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83 lines (54 loc) · 4.34 KB

Contributing to Ddosify

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Ddosify! We appreciate the time and effort you're putting in to help improve this open-source project. In this guide, we'll provide you with the necessary information and guidelines to help you get started.

📜 Code of Conduct

By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. Please read it carefully and ensure that your contributions and interactions with the community adhere to its principles.

🚀 Getting Started

To get started with contributing to Ddosify, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Ddosify on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine:
git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/ddosify.git
  1. Add the Ddosify repository as an upstream remote:
git remote add upstream
  1. We follow Gitflow branching model. Create a feature branch from the develop branch:
git checkout -b feature/FEATURE_NAME develop
  1. Set up your development environment. Go programing language (Version >= 1.18) is required to build and run Ddosify. You can find the installation instructions here for Go. We also provide Dockerfile and Visual Studio Code (VS Code) remote container configuration for development. More information about VS Code remote container can be found here.

  2. Run the main.go file:

go run main.go

💻 Submitting Changes

Before submitting a pull request (PR) with your changes, please make sure you follow these guidelines:

  1. Ensure your code is well-formatted and follows the established coding style for this project (e.g., proper indentation, naming conventions, etc.).

  2. Write unit tests for any new functionality or bug fixes. Ensure that all tests pass before submitting your PR.

  3. Update the file according to your changes.

  4. Keep your PRs focused and as small as possible. If you have multiple unrelated changes, create separate PRs for them.

  5. Add a descriptive title and detailed description to your PR, explaining the purpose and rationale behind your changes.

  6. Rebase your branch with the latest upstream changes before submitting your PR:

git pull --rebase upstream master
  1. Create a pull request (PR) against the develop branch.

After submitting your PR, our team will review your changes. We may ask for revisions or provide feedback before merging your changes into the master branch. Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

🐛 Bug Reports

We appreciate your help in identifying and fixing bugs in the Ddosify. When submitting a bug report, please include:

  • A clear and descriptive title.
  • A detailed description of the issue, including the steps to reproduce the bug.
  • Any relevant information about your environment, such as the OS, Go version, and configuration.
  • If possible, attach a minimal code sample or test case that demonstrates the issue.
  • If possible, attach a screenshot or animated GIF that demonstrates the issue.

✨ Feature Requests

We welcome suggestions for new features and improvements to the Ddosify. When submitting a feature request, please include:

  • A clear and descriptive title.
  • A detailed description of the proposed feature or enhancement, including the rationale behind it and any potential use cases.
  • If possible, provide examples or mockups to help illustrate your proposal.

💬 Community

We believe that a strong community is key to the success of the Ddosify. You can contribute to the community by:

  • Participating in discussions on GitHub issues and pull requests, providing feedback, suggestions, or sharing your experiences with the tool.
  • Promoting the Ddosify by writing blog posts, creating video tutorials, or sharing the project on social media.

You can join our Discord Server for issues, feature requests, feedbacks or anything else. We're happy to help you out!