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File metadata and controls

247 lines (194 loc) · 7.88 KB



composer create-project geo6/mapper


To enable authentication, add the following in config/autoload/local.php :

'authentication' => [
    'pdo' => [
        'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=...',
        'username' => '...',
        'password' => '...',
        'table' => '...',
        'field' => [
            'identity' => '...',
            'password' => '...',
        'sql_get_roles' => '...',
        'sql_get_details' => '...',

See Zend Expressive Authentication configuration for more information !


You can write your configuration files using any format compatible with Laminas\Config\Reader (.ini, .xml, .json, .yaml, .php).

Geocoder providers (global)

The geocoding uses Geocoder PHP library. A list of providers is available here.

  1. Install the new provider

    composer install <geocoder-provider-package>
  2. Add the new provider in src/App/Handler/Geocoder/AddressHandler.php (and in src/App/Handler/Geocoder/ReverseHandler.php if reverse geocoding is available)

  3. Then, declare the newly installed provider in config/autoload/ file

    '<provider-name>' => [
        'reverse' => true|false,
        'title'   => '<provider-title>',
    Parameter Type Description
    reverse boolean Does the service provide reverse geocoding ?
    title string Provider display title.

Coordinates Reference Systems (global)

File config/autoload/

'<projection-code>' => [
    'name'  => '<projection-name>',
    'proj4' => '<projection-proj4-definition>',
Parameter Type Description
name string Projection display name.
proj4 string PROJ.4 definition. See

Custom configuration

Custom configuration is defined by "project". Those "projects" can be define by role, user or be available for everyone (= public).

To declare a new "project", just create a new folder in one of those directories:

  • config/application/public/
  • config/application/roles/<rolename>/
  • config/application/users/<username>/

You will then be able to access a "project" by adding ?c=<project-foldername> in the URL.

If you want the same baselayers for every "project", you can configure your baselayers in a global config/application/baselayers.yaml file.


title: <project-title>
description: <project-description>
  zoom: <project-default-map-zoom>
Parameter Type Description
title string Project display title.
description string Project description (available in "About" sidebar tab). (optional) float[] Project default map center coordinates (Longitude, Latitude).
map.zoom (optional) float[] Project default map zoom level.


baselayers: <baselayer-1>

Replace <baselayer-#> by one of the following (XYZ, WMS, WMTS):

XYZ baselayer

  name: <baselayer-name>
  url: <baselayer-url>
    - <baselayer-attribution-1>
    - <baselayer-attribution-2>
    - ...
  maxZoom: <baselayer-max-zoom>
Parameter Type Description
name string Baselayer display name.
url string Baselayer (service) URL.
attributions (optional) string[] Baselayer attribution(s).
maxZoom (optional) integer Baselayer maximum zoom level.

WMS baselayer

  mode: wms
  name: <baselayer-name>
  url: <baselayer-service-url>
  layers: [<layer-1-id>, <layer-2-id>, ...]
    - <baselayer-attribution-1>
    - <baselayer-attribution-2>
    - ...
Parameter Type Description
name string Baselayer display name.
url string Baselayer service URL.
layers string[] Baselayer service layers name.
attributions (optional) string[] Baselayer attribution(s).

WMTS baselayer

  mode: wmts
  name: <baselayer-name>
  url: <baselayer-service-url>
  layer: <layer-id>
    - <baselayer-attribution-1>
    - <baselayer-attribution-2>
    - ...
Parameter Type Description
name string Baselayer display name.
url string Baselayer service URL.
layer string[] Baselayer service layer name.
attributions (optional) string[] Baselayer attribution(s).


  - <service-1>
  - <service-2>

Replace <service-#> by one of the following (WMS, WMTS):

WMS layer

- type: wms
  url: <service-url>
  proxy: true|false
    type: digest
    username: <service-username>
    password: <service-password>
  default: []
  maxZoom: <service-maxzoomlevel>
Parameter Type Description
url string WMS service URL.
proxy (optional) boolean Use Mapper application as proxy to query the WMS service ?
auth.type (optional) string Type of authentication used by the WMS service (basic or digest).
auth.username (optional) string Username for the authentication.
auth.password (optional) string Password for the authentication.
default (optional) string[] List of layers displayed by default.
maxZoom (optional) integer WMS service maximum zoom level.

WMTS layer

- type: wmts
  url: <service-url>
Parameter Type Description
url string WMS service URL.


  - type: <file-type>
    path: <file-path>
  - ...
Parameter Type Description
type string csv, geojson, gpx, or kml.
path string Path of a file or a directory.