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httpx - Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Why use httpx?
  2. Getting started
  3. Retry FAQ
  4. Timeout FAQ
  5. Racing FAQ (concurrent requests)
  6. Plugins (event handlers)
  7. Detailed feature FAQ
  8. Alternative HTTP client libraries

See Also: Usage Guide | README | Full API Documentation

1. Why use httpx?

  1. What is httpx?
  2. Who is the target user?
  3. What does httpx do?
  4. Is httpx the best option for me?

1. What is httpx?

Package httpx is a client-side HTTP library providing enterprise level HTTP transaction reliability.

2. Who is the target user?

Package httpx is targeted primarily at GoLang web services and web servers.

3. What does httpx do?

Package httpx allows web applications written in Go to invoke their dependencies over HTTP in a reliable way, by: retrying failed HTTP requests (retry); applying flexible time policies (timeout); and sending concurrent HTTP requests to the same endpoint (racing).

4. Is httpx the best option for me?

If you are building a web application in Go then yes, we think so!

Consult the Alternative HTTP client libraries section to how httpx compares with other GoLang HTTP client libraries.

2. Getting started

  1. What Go versions are supported?
  2. How do I update to the latest httpx version?

1. What Go versions are supported?

Package httpx works on Go 1.14 and higher.

2. How do I update to the latest httpx version?

go get -u

3. Retry FAQ

  1. What is the default retry behavior?
  2. How do I set the retry backoff period?
  3. How do I specify when to retry?
  4. Can I make my own custom retry policy?
  5. How do I turn off retry altogether?
  6. Can a retry policy modify the request execution?
  7. What goroutine executes the retry policy methods?

1. What is the default retry behavior?

If you use a zero-value &httpx.Client{} or set its RetryPolicy member to nil, then a sensible default retry policy is applied.

The default policy is called retry.DefaultPolicy. Consult the GoDoc for more detailed information.

2. How do I set the retry backoff period?

Provide an instance of the retry.Waiter interface to retry.NewPolicy.

  • For constant backoff, use the built-in waiter constructor retry.NewFixedWaiter.
  • For exponential backoff with optional jitter, use the built-in waiter constructor retry.NewExpWaiter.
  • For custom behavior, provide your own waiter implementation.

3. How do I specify when to retry?

Provide an instance of the retry.Decider interface to retry.NewPolicy.

You can assemble a custom decider by combining built-in decider functions using the And and Or operators, for example:

myDecider := retry.Times(10).And(

For custom behavior, provide your own decider implementation.

4. Can I make my own custom retry policy?

If your retry decision and backoff computation are uncoupled, write your own retry.Decider or retry.Waiter or both and combine them using retry.NewPolicy. If they are coupled, implement the retry.Policy interface.

5. How do I turn off retry altogether?

Use the built-in policy retry.Never.

6. Can a retry policy modify the request execution?

No. The retry policy must treat the execution as immutable, with one exception: if the retry policy needs to save state, it may use the execution's SetValue method.

7. What goroutine executes the retry policy methods?

The retry policy is always called from the goroutine which called the request execution method (Do, Get, Post, etc.) on httpx.Client. This is always true, even when the retry policy is being used alongside the racing feature.

4. Timeouts FAQ

  1. What is the default timeout behavior?
  2. How do I set a constant timeout?
  3. What is an adaptive timeout?
  4. Why would I use an adaptive timeout?
  5. How do I set an adaptive timeout?
  6. Can I make my own custom timeout policy?
  7. How do I turn off timeouts?
  8. Can a timeout policy modify the request execution?
  9. What goroutine executes the timeout policy methods?

1. What is the default timeout behavior?

If you use a zero-value &httpx.Client{} or set its TimeoutPolicy member to nil, then a sensible default timeout policy is applied.

The default policy is called timeout.DefaultPolicy. Consult the GoDoc for more detailed information.

2. How do I set a constant timeout?

Use the built-in timeout policy constructor timeout.Fixed.

3. What is an adaptive timeout?

Instead of being a static or constant value, an adaptive timeout changes based on whether the previous request attempt timed out.

4. Why would I use an adaptive timeout?

An adaptive timeout may be helpful in smoothing over a rough patch of higher response latencies from a downstream dependency.

By setting a longer timeout value when a previous request attempt timed out, you can set tight initial timeouts while being confident you won't brown out the dependency or suffer an availability drop if the dependency goes through a slow period.

If you are interested in adaptive timeouts, you may also find the racing feature applies to your use case.

5. How do I set an adaptive timeout?

Use the built-in timeout policy constructor timeout.Adaptive.

6. Can I make my own custom timeout policy?

Of course! Just implement the timeout.Policy interface.

7. How do I turn off timeouts?

Use the built-in timeout policy timeout.Infinite.

8. Can a timeout policy modify the request execution?

No. The timeout policy must treat the execution as immutable, with one exception: if the timeout policy needs to save state, it may use the execution's SetValue method.

9. What goroutine executes the timeout policy methods?

The timeout policy is always called from the goroutine which called the request execution method (Do, Get, Post, etc.) on httpx.Client. This is always true, even when the timeout policy is being used alongside the racing feature.

5. Racing FAQ (concurrent requests)

  1. What is racing (concurrent requests)?
  2. Why would I use racing?
  3. Does racing have any associated costs or risks?
  4. What is the default racing behavior?
  5. What is a wave?
  6. When an attempt finishes within a wave, what happens to the other in-flight concurrent attempts?
  7. How do I start parallel requests at predetermined intervals?
  8. Can I set a circuit breaker to disable racing?
  9. Can I make my own custom racing policy?
  10. Can a racing policy modify the request execution?
  11. How does retry work with the racing feature?
  12. How do timeouts work with the racing feature?
  13. How do event handlers work with the racing feature?
  14. What goroutine executes the racing policy methods?
  15. How do I determine if a request attempt was redundant?

1. What is racing (concurrent requests)?

Racing means making multiple parallel HTTP request attempts to satisfy one logical HTTP request plan, and using the result from the fastest attempt (first to complete) as the final HTTP result.

For example, you request GET /dogs/german-shepherd from You haven't received the response after 200ms, so you send a second GET /dogs/german-shepherd without cancelling the first one. Now the first and second request attempts are "racing" each other, and the first to complete will satisfy the logical request.

2. Why would I use racing?

The use case for racing is similar to the use case for adaptive timeouts: racing concurrent requests can help smooth over pockets of high latency from a downstream web service, enabling you to get a successful response to your customer more rapidly even when your dependency is experiencing transient slowness.

3. Does racing have any associated costs or risks?

Before using racing, and when configuring your racing policy, you should consider the following factors:

  • Cost. A racing policy may result in you sending extra requests to the downstream web service. If you pay another business for these requests, your bill may increase. If your downstream dependency is another service in your own organization, the increased traffic may indirectly increase your organization's costs.
  • Brownout. A carelessly-designed racing policy may result in a surge in traffic to your downstream dependency at precisely the moment when the dependency is struggling to handle its existing traffic, let alone added load.
  • Idempotency. If the operation you are requesting on the remote web service is not idempotent, it may not be a good idea to send multiple parallel requests to the service. For non-idempotent requests, do the analysis to determine if racing is right for you.

Fortunately a well-designed racing policy will not materially increase cost or brownout risk (see e.g. Can I set a circuit breaker to disable racing?) and can be disabled for non-idempotent requests.

4. What is the default racing behavior?

Racing is off by default. If you use the zero-value httpx.Client, or any httpx.Client with a nil racing policy, all HTTP requests attempts for a given request execution will be made serially.

5. What is a wave?

A wave is a group of request attempts that are racing one another (overlap in time due to concurrent execution). Since racing is disabled unless an explicit racing policy is specified, by default every wave contains only one attempt.

When racing is enabled, concurrent request attempts are grouped in waves. If all request attempts within the wave finish and are retryable, the client waits for the pause duration determined by the retry policy and then begins a new wave.

6. When an attempt finishes, what happens to the other in-flight concurrent attempts in the same wave?

As soon as one request attempt finishes, either due to successfully reading the whole response body or due to error, the wave is closed out: no new parallel attempts are added in to the wave.

What happens to the other in-flight request attempts within the wave depends on the retry policy. (See How does retry work with the racing feature?)

7. How do I start parallel requests at predetermined intervals?

Use the built-in scheduler constructor racing.NewStaticScheduler.

8. Can I set a circuit breaker to disable racing?

Yes. Implement the racing.Starter interface to allow/deny starting new parallel requests.

The built-in constructor racing.NewThrottleStarter creates a starter which can throttle new racing attempts if too many racing attempts were recently started, effectively returning request plan execution to serial attempt mode until a cooling-off period has elapsed. This built-in starter may already satisfy your circuit-breaking needs.

9. Can I make my own custom racing policy?

Yes. A racing policy is composed of a concurrent attempt scheduler and a concurrent attempt starter. If your scheduling and start functions are uncoupled, write your own racing.Scheduler or racing.Starter or both and combine them using racing.NewPolicy. If the two functions are coupled, implement the racing.Policy interface.

10. Can a racing policy modify the request execution?

No. The racing policy must treat the execution as immutable, with one exception: if the racing policy needs to save state, it may use the execution's SetValue method.

11. How does retry work with the racing feature?

Your retry policy works with racing request attempts in the intuitively correct manner, roughly as if the racing attempts had been executed serially in the order in which they ended.

When a racing request attempt ends, either due to being finished or due to error, the retry policy's Decide method is called for a retry decision.

Just as in the serial attempt case, a positive retry decision means "keep trying". Since other in-flight concurrent attempts also represent tries, these in-flight attempts are allowed to finish and tested for retryability with Decide. If all in-flight attempts in the wave have finished with a positive retry decision, httpx.Client waits for the time indicated by the retry policy's Wait method and then starts a new wave.

Again as in the serial case, a negative retry decision means "stop trying". As soon as one attempt finishes with a negative retry decision, all other in-flight attempts in the race are cancelled with the special causal error racing.Redundant. The attempt which finished with the negative retry decision represents the final state of the HTTP request plan execution.

12. How do timeouts work with the racing feature?

Your timeout policy works with racing request attempts exactly as it does in the case of serially executed request attempts. The timeout policy is called once before each request attempt, to determine the timeout applicable to that attempt. This is true whether or not the attempt is racing other concurrent attempts.

13. How do event handlers work with the racing feature?

Event handlers work the same way whether racing is enabled or not.

Event handlers are always called from the goroutine which called the request execution method (Do, Get, Post, etc.) on httpx.Client.

Event handlers therefore execute serially even when request attempts are executing concurrently. Events for different attempts racing in the same wave may be interleaved, and their order is generally undefined, but the following invariants are true:

  • The BeforeAttempt handler for attempt i always executes before the BeforeAttempt handler for attempt i+1.
  • The relative order of events for attempt i is always the same: BeforeAttempt, BeforeReadBody (optional), AfterAttemptTimeout (optional), AfterAttempt.

14. What goroutine executes the racing policy methods?

The racing policy is always called from the goroutine which called the request execution method (Do, Get, Post, etc.) on httpx.Client.

15. How do I determine if a request attempt was redundant?

If a request attempt was cancelled as redundant, the execution error passed to the AfterAttempt handler for that request attempt will be set to a *url.Error whose Err member has the value racing.Redundant.

You can use the standard errors package to unwrap or inspect it. For example, to test if the attempt was redundant, include code such as this in your AfterAttempt handler:

func myAfterAttemptHandler(_ httpx.Event, e *request.Execution) {
    if errors.Is(e.Err, racing.Redundant) {
        // The request attempt was cancelled as redundant.

6. Plugins (event handlers)

  1. What are event handlers useful for?
  2. How do I add an event handler to an httpx.Client?
  3. What event handlers are available?
  4. Can an event handler modify the request execution?
  5. What are plugins?
  6. Are there any pre-made plugins I can leverage?
  7. What goroutine executes the event handler methods?

1. What are event handlers useful for?

Event handlers let you mix in your own logic at designated plug points in the HTTP request plan execution logic.

Examples of handlers one might implement:

  • an OAuth decorator that ensures a non-expired bearer token header on each request attempt, including retries;
  • a logging component that logs request attempts, outcomes, and timings;
  • a metering component that sends detailed metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, Azure Monitor, or the like;
  • a response post-processor that unmarshals the response body so heavyweight unmarshaling does not need to be done separately by the retry policy and the end consumer.

2. How do I add an event handler to an httpx.Client?

Add a handler group to your httpx.Client, if it doesn't have one already, and push your event handler into the handler group.

func main() {
	client := &httpx.Client{
		Handlers: &httpx.HandlerGroup{},
	client.Handlers.PushBack(httpx.BeforeExecutionStart, httpx.HandlerFunc(myHandler))

	e, err := client.Get("")

func myHandler(evt httpx.Event, e *httpx.Execution) {
	fmt.Println("Hello from an event handler!")

3. What event handlers are available?

  • BeforeExecutionStart - once per execution, always
  • BeforeAttempt - once per attempt, always
  • BeforeReadBody - once per attempt, only if response headers were received without error
  • AfterAttemptTimeout - once per attempt, only if the attempt timed out
  • AfterAttempt - once per attempt, always
  • AfterPlanTimeout - once per execution, only if the request plan context timed out, distinct from an individual attempt timeout
  • AfterExecutionEnd - once per execution, always

4. Can an event handler modify the request execution?

Event handlers may change the execution in the ways listed below, but must otherwise treat the execution as immutable.

  • Any event handler may use SetValue to store a value into the execution.
  • The BeforeExecutionStart event handler may replace the execution plan with an equivalent plan. The new plan's context must be equal to, or a child of, the old plan's context.
  • The BeforeAttempt event handler may replace the current attempt's request with an equivalent request or modify the request fields. The new request's context must be equal to, or a child of, the old request's context.
  • The BeforeReadBody event handler may replace the current attempt's response with an equivalent response or modify the response fields. If the response body reader is altered, it must be replaced by a new, unclosed, reader and the event handler is responsible for ensuring the old body reader is fully read and closed to avoid leaking connections.

5. What are plugins?

A plugin is a group of one or more event handlers working together to add a feature to httpx.Client.

6. Are there any pre-made plugins I can leverage?

Yes. See the Plugins section in

7. What goroutine executes the event handler methods?

Event handlers are called from the goroutine which called the request execution method (Do, Get, Post, etc.) on httpx.Client. This is always true, even when the timeout policy is being used alongside the racing feature.

G. HTTPDoer Configuration

  1. What is the default HTTPDoer used by an httpx.Client?
  2. I use http.Client as my HTTPDoer. How do I configure it?
  3. What client-side timeouts should I use on http.Client?

1. What is the default HTTPDoer used by an httpx.Client?

An httpx.Client with a nil valued HTTPDoer (including the zero value client) uses http.DefaultClient as its HTTPDoer.

2. I use http.Client as my HTTPDoer. How do I configure it?

Configure it as you normally would, bearing in mind that it is usually preferable not to set any timeouts on the underlying http.Client (see below).

3. What client-side timeouts should I use on http.Client?

If using the Go standard http.Client as the HTTPDoer, it is preferable not to set any client-side timeouts on your underlying http.Client unless you set the httpx.Client timeout policy to timeout.Infinite.

To be slightly more nuanced, you may leverage any timeouts on the underlying http.Client, including on its transport, provided you are aware of how they will play with your timeout and retry policies. For example, it may make sense to set the dial or TLS handshake timeouts on the transport, but if you do so, you will likely want to have them set to a lower value than the lowest timeout your httpx timeout policy can return.

7. Detailed feature FAQ

  1. What is a request plan?
  2. What is a request execution?
  3. Why don't request plans support...?
  4. Why does httpx consume pre-buffered request bodies?
  5. Why does httpx produce pre-buffered response bodies?
  6. Can I turn off request body pre-buffering?
  7. Can I turn off response body pre-buffering?
  8. Can I wrap httpx.Client with a Go standard http.Client?

1. What is a request plan?

A request.Plan is one of the two core data types in httpx (alongside request.Execution). A request plan declares a plan for executing an HTTP transaction reliably, using multiple attempts (via retry, racing, or both) if necessary.

A request plan is analogous to Go's http.Request and in fact has a very similar structure. Notable differences include that request.Plan removes server-side fields and fully buffers the request body into a []byte.

2. What is a request execution?

A request.Execution is the other core data type in httpx (along with request.Plan). A request execution represents the intermediate state involved in executing the request plan, and the final state after the request plan execution has ended.

During the execution of a request plan initiated by a call to one of the executing methods (Do, Get, Post, etc.) from httpx.Client, the request.Execution representing execution state is passed to all policy methods (retry, timeout, racing) and all event handler methods. This allows policies and event handlers to act according to the detailed and current execution state...

3. Why don't request plans support...?

The request.Plan structure is equivalent to the Go standard library http.Request structure with the following fields removed:

  • all server-only fields, because httpx is a client-only package;
  • the Cancel channel, because it is deprecated;
  • the GetBody function, because it is redundant: the request plan already has a fully-buffered body which it can reuse on redirects and retries; and
  • the Trailer field, because trailers make less sense when the entire request body is buffered, and trailer support in servers is in any event uncommon.

4. Why does httpx consume pre-buffered request bodies?

Requests are buffered to allow retry and racing logic to work correctly.

For the retry logic to work, requests need to be repeatable, which means httpx can't consume a one-time request body stream like the Go standard HTTP client does. (Of course httpx could consume a function that returns an io.Reader, but this would push more complexity onto the programmer when the goal is to simplify.)

5. Why does httpx produce pre-buffered response bodies?

  • Retryable errors can happen while reading the response body. If the retry framework doesn't read the whole response body, it can't assist by retrying errors occurring during body read. This is a major flaw in other HTTP retry frameworks written in Go since they require the user to read the body outside the retry loop.

  • Response body may contain information relevant to a retry decision. For example, Esri's ArcGIS web service always returns an HTTP response header containing status HTTP 200 OK. The response body, however, may be a JSON error object with its own status code indicating retryability. The entire response body must be read to make a correct retry decision.

6. Can I turn off request body pre-buffering?

To turn off request buffering, set a nil request body on the request plan, and write a handler for the httpx.BeforeAttempt event which sets the Body, GetBody, and ContentLength fields on the execution's request.

7. Can I turn off response body pre-buffering?

To turn off response buffering, write a handler for the httpx.BeforeReadBody event which replaces the response body reader on the execution's response object it with a no-op reader. Your code is responsible for draining and closing the original reader to avoid leaking the connection.

8. Can I wrap httpx.Client with a Go standard http.Client?

You can make an httpx.Client look like a standard GoLang HTTP client, if absolutely necessary, but we do not recommend it and don't provide an out-of-the-box implementation. Instead, we recommend building your code around single-method interfaces like httpx.Doer.

The stock technique for converting to an http.Client is to wrap the target (httpx.Client) in an implementation of the http.RoundTripper interface and then use your wrapper RoundTripper implementation as the Transport for the http.Client. The advantage of doing this is it's relatively simple and allows you to avoid changing code that consumes *http.Client. The disadvantages are that it explicitly violates just about every promise made in the documented RoundTripper interface contract: "a single HTTP transaction", "should not attempt to interpret the request", etc.

8. Alternative HTTP client libraries

The feature matrix below shows how httpx stacks up against other common HTTP retry libraries for Go:

httpx heimdall rehttp httpretry go-http-retry go-retryablehttp
Basic retry
Response buffering
Flexible retry policies (1)
Accurate transient error classification (2)
Simple event handlers
Comprehensive event handlers/plugins
Flexible and adaptive timeouts
Racing concurrent requests
License MIT Apache 2.0 BSD 3-Clause MIT MIT MPL-2.0
Dependencies (3) 0 10+ N/A (4) 0 N/A (4) 2


  1. Flexible retry policy means the user can configure both the retry decision and the backoff.
  2. See package transient and retry.TransientErr.
  3. Dependencies means non-test dependencies.
  4. N/A for dependencies means not a Go module.