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File metadata and controls

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To get started with performance monitoring using Sentry's React SDK, first install the @sentry/react and @sentry/apm packages:

# Using yarn
$ yarn add @sentry/react @sentry/apm

# Using npm
$ npm install @sentry/react @sentry/apm

Next, initialize the integration in your call to Sentry.init. Make sure this happens before you mount your React component on the page.

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
import { Integrations } from "@sentry/apm";
  dsn: '"___PUBLIC_DSN___"',
  release: 'my-project-name@' + process.env.npm_package_version,
  integrations: [
    new Integrations.Tracing(),
  tracesSampleRate: 0.25, // must be present and non-zero

// ...

ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootNode);

// Can also use with React Concurrent Mode
// ReactDOM.createRoot(rootNode).render(<App />);

withProfiler Higher-Order Component

@sentry/react exports a withProfiler Higher-Order Component that leverages the @sentry/apm Tracing integration to add React related spans to transactions. If the Tracing integration is not enabled, the Profiler will not work.

In the example below, the withProfiler Higher-Order Component is used to instrument an App component.

import React from 'react';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <NestedComponent someProp={2} />
        <AnotherComponent />

export default Sentry.withProfiler(App);

The React Profiler current generates spans with three different kinds of op codes: react.mount, react.render, and react.update.

  1. react.mount is the span that represents how long it took for the profiled component to mount.

  2. react.render is the span that represents how long the profiled component was on a page. This span is only generated if the profiled component unmounts.

  3. react.update is the span that represents when the profiled component updated.

{% capture __alert_content -%} In React Strict Mode, certain component methods will be invoked twice. This may lead to duplicate react.mount spans appearing in a transaction. React Strict Mode only runs in development mode, so this should have no impact on your production traces. {%- endcapture -%} {%- include components/alert.html title="Note" content=__alert_content level="warning" %}

The withProfiler higher order component has a variety options for further customization. They can be passed in as the second argument to the withProfiler function.

export default Sentry.withProfiler(App, { name: "CustomAppName" })

name (string)

The name of the component being profiled. By default, the name is taken from the component displayName property or the component name property.

includeRender (boolean)

If a react.render span should be created by the Profiler. Set as true by default.

includeUpdates (boolean)

If react.update spans should be created by the Profiler. Set as true by default. You should set this prop as false for that components experience that will many rerenders, as text input components, as the resulting spans can become very noisy.