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This package contains an opinionated set of configs for ESLint.

This repository is for the latest 3.x version of eslint-config-foxkit. See monorepo for documentation on the 2.x version.


Install with your package manager of choice:

pnpm add --save-dev eslint eslint-config-foxkit eslint-plugin-no-await-in-promise

Usage with the Legacy Configuration System

The following configs are available to use in your "extends" array:


Dependencies: @eslint/js eslint-plugin-no-await-in-promise

  • "foxkit" - Base configuration for JavaScript projects with support for ESM and CJS
  • "foxkit/strict" - Stricter version of the base config with more opinionated and stylistic rule choices (this was the default in v2.x)


Dependencies: @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

  • "foxkit/ts" - Override configuration for TypeScript support. Uses overrides so JS configurations keep working.
  • "foxkit/ts-strict" - Stricter version of the TS override config with more opinionated rules. See Linting with Type Information for required parserOptions.


Dependencies: eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y

  • "foxkit/react" - Override configuration for adding JSX support in .jsx and .tsx files, as well as rules for hooks and accessibility
  • "foxkit/preact" - Alternative configuration for use with Preact.


This example uses the non-strict configurations for JavaScript and TypeScript and also sets up React support:

  "extends": ["foxkit", "foxkit/ts", "foxkit/react"]

You can also import/require only the rulesets from eslint-config-foxkit/rules/ for a manual configuration.

Usage with Flat Configuration System

Add a Flat Config in your project like this:

import foxkit from "eslint-config-foxkit/configs/base.js";

export default [
    /* options here (see below) */

You may also add other configs on top, such as prettier, as well as your own overrides.

Note: If your project does not set "type": "module" in package.json your config will be CommonJS instead (unless explicitly named "eslint.config.mjs"). If this is the case use require("eslint-config-foxkit/configs/base") instead.

const foxkit = require("eslint-config-foxkit/configs/base");

module.exports = [
    /* options here (see below) */


  • strict Set to true include the strict ruleset which helps achieve opinionated codestyle choices (was the default prior to v3.x)
  • setGlobals Set to false to disable setting globals (nodeBuiltin + browser) so you can configure them yourself
  • ecmaVersion override the ecmaVersion parameter (default: 2022)
  • configOnly Only configure languageOptions and include eslint's recommended ruleset. Does NOT configure the no-await-in-promise plugin!

Usage with TypeScript

Set up JavaScript base configs as seen above and then install the following peerDependencies with your package manager of choice:

pnpm add --save-dev @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

Now add foxkitTS to your ESLint config like this:

import foxkit from "eslint-config-foxkit/configs/base.js";
import foxkitTS from "eslint-config-foxkit/configs/ts.js";

// This line is only required in ES Module projects:
const __dirname = new URL(".", import.meta.url).pathname.slice(0, -1);

export default [
    /* any options here */
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname
    /* any other options here (see below) */


  • project: parameter as per typescript-eslint docs
  • tsconfigRootDir: parameter as per typescript-eslint docs
  • strict: Set to true to include strict ruleset (contains rules that require typechecking and some opinionated rule choices)
  • configOnly: Set to true to only set up typescript-eslint (includes overrides for eslint's recommended rules that are handled by TypeScript)

Usage with React/Preact

Set up JavaScript base configs (and optionally TypeScript configs) as seen above and then install the following peerDependencies with your package manager of choice:

pnpm add --save-dev eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y

Now add foxkitReact to your ESLint config like this:

import foxkit from "eslint-config-foxkit/configs/base.js";
import foxkitReact from "eslint-config-foxkit/configs/react.js";

export default [
    /* any options here */
    /* any options here (see below) */


  • jsxRuntime Set to true when using jsx runtime
  • preact Set to true when using Preact
  • jsxA11y Set to false to disable jsx-a11y plugin rules
  • configOnly Set to true to disable adding non-vital rules. This option does not prevent adding the rules for Preact and the jsx runtime. While the jsx-a11y plugin will still be added to the config, no rules will be added.

Usage with other base configurations

Alternatively you can access the rulesets by importing from eslint-config-foxkit/rules. If you are already using a base config like from your project's framework you may want to add a customized config object with our rules as well as the no-await-in-promise plugin like this:

import framework from "@framework/eslint-config";
import { recommendedRules } from "eslint-config-foxkit/rules/base.js";
import { strictRules } from "eslint-config-foxkit/rules/strict.js";
import * as promisePlugin from "eslint-plugin-no-await-in-promise";

export default [
    plugins: {
      "no-await-in-promise": promisePlugin
    rules: {

Note for VSCode

As of right now the ESLint plugin available for VSCode has experimental support for Flat Config hidden behind a setting. In your project simply create a .vscode directory with a settings.json file with the following content (or add to it if you already have one):

  "eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true

This enables the setting on a workspace-level, so when switching between projects the setting remains disabled for projects using the old config system. Also note that the .mjs and .cjs extensions may not get picked up correctly, so your config file should always be called eslint.config.js.

Migrating from v2

  • Upgrade to at least eslint@8.40.0
  • Install eslint-plugin-no-await-in-promise or auto-install peerDeps
  • Switch from extending "foxkit" to "foxkit/strict"
  • Add "plugin:react/jsx-runtime" if needed
  • ignore paths are no longer set by default, add your own in a configuration or .eslintignore file