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base repository: gatsbyjs/gatsby
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: gatsby-plugin-feed@4.7.0
Choose a base ref
head repository: gatsbyjs/gatsby
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: gatsby-plugin-feed@4.8.0
Choose a head ref
Showing 362 changed files with 8,589 additions and 21,804 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
[![A dark purple background with hints of stars. On top of that it says "GatsbyConf 2022" and "March 2-3". The letters "2022" are big, playful, light purple, and have illustrations of stars, people in orbs around them.](](


<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img alt="Gatsby" src="" width="60" />
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/memory/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion benchmarks/memory/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,26 @@
FROM node:14-buster
ARG jemalloc
ENV NODE_ENV=production
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install git curl npm -y
RUN npm i -g gatsby-cli gatsby-dev-cli
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# set heap to 16gb just to catch all test cases
ENV NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=16368"

RUN echo "\n\necho \"Welcome to the Gatsby Memory benchmark container!\\n - /usr/src/gatsby : Your local gatsby repo\\n - /usr/src/app : The memory benchmark gatsby site\\n\"" > /root/.bashrc

RUN if [ "$jemalloc" = "1" ]; then \
echo "Using jemalloc for memory allocation" && \
apt-get update && apt-get install -y libjemalloc-dev=5.1.0-3 && \
echo "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" >> /etc/ && \
echo "\n\necho \"This container is using jemelloc.\\n\"" >> /root/.bashrc; \

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# set up gatsby-dev
RUN gatsby-dev --set-path-to-repo /usr/src/gatsby

63 changes: 53 additions & 10 deletions benchmarks/memory/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,15 +12,62 @@ Within the container, two points to your local filesystem are mounted:
- /usr/src/gatsby : Your local gatsby repo
- /usr/src/site : The memory benchmark gatsby site

If you'd like to configure `jemalloc` to run within the container, set the `JEMALLOC=1` env var when building the docker container.

## Commands

### Tests

#### yarn test --memory X --num-nodes Y --node-size Z

Runs a test build within a docker container with the given memory allotment.
Within our gatsby-node, we'll create X nodes with a string property of size Y.

Example: running a build with 1000 nodes of 1mb each, in a docker container with 8gb of memory.

$ yarn test --memory 8g --num-nodes 500 --node-size 1m

#### yarn test-suite --name some-name --suite [incremental|exhaustive]

Runs through test suites defined in `scripts/test-suite.js` and outputs results to `output/some-name`.
Output includes a `results.csv` with a summary of all builds, as well as breakdowns for each memory configuration.

##### incremental

Incremental tests run builds with a `node-size` of 1m. For each memory allotment, it will start with 100
nodes in the build and increment by 100 on each success. The test will stop when all builds in a given
configuration fail.
See `incrementalConfig` in `scripts/test-suite.js` to customize test sets.

##### exhaustive

Exhaustive tests are just that, exhaustive. It will measure the time/success of every combination given.
See `exhaustiveConfig` in `scripts/test-suite.js` to customize test sets.

### Docker

These commands are used for interfacing with docker and have built-in utilities for managing the docker container.

#### yarn docker:build

Builds the container used for testing.
If you'd like to configure `jemalloc` to run within the container, set the `JEMALLOC=1` env var.


$ JEMALLOC=1 yarn docker:build

#### yarn docker:remove

Removes the docker image.

#### yarn docker:rebuild

Shorthand for remove + build.

#### yarn docker:start

@@ -38,6 +85,10 @@ A shorthand for start + connect.

Stop the container used for testing.

#### yarn docker:stats

Show a polling display of the container's docker stats.

### Gatsby

These commands are used for interfacing with gatsby.
@@ -81,17 +132,9 @@ When starting working with this benchmark:

- start `yarn watch` (possibly with `--scope`) in monorepo
- start `gatsby-dev` outside of docker in benchmark directory (just like with regular site)
- `yarn docker:connect` to get inside docker
- `npm rebuild` to rebuild binaries inside docker
- `yarn test --memory 8g --num-nodes 1000 --node-size 1m`

And repeat as many times as you want:

- make changes to `gatsby` source code as you normally would
- run `yarn gatsby:build` inside docker

## Testing


- How to configure memory limits
- Where to look
- run your `yarn test` command again
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions benchmarks/memory/gatsby-node.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
const { cpuCoreCount } = require(`gatsby-core-utils`)

const NUM_NODES = parseInt(process.env.NUM_NODES || 300, 10)
const NUM_KEYS_IN_LARGE_SIZE_OBJ = parseInt(process.env.BUILD_LARGE_OBJECT_COUNT || 1024, 10)
const NUM_NODES = parseInt(process.env.BUILD_NUM_NODES || 300, 10)

// convert raw size to number
const regexpSize = /([0-9]+)([kmg])?/;
const match = LARGE_FIELD_SIZE_RAW.match(regexpSize);
const suffixSizes = ['k', 'm', 'g'];
let bytesMultiplier = 1;
if (match.length > 2 && suffixSizes.indexOf(match[2]) >= 0) {
bytesMultiplier = 2 ** ((suffixSizes.indexOf(match[2]) + 1) * 10)
const LARGE_FIELD_SIZE = parseInt(match[1], 10) * bytesMultiplier;


exports.sourceNodes = async ({ actions, reporter }) => {
const contentDigest = // make each sourcing mark everything as dirty
@@ -25,7 +36,7 @@ exports.sourceNodes = async ({ actions, reporter }) => {
number2: NUM_NODES - i,
number3: i % 20,
largeSizeString: `x`.repeat(1024 * 1024),
largeSizeString: `x`.repeat(LARGE_FIELD_SIZE),
internal: {
type: `Test`,
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions benchmarks/memory/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,12 +10,16 @@
"gatsby:develop": "NODE_ENV=development yarn gatsby develop -H -p 9000",
"gatsby:build:debug": "node --nolazy --inspect-brk= node_modules/.bin/gatsby build",
"gatsby:develop:debug": "NODE_ENV=development node --nolazy --inspect-brk= node_modules/.bin/gatsby develop -H -p 9000",
"docker:build": "docker build -t gatsby-memory .",
"docker:build": "docker build -t gatsby-memory . --build-arg jemalloc=$JEMALLOC",
"docker:remove": "docker image rm -f gatsby-memory",
"docker:rebuild": "yarn docker:stop; yarn docker:remove && yarn docker:build",
"docker:start": "./scripts/docker-start",
"docker:connect": "./scripts/docker-connect",
"docker:start-and-connect": "./scripts/docker-start && sleep 1 && ./scripts/docker-connect",
"docker:stop": "./scripts/docker-stop",
"docker:stats": "./scripts/docker-stats"
"docker:stats": "./scripts/docker-stats",
"test": "node scripts/test.js",
"test-suite": "node scripts/test-suite.js"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions benchmarks/memory/scripts/docker-start
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,16 +5,21 @@ if [ -n "$DOCKER_ID" ]; then
return 1


docker run -td \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/../..",target=/usr/src/gatsby \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/src/app \
--publish 9229:9229 \
--publish 9000:9000 \
--memory="2g" \
--memory-swap="2g" \
--memory="${MEMORY_LIMIT}" \
--memory-swap="${MEMORY_LIMIT}" \
gatsby-memory \
| head -c 12 \

echo "\nStarted container id ${DOCKER_ID}! Run \`yarn docker:connect\` to connect to the container.\n"
sleep 1
docker exec $DOCKER_ID bash -c "/usr/src/app/scripts/docker-write-memory &"

echo "\nStarted container id ${DOCKER_ID} with ${MEMORY_LIMIT} of memory! Run \`yarn docker:connect\` to connect to the container.\n"
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/memory/scripts/docker-write-memory
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
while true; do

# find all node processes
PROCESS_USAGES=$(ps -eo rss,pid,euser,args:100 --sort %mem | grep -v grep | grep -i "${PROCESS}" | awk '{print $1}')

# sum the usage
SUM_USAGE=$(echo "$PROCESS_USAGES" | awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.0f\n", s}')

# write to file
echo -e "$SUM_USAGE" > /usr/src/app/.docker.memusage
sleep .25