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Releases: google/gts

gts v3.0.2

26 Oct 16:05
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Bug Fixes

gts v3.0.1

12 Oct 20:12
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Bug Fixes

  • rule: turn off @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires (#578) (3b37229)

gts v3.0.0

08 Oct 03:34
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  • change default check to lint (#570)
  • deps: require TypeScript 4.x (#565)


Bug Fixes

  • add build/.eslintrc.json to files field (#553) (3b516ad)
  • deps: require TypeScript 4.x (#565) (cbc5267)
  • deps: update dependency update-notifier to v5 (#574) (9a882bf)
  • deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v2.34.0 (#509) (998a4ac)
  • deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v3 (major) (#528) (e22e173)
  • deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4 (#556) (54148df)
  • better error message for broken tsconfig.json (#501) (0c17a76)
  • prohibit calls for it.only and describe.only (#499) (071c33c)

gts v2.0.2

11 May 21:33
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Bug Fixes

  • Revert 'update dependency eslint to v7'" (#507) (0f9950b)
  • deps: pin release of eslint-typescript (#508) (bd86b42)
  • deps: update dependency eslint to v7 (#504) (6aee159)

gts v2.0.1

08 May 02:15
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Bug Fixes

  • throw an error if running with an unsupported version of nodejs (#493) (94fdf1e)
  • deps: update dependency meow to v7 (#502) (cf91cda)

gts v2.0.0

10 Apr 02:01
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This is a major rewrite of the tool. Based on community guidance, we've switched from using tslint to eslint. Please read all of the steps below to upgrade.

Configuring eslint

With the shift to eslint, gts now will format and lint JavaScript as well as TypeScript. Upgrading will require a number of manual steps. To format JavaScript and TypeScript, you can run:

$ npx gts fix

To specify only TypeScript:

$ npx gts fix '**/*.ts'

Delete tslint.json

This file is no longer used, and can lead to confusion.

Create a .eslintrc.json

Now that we're using eslint, you need to extend the eslint configuration baked into the module. Create a new file named .eslintrc.json, and paste the following:

  "extends": "./node_modules/gts"

Create a .eslintignore

The .eslintignore file lets you ignore specific directories. This tool now lints and formats JavaScript, so it's really important to ignore your build directory! Here is an example of a .eslintignore file:


Create a .prettierrc.js

The formatting rules in gts need to be extended. Create a file named .prettierrc.js, and add the following:

module.exports = {

Rule changes

The underlying linter was changed, so naturally there are going to be a variety of rule changes along the way. To see the full list, check out .eslintrc.json.

Require Node.js 10.x and up

Node.js 8.x is now end of life - this module now requires Ndoe.js 10.x and up.


Bug Fixes

gts v1.1.2

20 Nov 23:18
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Bug Fixes

  • deps: update to newest prettier (with support for optional chain) (#396) (ce8ad06)

gts v1.1.1

18 Nov 01:14
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Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency chalk to v3 (#389) (1ce0f45)
  • deps: update dependency inquirer to v7 (#377) (bf2c349)
  • deps: update dependency rimraf to v3 (#374) (2058eaa)
  • deps: update dependency write-file-atomic to v3 (#353) (59e6aa8)


30 Jul 21:36
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Bug Fixes

  • avoid conflicts between prettier and tslint (#348) (83cb107)
  • npx command on Windows and make sure build/test work on Windows too (#306) (458be26), closes #2
  • process less files in parallel preventing OOM errors (#369) (b48196d)
  • deps: update dependency update-notifier to v3 (#339) (a6f9cfa)



25 Apr 18:17
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This release contains breaking changes. Picking up this update most likely will cause a breaking change in your module. Take care when picking up this update.

Breaking Changes

  • We have switched to prettier as the code formatting tool (#259). gts run fix should migrate your code over to the new style 💅.
  • This release drops support for Node 6 which will reach end-of-life in April 2019 (#256) 💀.
  • This release defaults to ES2017 as the TypeScript code generation target. This means that the generated code needs a minimum of Node 8 to run. On the plus side this means that generated code would use native implementation of ES2017 features (e.g. async/await) rather than using poly-fills 🧬. This change is most likely a breaking change for your module. You can override this setting by customizing your tsconfig.json however.
  • The tslint configuration has been updated to pick up changes in the Google style guide🧐.
  • Assumes that target projects are using TypeScript 3.x+ 🎯.

Other features

  • Support for yarn (#285)