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Releases: google/docsy


17 Jun 15:54
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Release summary


Commit details

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


07 Apr 15:02
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Release summary


Commit details

  • Turning docsy theme into a hugo module by @deining in #801
  • User guide: update outdated information by @deining in #812
  • gh-827 Change height of rh sidebar to use all of screen by @at055612 in #828
  • Fix for #801: enable imports for sites that are using git submodules by @deining in #837
  • Page-meta-links: address .Path warning by @chalin in #842
  • Changed blog/list.html to use .Title instead of .LinkTitle by @NaincyKumariKnoldus in #839
  • Simplify setup: install Hugo automatically (and get the right version) using NPM by @chalin in #841
  • Update es.toml by @Marzal in #815
  • fix: there is no need existing two i18n/zh*.toml files by @h1z3y3 in #832
  • CI: reintroduce explicit call to npm install by @chalin in #859
  • Effectively revert #801, removing docsy as a Hugo module by @chalin in #860
  • Plantuml svg loader by @erwin-faceit in #800
  • i18n support: community page by @h1z3y3 in #864
  • Take td-enable-google-fonts into account for RTL fonts. by @SubOptimal in #869
  • Pass correct arguments (TOCSS error) by @victoriadrake in #875
  • feat: optimize i18n of community by @h1z3y3 in #868
  • Revert "Pass correct arguments (TOCSS error) (#875)" by @chalin in #885
  • Upgrade to Hugo 0.92.1 by @chalin in #886
  • Revert back to Bootstrap v4.6.1 by @chalin in #887
  • README: markdown cleanup, line-wrapping, etc by @chalin in #892
  • NPM script refactoring and README cmd adjustment by @chalin in #893
  • Upgrade to Hugo 0.92.2 and add NPM package name, etc by @chalin in #896
  • Enable to pull in docsy as hugo module by @deining in #871
  • Taxonomy bugfix by @raum51 in #895
  • User guide config: use mounts rather than the old contentDir param by @chalin in #898
  • Netlify: use docs-install before building the User Guide by @chalin in #902
  • Add support for Bootstrap and FontAwesome via NPM packages by @chalin in #904
  • Fix: shortcode 'lead' produces invalid HTML by @deining in #905
  • Upgrade Hugo to 0.93.2 by @chalin in #911
  • Update fr.toml by @arnaudlevy in #910
  • Fix taxonomy cloud and article terms by @raum51 in #909
  • User guide index cleanup by @chalin in #915
  • Add Deploys-by-Netlify badge to UG homepage by @chalin in #932
  • Reflect renaming of master branch (various places) by @deining in #916
  • User guide: fix broken anchor links by @deining in #922
  • Restore get:submodule script by @chalin in #938
  • CI: don't clean assets/vendor for local builds by @chalin in #940
  • User guide: curate main menu by @chalin in #945
  • Add an empty blog by @chalin in #946
  • Drop shallow=true config for git submodules by @chalin in #952
  • User guide: adding instructions on how to use and update docsy as hugo module by @deining in #802
  • Added Ukrainian translation, completed Russian translation by @deining in #959
  • User guide, chapter 'Get started': fix broken link, add alias by @deining in #963
  • Create by @chalin in #962
  • NPM package: change version to 0.2.0 by @chalin in #961
  • Prepare docu and repo for release v0.2.0 by @deining in #958
  • create first Docsy blog post by @emckean in #953
  • README: add link to Netlify dashboard by @chalin in #964

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0


21 Mar 18:46
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0.2.0-pre Pre-release
CI: don't clean assets/vendor for local builds (#940)