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This PR is low-effort/spammy and has been flagged for review by the Hacktoberfest team.
status: blocked
status: blocked
Is waiting on followup from either the Opening Poster of the issue or PR, or a maintainer.
status: discussing
status: discussing
Under discussion threads. Closed as stale after 60 days of inactivity.
status: flagged internally
status: flagged internally
For issues that have been flagged for staff attention in our internal channels.
status: merge conflict
status: merge conflict
To be applied to PR's that have a merge conflict and need updating
status: on the roadmap
status: on the roadmap
Long term plans and features.
status: PR in works
status: PR in works
Work in Progress (WIP) Issues.
status: resolved/shipping
status: resolved/shipping
To be applied to issues or PR's that are already fixed and are awaiting DevOps deployment
status: waiting review
status: waiting review
To be applied to PR's that are ready for QA, especially when additional review is pending.
status: waiting triage
status: waiting triage
This issue needs help from moderators and users to reproduce and confirm its validity and fix.
status: waiting update
status: waiting update
To be applied to PR if a maintainer/reviewer has left a feedback and follow up is needed from OP
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
Permanently restricted feature/issue that can't be worked upon.
type: bug
type: bug
Issues that need priority attention. Platform, Curriculum tests (if broken completely), etc.
type: feature request
type: feature request
Threads classified to be feature requests. Implementation to be considered as a nice to have
type: showstopper
type: showstopper
Issues that are urgent and are critical path. These need immediate attention & shipping.