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Note: This documentation is a work in progress, if you find problems with it's construction or it's content. Please file an issue!

What is this all about?

In this documentation we will descend through increasingly detailed descriptions of Girder Worker and its relationship to Celery, ending up with descriptions of how you can use Girder Worker to run remote asynchronous tasks.

10,000 foot view

Girder Worker is an application that wraps Celery; it relies on Celery's distributed task execution mechanisms to do work, while reflecting task state and logging information back into Girder for visualization, debugging and management. Girder Worker is designed to receive and execute tasks that have been produced by Girder. Messages that encode what tasks and task arguments are passed from Girder to Girder Worker via a separate service called a broker. In many common setups this broker is RabbitMQ.

Girder Worker runs in a separate process from Girder. It may run on the same physical machine as Girder, or may be run on one or more separate machines. At a low level, RabbitMQ brokers the communication between Girder and Girder Worker. If Girder and Girder Worker are running on separate machines, both machines must be able to connect to the server running RabbitMQ.

Girder Worker's configuration is managed by an INI style configuration file located in girder_worker/worker.dist.cfg. This file is version controlled and should not be directly modified. To customize configurations copy the worker.dist.cfg to worker.local.cfg and make your modifications there. There are several commented configurations available in the configuration file. The most important is the broker config under the [celery] section. This is how Girder Worker connects to RabbitMQ and should follow Celery's broker_url syntax.

Assuming you have configured Girder Worker to connect to the RabbitMQ service, running Girder Worker is easy. From a command line simply run:

$> girder-worker

Or if you are using systemd you may create a simple service file:

Description=Girder Worker Service


ExecStop=/path/to/bin/celery multi stopwait worker


Replace GIRDER_USER and GIRDER_GROUP with the user and group you want the service to run as. Save the file as /etc/systemd/system/girder_worker.service and run sudo systemctl daemon-reload. Finally execute systemctl start girder_worker to run the girder_worker service.


Vocabulary can be an area of confusion when dealing with these systems. In an attempt to be clear we will draw a strong, jargon-like, distinction between the terms Job and Task.

The term Job will always refer to the concept of a Girder Job. Jobs are displayed on the Job's panel in Girder. They are represented in the database as Job Models. Girder Job's have various states and notification streams, and can be scheduled to execute on Girder Worker.

The term Task on the other hand will always refer to the Celery concept of a Task. Tasks are typified by decorated Python functions that can be scheduled to run on Girder Worker via the Celery task calling api. Unlike Jobs, Tasks are not stored in a database. Tasks are Python functions, defined in a Python module, that have been decorated by the Girder Worker's @app.task decorator. This means they do not exist until they are imported from the module in which they are defined.

Related to tasks are messages. A Message is the serialized task object that is placed on a broker's queue. By default, serialization is achieved by creating a dictionary of the function name, the arguments, keyword arguments and message metadata and then serializing this dictionary as a JSON string. Commonly message serialization and queuing happens on the Girder side, this is called producing a message, and in this case you might describe Girder as a Producer (Note that it is possible for other things to produce messages including Girder Worker. An example of when this would happen is using celery's canvas features). In our case, Girder Worker usually pulls messages off of the queue, deserializes them back into Celery Task objects and then applies those task objects to the arguments and keyword arguments encoded in the message. This is referred to as consuming a message and makes Girder Worker a Consumer.

To Recap:

  • Job - The Girder model that provides UI for the Celery Task
  • Task - The Celery object that wraps a developer defined function
  • Message - A serialized Task object and its arguments
  • Producer - Anything that generates a message with its arguments and places it on the queue.
  • Consumer - Anything that dequeues a message, deserializes it into a Task object and applies that object to the message arguments.

1,000 foot view

There are currently two approaches of using Girder to produce messages for consumption by Girder Worker.

The traditional approach

The first, called the "traditional" approach is to use the Worker plugin to create and schedule a Girder job. The worker job handler then produces a celery message and places it on the queue for consumption by Girder Worker. This is a Job creates Task approach (though more accurately it is Job creates message, which is consumed by Girder Worker, where the message is applied to as Task).

The traditional approach is historically how Girder Worker was used going all the way back to its progenitor Romanesco. It is consistent Girder's approach to Jobs; it attempts to abstract the notion of a job from the mechanism that schedules that job. For simple cases this is sufficient but it limits the power of individual schedulers to the common semantics of the Job.

The Celery approach

The second (and preferred) approach is the Celery approach. In this approach a celery task object is imported from a package and called using the standard celery API (e.g. with the .delay(...) or the .apply_async(...) methods). As long as the task object inherits from custom task class then this approach will create a Girder Job automatically. This is a Task creates Job approach.

An Example Task

To illustrate the differences between the traditional and Celery approaches of executing remote tasks, we'll use an example task fibonacci that inefficiently calculates the Fibonacci number of an input parameter n:

from import app

def fibonacci(n, **kwargs):
    if n == 1 or n == 2:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

Tasks such as this must be placed in a package that is Python importable. For our purposes we will assume this task can be imported from my_custom_package.tasks

For Example:

from my_custom_package.tasks import fibonacci

Note that in various girder_worker tests, we use an inefficient implementation of fibonacci because it nicely simulates a long running, computationally intensive, function.

The traditional approach

To run the fibonacci task remotely through Girder Worker using the traditional approach, we must create a Girder job, save that job, and schedule it using the Worker plugin. To produce a Celery message using the traditional approach, two conditions must be met:

  1. the Worker plugin must be enabled from the admin plugins panel and
  2. the handler key word argument must be set to the string worker_handler in the createJob(...) function.

The following code illustrates how to create, save, and schedule the fibonacci job:

from import Job

# Create the job
job = Job.createJob(
    title='<NAME OF THE JOB>',
    type='<JOB TYPE>',
        'celeryTaskName': 'my_custom_package.tasks.fibonacci'

# Save the job

# Schedule the job

This is code you might see in a REST request handler that is dedicated to launching fibonacci jobs. See the Jobs documentation for more information about creating, saving and scheduling jobs.

The params of the job model singleton createJob are:

  • title which sets the display title of the Job
  • type which sets the Job type (Note that type is a arbitrary string used to categorize jobs, it has no behavior)
  • user which should be an instance of a user model; the job will belong to this user
  • public which affects whether or not anonymous users can see the job or not
  • args which is a list of arguments to apply the consumer-side task object to (In our example n in my_custom_package.tasks.fibonacci will be 20)
  • kwargs which is a list of keyword arguments to which the consumer-side task object is applied (in our example there are none)
  • handler which must be "worker_handler", or the Worker plugin handler will not execute and the Celery message will not be produced
  • otherFields which is a dictionary of fields that are specific to Worker plugin job models

Currently the Worker plugin supports two otherFields:

  • celeryTaskName should be the name of the task object. This is almost always the Python importable path to the task as a string (unless you have specifically set the name when decorating the function). In our example this is the string "my_custom_package.tasks.fibonacci". If you do not specify a celeryTaskName in otherFields it will use "" by default.
  • celeryQueue allows you to place the produced message on a different RabbitMQ queue than the default celery queue.

For the final part of our example we use the jobModel singleton to save the job to the database and then schedule the job to execute.

Notes about the traditional approach

In general the traditional approach is not the preferred approach for producing tasks from Girder. As we will see, it takes several additional steps compared to the Celery approach. More importantly, the traditional approach can only use the default Celery configurations, with the exception of the backend and broker settings (for why, see "Issues with the traditional approach" under the architectural notes section).

The one advantage of the traditional approach is that it does not require the package that defines your task objects to be installed in the Producer's environment (e.g. my_custom_package in our example does not have to be installed on the same server as Girder). This can be helpful if for some reason you do not have deploy time control over the Girder environment, or if you have a particularly difficult set of dependencies that would need to be installed in both the Girder and Girder Worker Python environments (though, see: "What if my task has complex install dependencies?" for suggestions on how to mitigate this issue with the Celery approach).

The Celery approach

The Celery approach for producing messages from Girder to be consumed by Girder Worker is the preferred approach. This requires installing the package that contains the task (e.g. my_custom_package) in the girder environment. Once this is complete the following code will produce (generate and enqueue) a message and, as a side-effect, it will create a Girder Job.

# Import the Celery Task object
from my_custom_package.tasks import fibonacci

# Generate a message and place it on the queue
async_result = fibonacci.delay(20)

# Return the Girder Job
return async_result.job

Note that, like the code for the traditional approach, this is code you might see in a REST request handler that is dedicated to launching fibonacci jobs. See the Celery Task API for more information about how to call and configure celery tasks.

The previous code should look familiar to anyone who has used a Celery task before. We import the fibonacci task object from the my_custom_package.tasks module and then call .delay(20). This will generate a message and consumer-side will apply the fibonacci function to the number 20 (returning 6765). The only surprising part should be referencing async_result.job. Girder Worker tasks inherit from a custom base task. This base task creates the Girder Job and returns a subclassed version of celery.result.AsyncResult that includes a job property. This job attribute will return the Girder Job model that was created as a side effect of generating and en-queuing the message.

Notes about the Celery approach

While the Celery approach is much more terse than the traditional approach, the astute reader will recognize that it does not (as illustrated) provide the ability to modify the properties of the Girder Job that is generated. In fact, using the fibonacci task introduced previously, with the Celery approach will produce a job in the Girder Job panel with the title "<unnammed job>". To remedy this situation a series of reserved Girder Worker specific keywords may be passed to any of the Celery Task API methods. These keywords allow per-task invocation modification of the generated Girder Job. They are:

  • girder_job_title This changes the job title, by default (e.g if girder\_job\_title is omitted) it is "\<unnamed job\>".
  • girder_job_type This changes the job type, by default it is "celery" (Note that girder_job_type is a arbitrary string used to categorize jobs, it has no behavior).
  • girder_job_public This changes the public status of the job, by default it is False.
  • girder_job_handler This changes the job handler, by default it is "celery_handler" (Note: do not change this unless you are sure you know what you are doing).
  • girder_job_other_fields This field allows you to set additional handler specific fields on the Job. Currently the "celery_handler" has no additional standard fields. This could however be used to extend the job model data to suit application specific needs. The "meta" field is displayed by the Girder Jobs plugin as part of the job details.
  • girder_user This field sets the girder user which belongs to the job. It should be a full user model. By default it is the return value of

Here is an example of using these fields:

# Import the Celery Task object
from my_custom_package.tasks import fibonacci

# Generate a message and place it on the queue
async_result = fibonacci.delay(20,
	girder_job_title='Fibonacci Job',
	girder_job_other_fields= {
		'some_custom_field': 'some_custom_value'

# Return the Girder Job
return async_result.job

These keyword arguments may also be passed to the .apply_async(...), .s(...) and .signature(...) methods:

async_result = fibonacci.apply_async(
	girder_job_title='Fibonacci Job',
	girder_job_other_fields= {
		'some_custom_field': 'some_custom_value'

Or equally:

sig = fibonacci.s(20,
	girder_job_title='Fibonacci Job',
	girder_job_other_fields= {
		'some_custom_field': 'some_custom_value'

async_result = sig.delay()

return async_result.job

Job Defaults

The above keyword arguments can be used to set per-invocation values for the generated job model. While this is useful for specific invocations, generally Girder Job metadata will be similar across task invocations. Default values for this metadata may be set by decorating the task definition with the girder_job decorator:

from girder_worker.utils import girder_job
from import app

@girder_job(title='Fibonacci Job',
	public=True, otherFields={
	'some_custom_field': 'some_custom_value'})
def fibonacci(n, **kwargs):
	if n == 1 or n == 2:
		return 1
	return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

Decorated like so, the fibonacci.delay(...) function will act as though the corresponding keyword arguments were passed into the function. Defaults defined with @girder_job will be over-ridden by invocation specific keyword arguments. Note that the girder_job decorator must be placed after the app.task decorator.

Girder Client

Each task that is running consumer-side has access to a Girder Client object for talking back to the deployment of Girder that spawned that task. By default this client has the permissions of an unauthenticated user and expects Girder to be running at localhost on port 8080. This can be changed by using the following reserved keyword arguments:

  • girder_client_token
  • girder_api_url

These are not used in Girder job creation, but instead provide each executing consumer-side task with access to an instantiated GirderClient. This client can be used to perform arbitrary RESTful calls against the girder deployment. The URL location of the girder API is specified with girder_api_url keyword argument. The default girder_api_url will be the return value of girder.plugins.worker.utils.getWorkerApiUrl(). The client will be instantiated with the girder_client_token as its authentication mechanism. This means the consumer-side client will have permissions that are consistent with the scopes applied to the token. The default girder_client_token is None.

An example:

Producer side REST endpoint:

from my_custom_module.tasks import some_task
from girder.models.token import Token


@filtermodel(model='job', plugin='jobs')
	Description('Launch a task, making a scoped token available to the girder_client in the task.')
	.param('file_id', 'File Id to run "some_task" on', dataType='string'))
def some_rest_endpoint(file_id, **params):
	# Create a token with permissions of the current user.
	token = Token().createToken(

	# Launch the asynchronous task
	async_result = some_task.delay(file_id, girder_client_token=token['_id'])

	return async_result.job

Consumer side task:

from import app

def some_task(self, file_id):
	# Note: girder_client is available as an attribute of 'self'
	# self (the task object) will be passed to the function if
	# bind is set to True in the task decorator.
	self.girder_client.downloadFile(file_id, '/tmp/file')
	with open('/tmp/file', 'rb') as f:
		# Do something with contents of f

In this example the producer side REST endpoint creates a token with the scope of the current user, then passes the REST argument file_id and the token to the task object's .delay(...) function. On the consumer side, the task has access to the GirderClient instance through self.girder_client. To get access to self the task must be decorated with @app.task(bind=True) (See bound tasks for more information).

How do I write a custom Celery task for Girder Worker?

Note that this is taken almost directly from Writing your own plugin

Adding additional tasks to the girder_worker infrastructure takes three steps.

  1. Creating tasks in a Python package
  2. Creating a plugin class that informs Girder Worker there are tasks in the Python package
  3. Adding a girder_worker_plugins entry point to your

Creating tasks follows the standard celery conventions. The only difference is the celery application that decorates the function should be imported from E.g.:

from import app

def fibonacci(n, **kwargs):
	if n == 1 or n == 2:
		return 1
	return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

As before, we'll assume that this function is defined in the tasks module of my_custom_package. Each plugin must define a plugin class the inherits from girder_worker.GirderWorkerPluginABC. GirderWorkerPluginABC is an abstract base class with a simple interface that must be implemented by it's subclasses. The class must define an __init__ function and a task_imports function. __init__ takes the girder_worker's celery application as its first argument. This allows the plugin to store a reference to the application, or change configurations of the application as necessary. The task_imports function takes no arguments and must return a list of the package paths (e.g. importable strings) that contain the plugin’s tasks. As an example:

from girder_worker import GirderWorkerPluginABC

class MyCustomPackagePlugin(GirderWorkerPluginABC):
    def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs): = app

        # Update the celery application's configuration
        # it is not necessary to change the application configuration
        # this is simply included to illustrate that it is possible.{
            'TASK_TIME_LIMIT': 300

    def task_imports(self):
        return ['my_custom_package.tasks']

Setuptools entry points are a way for Python packages to advertise classes and objects to other installed packages. In order to make the plugin class discoverable by Girder Worker, each plugin must define a custom entry point in its For our example, this entry point looks like this:

from setuptools import setup

      # ....
          'girder_worker_plugins': [
              'my_custom_package = my_custom_package:MyCustomPackagePlugin',
      # ....

The girder_worker package introduces a new entry point girder_worker_plugins. This is followed by a list of strings which are parsed by setuptools at install time. The strings must be in the form name = module:plugin_class, where name is an arbitrary string (by convention the name of the plugin), module is the importable path to the module containing the plugin class, and plugin_class is a class that inherits from GirderWorkerPluginABC.

For more on entry points, see the setuptools documentation.

Once you have defined your tasks, created a plugin class, setup your entrypoint, and installed your package, you can verify that your task is being properly discovered by running

$> girder-worker -l info

This should provide a list of discovered tasks under [tasks]:

(girder)$> girder-worker -l info

 -------------- celery@host v4.0.2
---- **** -----
--- * ***  * -- Linux-4.8.6-1-ARCH-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5
-- * - **** ---
- ** ---------- [config]
- ** ---------- .> app:         girder_worker:0x7f69bfff1050
- ** ---------- .> transport:   amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672//
- ** ---------- .> results:     amqp://
- *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 32 (prefork)
-- ******* ----
--- ***** ----- [queues]
 -------------- .> celery           exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

  . girder_worker.convert
  . girder_worker.validators
  . gwexample.analyses.tasks.fibonacci

[2016-11-08 12:22:56,163: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to amqp://guest:**@
[2016-11-08 12:22:56,184: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2016-11-08 12:22:57,198: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
[2016-11-08 12:22:57,218: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@host ready.

What if my task has complex install dependencies?

One of the few disadvantages of the Celery approach is requiring that the package that contains your task be installed on both the consumer (where the task is run) and the producer (where the task is enqueued). Normally this isn't a big problem, especially if your tasks are only using functions from Python's standard library.

In some cases however, tasks have complex dependencies that are difficult to install and it may be burdensome to install them in the producer (Girder) environment. Luckily this issue can be easily ameliorated by guarding imports in your task packages:

from import app

	from complex_dependency import complex_function
except ImportError:

def some_task(*args, **kwargs):
	return complex_function(*args, **kwargs)

Producer-side code will still generate the task objects, allowing them to produce task messages, while consumer-side code (where the complex_dependency package must be installed) will be able to execute the task body.

You may additionally wish to configure setuptools using extras_require to manage the different between producer and consumer dependencies:


		'consumer':  ["complex_dependency", ...],

This means the producer side code can be installed with pip as my_custom_package and the consumer side code (that includes the complex dependencies) can be installed as my_custom_package[consumer]

Communicating with Girder from inside Tasks

Tasks decorated with the Girder Worker application object have two main channels of interacting with the Girder deployment that produced the task.

The first is the job_manager which provides an API for interacting with the specific Girder job model that is reflecting the state of Celery Task. The job_manger is an instance of girder_worker.utils.JobManager. The job_manager is available on the task object, which means you must decorate the task with bind equal to True in order to access the job_manager (e.g. @app.task(bind=true)). This means the first argument to the task will be self and the job_manger will be available as self.job_manager. For the most part, task state transition is handled seamlessly through Girder Worker's use of Celery Signals. This means basic Job state transition (e.g. running, success, failure, retry, etc) will be handled without any intervention within the task. If you wish to use custom Job states, update the Job progress, or to log specific information to the Job from within your task, you can do so using the this job_manager. The job_manager is automatically generated regardless of whether you use the traditional approach or the Celery approach of producing your task. The job_manager is scoped so that it only has push access to the specific job it is assigned. If your task needs to leverage other components of the Girder REST API, including pushing data back to Girder or modifying Girder collections via the API, then you should use the girder_client.

The second channel for interacting with Girder from within a task is through the girder_client attribute. Like the job_manager it is available on the Celery task object (so you must set bind equal to True to access it). The girder_client is an instance of girder_client.GirderClient. It provides an authenticated session for making REST requests against the Girder API. The authentication is handled through a token provided to the task through the reserved keyword girder_client_token. This will allow the girder_client within the task to act with the same permissions granted to the token. If you have not set the girder_client_token, then by default it is None. This means the girder_client instance within the task will have the permissions of an unauthenticated user.

Integration Testing with Girder Worker


Architectural notes for Developers (and Masochists)

The following sections contain information about the implementation details of Girder Worker. They are not meant for general consumption, but may be useful in explaining some of the design decisions that were made for developers who wish to extend or contribute to Girder Worker.

The 'core' plugin


Celery Hooks and the reserved keywords


The jobInfoSpec and the task job_manager


Issues with the traditional approach

When decorating a function and turning it into a task object, what you've really done is given the function two purposes in life. The first purpose is to execute the body of the function. The second purpose is to act as a factory for producing messages. When you use the traditional approach, you skip the factory entirely and just put a message on the queue using app.send_task(...). This means task specific configuration that effects the message behavior between when you call a factory method .delay(...) and when you put the message on the queue is lost (for example rate limiting the message production). The fundamental issue with the traditional approach is how does one synchronize Celery's configuration across producer (Girder) and consumer (Girder Worker) processes, keeping in mind that these processes may be taking place on two (or more) different physical machines. Traditionally Celery solves this problem through the Python import mechanism. The Celery application is configured as a part of the Python package in which it is defined. By importing the application you get the same configuration on the producer as on the consumer. Assuming you are using the same version on both producer and consumer, then the application is imported consumer-side when running girder-worker and is imported implicitly producer-side when importing a Celery Task object (e.g. from my_custom_package.tasks import fibonacci).

The traditional approach does not use Celery Task objects to produce messages (e.g. with the .delay(...) or .apply_async(...) task methods). Instead it uses the Celery.send_task(...) method which is defined on the Celery application object. .send_tasks(...) is the lowest level API for producing messages in Celery. Rather than using a task object which is generated from a wrapped Python function it uses the task "name" (usually the string-ified importable path to the task). The advantage here is that the task does not need to be importable on the producer-side system, it doesn't even have to be installed at all. However, because the task object itself is not producing the message all producer-side task level configuration is lost when using Celery.send_task(...). This might not be a deal-breaker except that the application object on the Girder producer-side is a different application object than on the Girder Worker consumer-side. The worker plugin does not import the application object, instead it fabricates a new Celery(...) object before calling .send_task(...). While on the one hand this means the girder_worker package doesn't need to be installed in the girder environment it also means that the Celery application object on the producer-side is a differently configured object then on the consumer-side. Celery has excellent defaults, and so maybe that isn't a problem for you and your use-case. If however, you need more sophisticated configurations than the defaults then currently the Celery approach for remote task execution is your only option.

Note on using Python packages as synchronizing mechanism in Celery

Importable packages tightly bind code and configuration, which at first glance may seem bad. In fact this is critical because the configuration is fundamentally about how your code will be executed. Maintaining those in the same place reduces complexity and makes synchronization errors less likely. An importable package is also a pre-requisite for at least the consumer side of the equation (so the task can actually execute its function body). Importable packages prevent having to run a specific service to manage configuration, or sync configuration files across systems, they provide a versioned environment that ensures consistent interpretations of configuration values. Importable packages have strong tooling around their installation and deployment (pip) and once they are installed they have 100% up time.