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36 lines (24 loc) · 1.35 KB

File metadata and controls

36 lines (24 loc) · 1.35 KB


Bug fixes

Open issues can be found on our GitHub issues page with a "Bug" label.

These are a great place to start contributing to the repo!

Once you start work on a bug, post your intent on the issue itself. This will prevent more than one person working on it at once.

If the bug you want to work on doesn't have a related issue, open one, and attach the "Bug" label.

New features

Before adding any features, open a Feature Proposal.

This will let us talk through your proposal API and/or implementation before you spend time on it.

An added caveat is that this API is offered within Framer, so our target audience is designers as well as developers. This can tend us towards simplicity and power over composability.


Follow these steps to get your code PR-ready:

  1. Fork the Motion repo.
  2. Clone your fork to your local computer.
  3. Install Yarn.
  4. Run make bootstrap in the repo root.
  5. Add your code and supporting tests.
  6. If this is a feature that requires doc changes, make as necessary.
  7. Update Follow the existing format.
  8. You're ready!