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Livefyre.js is the core library that should be installed on each Livefyre Customer Website. Amongst other things, it provides Livefyre.require, which can be used to fetch other Livefyre web components.

Add to your Site

Note: The recommended installation path is to include a <script> tag to a cdn release of Livefyre/Livefyre-scout, which is very tiny and will download the latest version of Livefyre.js for you.

<script src="//"></script>



What it is

Livefyre.require is a custom AMD loader based on requirejs. It can be used to load various packages published by Livefyre, and so it presents a convenient and intuitive integration path.

An important feature of Livefyre.require is that its packages are versioned using Semantic Versioning. Packages can be pinned to a version or a range. This gives you, the integrator, flexibility when customizing an integration.

Pinning to a full version guarantees that the Livefyre package code running on the page will not change, while pinning to a major or minor range ensures that you will get new bugfixes and features without having to change the integration code.

  • package-name#1 - Major version pin to v1. You'll get all new updates that maintain a backward-compatible API.
  • package-name#1.1 - Minor version pin to v1.1. You'll get all bugfixes to this minor version, but no additional functionality or changes to default behavior.
  • package-name#1.1.1 - Patch version pin to v1.1.1. The behavior of this embed will never change, even if there are bugfixes.

An example integration using Livefyre.require could look like this:

<!-- First add Livefyre.js to the page -->
<script src="//"></script>

<!-- Then load up all the desired Livefyre packages and Do Stuff in the callback -->
], function (LFAwesome, LFSuperAwesome) {
    var greatness = new LFAwesome();
    // etc..

Neat Tricks

Livefyre require has some options when loading modules, these are exposed via query params on the current page URL.

lfmin If there is an unminified main/index file for the modules, fetch it: {0|1}

Caveat, the presence of non-minified files is up to the module author.

{file}.min.js is fetched by default. The non-minified file is expected to be named {file}.js and present in the same directory.

lfcdn Choose whether to fetch the cached files or use the originating s3 bucket: {0|1}

lfVersion Supply a dictionary-like of package version overrides e.g. ?lfVersion[herp]=1.0.0&lfVersion[derp]=2.0.0. These version values will take precedence.

E.g. will fetch the non-cached, non-minified, qa version of the module.

lfbucket It is possible to deploy to different s3 buckets for testing builds, etc: {dev|qa|uat} are supported by lfcdn and by this option.

lfjsUrl It is possible to have scout fetch Livefyre.js from a specified url.

Exciting! So what are the available packages and what versions should I use?

The current LF packages are listed here: packages.html

Deploy Process

  1. Push a new version of the module to the CDN using lfcdn, this will place the files at a conventional url so that Livefyre.require can find your module. The main/index file for the module should be specified in the lfpackages.json.

  2. Build executor.

  3. Livefyre.require(module#{version})!

Livefyre.require(['streamhub-input#v0.2'], function (Input) {
  console.log('Haz Input module: ' + !!Input);

How can I test out pre-release versions of packages?

You may see non-prod versions listed amongst the available packages. New features will be deployed to our UAT testing environment before appearing in production integrations.

Get tomorrow's code today by specifying the a prerelease env rather than a semver version. e.g.:

Livefyre.require(['streamhub-input#qa'], cb);

Supported envs are dev, qa, and uat.


The latest version of Livefyre/livefyre-auth.

Coming Soon: Permalinks

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