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Non-Blocking Retries

This is an experimental feature and the usual rule of no breaking API changes does not apply to this feature until the experimental designation is removed. Users are encouraged to try out the feature and provide feedback via GitHub Issues or GitHub discussions. This is regarding the API only; the feature is considered to be complete, and robust.

Version 2.9 changed the mechanism to bootstrap infrastructure beans; see Configuration for the two mechanisms that are now required to bootstrap the feature.

After these changes, we are intending to remove the experimental designation, probably in version 3.0.

Achieving non-blocking retry / dlt functionality with Kafka usually requires setting up extra topics and creating and configuring the corresponding listeners. Since 2.7 Spring for Apache Kafka offers support for that via the @RetryableTopic annotation and RetryTopicConfiguration class to simplify that bootstrapping.

How The Pattern Works

If message processing fails, the message is forwarded to a retry topic with a back off timestamp. The retry topic consumer then checks the timestamp and if it’s not due it pauses the consumption for that topic’s partition. When it is due the partition consumption is resumed, and the message is consumed again. If the message processing fails again the message will be forwarded to the next retry topic, and the pattern is repeated until a successful processing occurs, or the attempts are exhausted, and the message is sent to the Dead Letter Topic (if configured).

To illustrate, if you have a "main-topic" topic, and want to setup non-blocking retry with an exponential backoff of 1000ms with a multiplier of 2 and 4 max attempts, it will create the main-topic-retry-1000, main-topic-retry-2000, main-topic-retry-4000 and main-topic-dlt topics and configure the respective consumers. The framework also takes care of creating the topics and setting up and configuring the listeners.

By using this strategy you lose Kafka’s ordering guarantees for that topic.
You can set the AckMode mode you prefer, but RECORD is suggested.
At this time this functionality doesn’t support class level @KafkaListener annotations

Back Off Delay Precision

Overview and Guarantees

All message processing and backing off is handled by the consumer thread, and, as such, delay precision is guaranteed on a best-effort basis. If one message’s processing takes longer than the next message’s back off period for that consumer, the next message’s delay will be higher than expected. Also, for short delays (about 1s or less), the maintenance work the thread has to do, such as committing offsets, may delay the message processing execution. The precision can also be affected if the retry topic’s consumer is handling more than one partition, because we rely on waking up the consumer from polling and having full pollTimeouts to make timing adjustments.

That being said, for consumers handling a single partition the message’s processing should occur approximately at its exact due time for most situations.

It is guaranteed that a message will never be processed before its due time.
Tuning the Delay Precision

Starting with version 2.9, it is no longer necessary to tune the precision because a task scheduler is used to resume the partition and wake the consumer, if necessary.


Starting with version 2.9, for default configuration, the @EnableKafkaRetryTopic annotation should be used in a @Configuration annotated class. This enables the feature to bootstrap properly and gives access to injecting some of the feature’s components to be looked up at runtime.

It is not necessary to also add @EnableKafka, if you add this annotation, because @EnableKafkaRetryTopic is meta-annotated with @EnableKafka.

Also, starting with that version, for more advanced configuration of the feature’s components and global features, the RetryTopicConfigurationSupport class should be extended in a @Configuration class, and the appropriate methods overridden. For more details refer to Configuring Global Settings and Features.

Only one of the above techniques can be used, and only one @Configuration class can extend RetryTopicConfigurationSupport.
Using the @RetryableTopic annotation

To configure the retry topic and dlt for a @KafkaListener annotated method, you just have to add the @RetryableTopic annotation to it and Spring for Apache Kafka will bootstrap all the necessary topics and consumers with the default configurations.

@RetryableTopic(kafkaTemplate = "myRetryableTopicKafkaTemplate")
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic", groupId = "myGroupId")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing

You can specify a method in the same class to process the dlt messages by annotating it with the @DltHandler annotation. If no DltHandler method is provided a default consumer is created which only logs the consumption.

public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
// ... message processing, persistence, etc
If you don’t specify a kafkaTemplate name a bean with name defaultRetryTopicKafkaTemplate will be looked up. If no bean is found an exception is thrown.
Using RetryTopicConfiguration beans

You can also configure the non-blocking retry support by creating RetryTopicConfiguration beans in a @Configuration annotated class.

public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, Object> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder

This will create retry topics and a dlt, as well as the corresponding consumers, for all topics in methods annotated with '@KafkaListener' using the default configurations. The KafkaTemplate instance is required for message forwarding.

To achieve more fine-grained control over how to handle non-blocking retrials for each topic, more than one RetryTopicConfiguration bean can be provided.

public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .includeTopics("my-topic", "my-other-topic")

public RetryTopicConfiguration myOtherRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyOtherPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .exponentialBackoff(1000, 2, 5000)
            .excludeTopics("my-topic", "my-other-topic")
The retry topics' and dlt’s consumers will be assigned to a consumer group with a group id that is the combination of the one with you provide in the groupId parameter of the @KafkaListener annotation with the topic’s suffix. If you don’t provide any they’ll all belong to the same group, and rebalance on a retry topic will cause an unnecessary rebalance on the main topic.
If the consumer is configured with an ErrorHandlingDeserializer, to handle deserilialization exceptions, it is important to configure the KafkaTemplate and its producer with a serializer that can handle normal objects as well as raw byte[] values, which result from deserialization exceptions. The generic value type of the template should be Object. One technique is to use the DelegatingByTypeSerializer; an example follows:
public ProducerFactory<String, Object> producerFactory() {
  return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerConfiguration(), new StringSerializer(),
    new DelegatingByTypeSerializer(Map.of(byte[].class, new ByteArraySerializer(),
          MyNormalObject.class, new JsonSerializer<Object>())));

public KafkaTemplate<String, Object> kafkaTemplate() {
  return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());
Multiple @KafkaListener annotations can be used for the same topic with or without manual partition assignment along with non-blocking retries, but only one configuration will be used for a given topic. It’s best to use a single RetryTopicConfiguration bean for configuration of such topics; if multiple @RetryableTopic annotations are being used for the same topic, all of them should have the same values, otherwise one of them will be applied to all of that topic’s listeners and the other annotations' values will be ignored.
Configuring Global Settings and Features

Since 2.9, the previous bean overriding approach for configuring components has been removed (without deprecation, due to the aforementioned experimental nature of the API). This does not change the RetryTopicConfiguration beans approach - only infrastructure components' configurations. Now the RetryTopicConfigurationSupport class should be extended in a (single) @Configuration class, and the proper methods overridden. An example follows:

public class MyRetryTopicConfiguration extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport {

    protected void configureBlockingRetries(BlockingRetriesConfigurer blockingRetries) {
                .retryOn(MyBlockingRetriesException.class, MyOtherBlockingRetriesException.class)
                .backOff(new FixedBackOff(3000, 3));

    protected void manageNonBlockingFatalExceptions(List<Class<? extends Throwable>> nonBlockingFatalExceptions) {

    protected void configureCustomizers(CustomizersConfigurer customizersConfigurer) {
        // Use the new 2.9 mechanism to avoid re-fetching the same records after a pause
        customizersConfigurer.customizeErrorHandler(eh -> {
            ((DefaultErrorHandler) eh).setSeekAfterError(false);

When using this configuration approach, the @EnableKafkaRetryTopic annotation should not be used to prevent context failing to start due to duplicated beans. Use the simple @EnableKafka annotation instead.


Most of the features are available both for the @RetryableTopic annotation and the RetryTopicConfiguration beans.

BackOff Configuration

The BackOff configuration relies on the BackOffPolicy interface from the Spring Retry project.

It includes:

  • Fixed Back Off

  • Exponential Back Off

  • Random Exponential Back Off

  • Uniform Random Back Off

  • No Back Off

  • Custom Back Off

@RetryableTopic(attempts = 5,
    backoff = @Backoff(delay = 1000, multiplier = 2, maxDelay = 5000))
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder

You can also provide a custom implementation of Spring Retry’s SleepingBackOffPolicy interface:

public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .customBackOff(new MyCustomBackOffPolicy())
The default backoff policy is FixedBackOffPolicy with a maximum of 3 attempts and 1000ms intervals.
There is a 30-second default maximum delay for the ExponentialBackOffPolicy. If your back off policy requires delays with values bigger than that, adjust the maxDelay property accordingly.
The first attempt counts against maxAttempts, so if you provide a maxAttempts value of 4 there’ll be the original attempt plus 3 retries.
Single Topic Fixed Delay Retries

If you’re using fixed delay policies such as FixedBackOffPolicy or NoBackOffPolicy you can use a single topic to accomplish the non-blocking retries. This topic will be suffixed with the provided or default suffix, and will not have either the index or the delay values appended.

@RetryableTopic(backoff = @Backoff(2000), fixedDelayTopicStrategy = FixedDelayStrategy.SINGLE_TOPIC)
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
The default behavior is creating separate retry topics for each attempt, appended with their index value: retry-0, retry-1, …​
Global timeout

You can set the global timeout for the retrying process. If that time is reached, the next time the consumer throws an exception the message goes straight to the DLT, or just ends the processing if no DLT is available.

@RetryableTopic(backoff = @Backoff(2000), timeout = 5000)
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
The default is having no timeout set, which can also be achieved by providing -1 as the timout value.
Exception Classifier

You can specify which exceptions you want to retry on and which not to. You can also set it to traverse the causes to lookup nested exceptions.

@RetryableTopic(include = {MyRetryException.class, MyOtherRetryException.class}, traversingCauses = true)
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        throw new RuntimeException(new MyRetryException()); // Will retry
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyOtherPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
The default behavior is retrying on all exceptions and not traversing causes.

Since 2.8.3 there’s a global list of fatal exceptions which will cause the record to be sent to the DLT without any retries. See [default-eh] for the default list of fatal exceptions. You can add or remove exceptions to and from this list by overriding the configureNonBlockingRetries method in a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport. See Configuring Global Settings and Features for more information.

protected void manageNonBlockingRetriesFatalExceptions(List<Class<? extends Throwable>> nonBlockingFatalExceptions) {
To disable fatal exceptions' classification, just clear the provided list.
Include and Exclude Topics

You can decide which topics will and will not be handled by a RetryTopicConfiguration bean via the .includeTopic(String topic), .includeTopics(Collection<String> topics) .excludeTopic(String topic) and .excludeTopics(Collection<String> topics) methods.

public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .includeTopics(List.of("my-included-topic", "my-other-included-topic"))

public RetryTopicConfiguration myOtherRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
The default behavior is to include all topics.
Topics AutoCreation

Unless otherwise specified the framework will auto create the required topics using NewTopic beans that are consumed by the KafkaAdmin bean. You can specify the number of partitions and the replication factor with which the topics will be created, and you can turn this feature off.

Note that if you’re not using Spring Boot you’ll have to provide a KafkaAdmin bean in order to use this feature.
@RetryableTopic(numPartitions = 2, replicationFactor = 3)
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing

@RetryableTopic(autoCreateTopics = false)
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .autoCreateTopicsWith(2, 3)

public RetryTopicConfiguration myOtherRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
By default the topics are autocreated with one partition and a replication factor of one.
Failure Header Management

When considering how to manage failure headers (original headers and exception headers), the framework delegates to the DeadLetterPublishingRecover to decide whether to append or replace the headers.

By default, it explicitly sets appendOriginalHeaders to false and leaves stripPreviousExceptionHeaders to the default used by the DeadLetterPublishingRecover.

This means that only the first "original" and last exception headers are retained with the default configuration. This is to avoid creation of excessively large messages (due to the stack trace header, for example) when many retry steps are involved.

See [dlpr-headers] for more information.

To reconfigure the framework to use different settings for these properties, configure a DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer customizer by overriding the configureCustomizers method in a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport. See Configuring Global Settings and Features for more details.

protected void configureCustomizers(CustomizersConfigurer customizersConfigurer) {
    customizersConfigurer.customizeDeadLetterPublishingRecoverer(dlpr -> {

Starting with version 2.8.4, if you wish to add custom headers (in addition to the retry information headers added by the factory, you can add a headersFunction to the factory - factory.setHeadersFunction((rec, ex) → { …​ })

Combining Blocking and Non-Blocking Retries

Starting in 2.8.4 you can configure the framework to use both blocking and non-blocking retries in conjunction. For example, you can have a set of exceptions that would likely trigger errors on the next records as well, such as DatabaseAccessException, so you can retry the same record a few times before sending it to the retry topic, or straight to the DLT.

To configure blocking retries, override the configureBlockingRetries method in a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport and add the exceptions you want to retry, along with the BackOff to be used. The default BackOff is a FixedBackOff with no delay and 9 attempts. See Configuring Global Settings and Features for more information.

protected void configureBlockingRetries(BlockingRetriesConfigurer blockingRetries) {
            .retryOn(MyBlockingRetryException.class, MyOtherBlockingRetryException.class)
            .backOff(new FixedBackOff(3000, 5));
In combination with the global retryable topic’s fatal exceptions classification, you can configure the framework for any behavior you’d like, such as having some exceptions trigger both blocking and non-blocking retries, trigger only one kind or the other, or go straight to the DLT without retries of any kind.

Here’s an example with both configurations working together:

protected void configureBlockingRetries(BlockingRetriesConfigurer blockingRetries) {
            .retryOn(ShouldRetryOnlyBlockingException.class, ShouldRetryViaBothException.class)
            .backOff(new FixedBackOff(50, 3));

protected void manageNonBlockingFatalExceptions(List<Class<? extends Throwable>> nonBlockingFatalExceptions) {

In this example:

  • ShouldRetryOnlyBlockingException.class would retry only via blocking and, if all retries fail, would go straight to the DLT.

  • ShouldRetryViaBothException.class would retry via blocking, and if all blocking retries fail would be forwarded to the next retry topic for another set of attempts.

  • ShouldSkipBothRetriesException.class would never be retried in any way and would go straight to the DLT if the first processing attempt failed.

Note that the blocking retries behavior is allowlist - you add the exceptions you do want to retry that way; while the non-blocking retries classification is geared towards FATAL exceptions and as such is denylist - you add the exceptions you don’t want to do non-blocking retries, but to send directly to the DLT instead.
The non-blocking exception classification behavior also depends on the specific topic’s configuration.

Topic Naming

Retry topics and DLT are named by suffixing the main topic with a provided or default value, appended by either the delay or index for that topic.


"my-topic" → "my-topic-retry-0", "my-topic-retry-1", …​, "my-topic-dlt"

"my-other-topic" → "my-topic-myRetrySuffix-1000", "my-topic-myRetrySuffix-2000", …​, "my-topic-myDltSuffix".

Retry Topics and Dlt Suffixes

You can specify the suffixes that will be used by the retry and dlt topics.

@RetryableTopic(retryTopicSuffix = "-my-retry-suffix", dltTopicSuffix = "-my-dlt-suffix")
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyOtherPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
The default suffixes are "-retry" and "-dlt", for retry topics and dlt respectively.
Appending the Topic’s Index or Delay

You can either append the topic’s index or delay values after the suffix.

@RetryableTopic(topicSuffixingStrategy = TopicSuffixingStrategy.SUFFIX_WITH_INDEX_VALUE)
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
The default behavior is to suffix with the delay values, except for fixed delay configurations with multiple topics, in which case the topics are suffixed with the topic’s index.
Custom naming strategies

More complex naming strategies can be accomplished by registering a bean that implements RetryTopicNamesProviderFactory. The default implementation is SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProviderFactory and a different implementation can be registered in the following way:

protected RetryTopicComponentFactory createComponentFactory() {
    return new RetryTopicComponentFactory() {
        public RetryTopicNamesProviderFactory retryTopicNamesProviderFactory() {
            return new CustomRetryTopicNamesProviderFactory();

As an example the following implementation, in addition to the standard suffix, adds a prefix to retry/dl topics names:

public class CustomRetryTopicNamesProviderFactory implements RetryTopicNamesProviderFactory {

    public RetryTopicNamesProvider createRetryTopicNamesProvider(
                DestinationTopic.Properties properties) {

        if(properties.isMainEndpoint()) {
            return new SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProvider(properties);
        else {
            return new SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProvider(properties) {

                public String getTopicName(String topic) {
                    return "my-prefix-" + super.getTopicName(topic);



Dlt Strategies

The framework provides a few strategies for working with DLTs. You can provide a method for DLT processing, use the default logging method, or have no DLT at all. Also you can choose what happens if DLT processing fails.

Dlt Processing Method

You can specify the method used to process the Dlt for the topic, as well as the behavior if that processing fails.

To do that you can use the @DltHandler annotation in a method of the class with the @RetryableTopic annotation(s). Note that the same method will be used for all the @RetryableTopic annotated methods within that class.

@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing

public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
// ... message processing, persistence, etc

The DLT handler method can also be provided through the RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder.dltHandlerMethod(String, String) method, passing as arguments the bean name and method name that should process the DLT’s messages.

public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .dltProcessor("myCustomDltProcessor", "processDltMessage")

public class MyCustomDltProcessor {

    private final MyDependency myDependency;

    public MyCustomDltProcessor(MyDependency myDependency) {
        this.myDependency = myDependency;

    public void processDltMessage(MyPojo message) {
       // ... message processing, persistence, etc
If no DLT handler is provided, the default RetryTopicConfigurer.LoggingDltListenerHandlerMethod is used.

Starting with version 2.8, if you don’t want to consume from the DLT in this application at all, including by the default handler (or you wish to defer consumption), you can control whether or not the DLT container starts, independent of the container factory’s autoStartup property.

When using the @RetryableTopic annotation, set the autoStartDltHandler property to false; when using the configuration builder, use .autoStartDltHandler(false) .

You can later start the DLT handler via the KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry.

DLT Failure Behavior

Should the DLT processing fail, there are two possible behaviors available: ALWAYS_RETRY_ON_ERROR and FAIL_ON_ERROR.

In the former the record is forwarded back to the DLT topic so it doesn’t block other DLT records' processing. In the latter the consumer ends the execution without forwarding the message.

@RetryableTopic(dltProcessingFailureStrategy =
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
            .dltProcessor(MyCustomDltProcessor.class, "processDltMessage")
The default behavior is to ALWAYS_RETRY_ON_ERROR.
Starting with version 2.8.3, ALWAYS_RETRY_ON_ERROR will NOT route a record back to the DLT if the record causes a fatal exception to be thrown, such as a DeserializationException because, generally, such exceptions will always be thrown.

Exceptions that are considered fatal are:

  • DeserializationException

  • MessageConversionException

  • ConversionException

  • MethodArgumentResolutionException

  • NoSuchMethodException

  • ClassCastException

You can add exceptions to and remove exceptions from this list using methods on the DestinationTopicResolver bean.

See Exception Classifier for more information.

Configuring No DLT

The framework also provides the possibility of not configuring a DLT for the topic. In this case after retrials are exhausted the processing simply ends.

@RetryableTopic(dltProcessingFailureStrategy =
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder

Specifying a ListenerContainerFactory

By default the RetryTopic configuration will use the provided factory from the @KafkaListener annotation, but you can specify a different one to be used to create the retry topic and dlt listener containers.

For the @RetryableTopic annotation you can provide the factory’s bean name, and using the RetryTopicConfiguration bean you can either provide the bean name or the instance itself.

@RetryableTopic(listenerContainerFactory = "my-retry-topic-factory")
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
        // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template,
        ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Integer, MyPojo> factory) {

    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder

public RetryTopicConfiguration myOtherRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
Since 2.8.3 you can use the same factory for retryable and non-retryable topics.

If you need to revert the factory configuration behavior to prior 2.8.3, you can override the configureRetryTopicConfigurer method of a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport as explained in Configuring Global Settings and Features and set useLegacyFactoryConfigurer to true, such as:

protected Consumer<RetryTopicConfigurer> configureRetryTopicConfigurer() {
    return rtc -> rtc.useLegacyFactoryConfigurer(true);

Accessing Topics' Information at Runtime

Since 2.9, you can access information regarding the topic chain at runtime by injecting the provided DestinationTopicContainer bean. This interface provides methods to look up the next topic in the chain or the DLT for a topic if configured, as well as useful properties such as the topic’s name, delay and type.

As a real-world use-case example, you can use such information so a console application can resend a record from the DLT to the first retry topic in the chain after the cause of the failed processing, e.g. bug / inconsistent state, has been resolved.

The DestinationTopic provided by the DestinationTopicContainer#getNextDestinationTopicFor() method corresponds to the next topic registered in the chain for the input topic. The actual topic the message will be forwarded to may differ due to different factors such as exception classification, number of attempts or single-topic fixed-delay strategies. Use the DestinationTopicResolver interface if you need to weigh in these factors.

Changing KafkaBackOffException Logging Level

When a message in the retry topic is not due for consumption, a KafkaBackOffException is thrown. Such exceptions are logged by default at DEBUG level, but you can change this behavior by setting an error handler customizer in the ListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer in a @Configuration class.

For example, to change the logging level to WARN you might add:

protected void configureCustomizers(CustomizersConfigurer customizersConfigurer) {
    customizersConfigurer.customizeErrorHandler(commonErrorHandler ->
            ((DefaultErrorHandler) commonErrorHandler).setLogLevel(KafkaException.Level.WARN))