [datafire.core :as df]))

; Initialize the Firebase app with your configuration.
(defonce firebase-config #js { ... })
(defonce app (let [app (.initializeApp firebase firebase-config)
                  ; Enable offline persistence.
                   _ (.enablePersistence (.firestore app))]

; Create a Datascript connection.
(defonce conn (d/create-conn))

; Create a link between the Datascript connection and the "dbs/quickstart" Firestore document path.
(defonce link (df/create-link conn "dbs/quickstart"))

; Start listening to transactions on Firebase and applies them to the Datascript connection.
; Previous transactions will be loaded onto the Datascript connection.
(defonce _ (df/listen! link))

; Persist tx-data on the link.
; Returns a promise that resolves when the transaction hits the server.
; Since the promise won't resolve while offline, it's recommended that you never wait for it.
(df/transact! link [{:msg (str "Persisted on " (.toISOString (js/Date.)))}])

; Query data using the Datascript connection.
(d/q '[:find  ?m
       :where [?e :msg ?m]]
; #{[Persisted on 2020-01-09T15:54:02.065Z] 
;   [Persisted on 2020-01-09T15:54:20.310Z] 
;   [Persisted on 2020-01-09T15:55:23.964Z] 
;   ...}