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140 lines (103 loc) · 5.23 KB

File metadata and controls

140 lines (103 loc) · 5.23 KB

Contributing to GenomeSpy

Thank you for considering contributing GenomeSpy.

Commit Guidelines

Atomic Commits

Every commit should be atomic, encapsulating a single change. This practice enhances clarity and simplifies code review and bug tracing. Before pushing, review your commits to ensure each represents a single logical change.

Conventional Commits and Commitlint

We adhere strictly to the conventional commits specification to maintain a clean, navigable, and informative commit history. To facilitate this, commit messages should be validated using commitlint. Running npm install will install git hooks that will validate your commit messages automatically.

If applicable, the scope in the commit message should be the package name, e.g., core or app. However, when making commits that will be squashed into a single commit, the scope can be omitted.

Coding Practices

Language and Typings

Our codebase is primarily JavaScript, utilizing JSDoc for type annotations. The TypeScript language server in VSCode uses the JSDoc comments for type checking. Before pushing your changes, ensure that your code is correctly typed and passes the type checking. You can run the type checking with:

npm -ws --if-present run test:tsc

Code Formatting with Prettier

To ensure code consistency and readability, all contributions must adhere to our formatting standards, enforced by Prettier. We recommend running Prettier before submitting your contributions to avoid formatting-related revisions. The Prettier extension for VSCode is recommended for automatic formatting.

Editor Configuration

We provide an .editorconfig file to help maintain consistent coding styles for various editors and IDEs. VSCode users need an extension to leverage these settings automatically.

Ensure High Performance in Hot Paths

GenomeSpy is a high-performance visualization toolkit, and we strive to maintain this standard in all aspects of the project. When making changes, especially in hot paths of GenomeSpy's data flow, ensure that the performance is not compromised. Particularly, avoid creating large numbers of objects in loops, if the objects are to be discarded soon after.

However, premature optimization is discouraged and code readability is preferred over unnecessary performance hacks. Instead, use the performance tools provided by the browser to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.


GenomeSpy uses vitest for both unit and integration testing. While our unit tests are thorough, we recognize a need for stronger integration testing. Contributions aimed at enhancing our integration test suite are especially welcome and needed. Tests can be run with:

npm run test

How to Contribute

Before making contributions, please familiarize yourself with the following processes to ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Setting up a local development environment is the first step. VSCode is the recommended IDE for GenomeSpy development, as it provides a seamless development experience with integrated tools and extensions. However, any IDE that supports JavaScript and TypeScript can be used.


The following entry (with a correct pathMapping) in VSCode's launch.json can be used to debug the GenomeSpy app:

  "type": "chrome",
  "request": "launch",
  "name": "GenomeSpy App",
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/",
  "sourceMaps": false,
  "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/app/src",
  "pathMapping": {
    "/@fs/Users/klavikka/genome-spy/packages/core/src": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/core/src"
  "enableContentValidation": false

The enableContentValidation property is essential, as we don't use source maps during development. However, vite rewrites the imports, making the content validation fail.

Development Server

See the for instructions on how to start the development server.

Submitting Pull Requests

All changes should be submitted through pull requests (PRs). Please provide a clear and detailed description of your changes, including the motivation and context behind them. PRs undergo a review process, and constructive feedback should be expected and welcomed.


If new features are introduced in your pull request, please also update the documentation in the docs/ directory. If the changes alter the visualization grammar, the typings and their documentation in the packages/core/src/spec/ directory should also be updated.

Community and Communication

We encourage open and respectful communication within our community. If you have questions, suggestions, or need clarification on any aspect of the project, please feel free to reach out through GitHub discussions or issues.