diff --git a/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.merchantsupport.html b/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.merchantsupport.html index d176ce0a81..c135151832 100644 --- a/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.merchantsupport.html +++ b/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.merchantsupport.html @@ -83,6 +83,9 @@

Instance Methods

renderproductissues(merchantId, productId, body=None, languageCode=None, timeZone=None, x__xgafv=None)

Provide a list of issues for merchant's product with a support content and available actions. This content and actions are meant to be rendered and shown in third-party applications.


+ triggeraction(merchantId, body=None, languageCode=None, x__xgafv=None)


Start an action. The action can be requested by merchants in third-party application. Before merchants can request the action, the third-party application needs to show them action specific content and display a user input form. The action can be successfully started only once all `required` inputs are provided. If any `required` input is missing, or invalid value was provided, the service will return 400 error. Validation errors will contain Ids for all problematic field together with translated, human readable error messages that can be shown to the user.

Method Details

close() @@ -100,6 +103,7 @@

Method Details

{ # The payload for configuring how the content should be rendered. "contentOption": "A String", # Optional. How the detailed content should be returned. Default option is to return the content as a pre-rendered HTML text. + "userInputActionOption": "A String", # Optional. How actions with user input form should be handled. If not provided, actions will be returned as links that points merchant to Merchant Center where they can request the action. } languageCode: string, Optional. The [IETF BCP-47](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) language code used to localize support content. If not set, the result will be in default language `en-US`. @@ -131,6 +135,66 @@

Method Details

"attributeCode": "A String", # The attribute that needs to be updated. Present when the type is `EDIT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE`. This field contains a code for attribute, represented in snake_case. You can find a list of product's attributes, with their codes [here](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/7052112). "type": "A String", # The type of action that represents a functionality that is expected to be available in third-party application. }, + "builtinUserInputAction": { # Action that is implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application needs to show an additional content and input form to the merchant. They can start the action only when they provided all required inputs. The application will request processing of the action by calling the [triggeraction method](https://developers.google.com/shopping-content/reference/rest/v2.1/merchantsupport/triggeraction). # Action implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application needs to show an additional content and input form to the merchant as specified for given action. They can trigger the action only when they provided all required inputs. + "actionContext": "A String", # Internal details. Not for display but need to be sent back when triggering the action. + "flows": [ # Actions may provide multiple different flows. Merchant selects one that fits best to their intent. Selecting the flow is the first step in user's interaction with the action. It affects what input fields will be available and required and also how the request will be processed. + { # Flow that can be selected for an action. When merchant selects a flow, application should open a dialog with more information and input form. + "dialogButtonLabel": "A String", # Label for the button to trigger the action from the action dialog. For example: "Request review" + "dialogCallout": { # An important message that should be highlighted. Usually displayed as a banner. # Important message to be highlighted in the request dialog. For example: "You can only request a review for disagreeing with this issue once. If it's not approved, you'll need to fix the issue and wait a few days before you can request another review." + "fullMessage": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # A full message that needs to be shown to the merchant. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "styleHint": "A String", # Can be used to render messages with different severity in different styles. Snippets off all types contain important information that should be displayed to merchants. + }, + "dialogMessage": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Message displayed in the request dialog. For example: "Make sure you've fixed all your country-specific issues. If not, you may have to wait 7 days to request another review". There may be an more information to be shown in a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "dialogTitle": "A String", # Title of the request dialog. For example: "Before you request a review" + "id": "A String", # Not for display but need to be sent back for the selected action flow. + "inputs": [ # A list of input fields. + { # Input field that needs to be available to the merchant. If the field is marked as required, then a value needs to be provided for a successful processing of the request. + "checkboxInput": { # Checkbox input allows merchants to provide a boolean value. Corresponds to the [html input type=checkbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.checkbox.html#input.checkbox). If merchant checks the box, the input value for the field is `true`, otherwise it is `false`. This type of input is often used as a confirmation that the merchant completed required steps before they are allowed to start the action. In such a case, the input field is marked as required and the button to trigger the action should stay disabled until the merchant checks the box. # Input field to provide a boolean value. Corresponds to the [html input type=checkbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.checkbox.html#input.checkbox). + }, + "choiceInput": { # Choice input allows merchants to select one of the offered choices. Some choices may be linked to additional input fields that should be displayed under or next to the choice option. The value for the additional input field needs to be provided only when the specific choice is selected by the merchant. For example, additional input field can be hidden or disabled until the merchant selects the specific choice. # Input field to select one of the offered choices. Corresponds to the [html input type=radio](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.radio.html#input.radio). + "options": [ # A list of choices. Only one option can be selected. + { # A choice that merchant can select. + "additionalInput": # Object with schema name: InputField # Input that should be displayed when this option is selected. The additional input will not contain a `ChoiceInput`. + "id": "A String", # Not for display but need to be sent back for the selected choice option. + "label": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Short description of the choice option. There may be more information to be shown as a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + }, + ], + }, + "id": "A String", # Not for display but need to be sent back for the given input field. + "label": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Input field label. There may be more information to be shown in a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "required": True or False, # Whether the field is required. The action button needs to stay disabled till values for all required fields are provided. + "textInput": { # Text input allows merchants to provide a text value. # Input field to provide text information. Corresponds to the [html input type=text](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.text.html#input.text) or [html textarea](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/textarea.html#textarea). + "additionalInfo": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Additional info regarding the field to be displayed to merchant. For example, warning to not include personal identifiable information. There may be more information to be shown in a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "ariaLabel": "A String", # Text to be used as the [aria label](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/ARIA14.html) for the input. + "formatInfo": "A String", # Information about the required format. If present, it should be shown close to the input field to help merchants to provide a correct value. For example: "VAT numbers should be in a format similar to SK9999999999" + "type": "A String", # Type of the text input + }, + }, + ], + "label": "A String", # Text value describing the intent for the action flow. It can be used as an input label if merchant needs to pick one of multiple flows. For example: "I disagree with the issue" + }, + ], + }, "buttonLabel": "A String", # Label of the action button. "externalAction": { # Action that is implemented and performed outside of the third-party application. It should redirect the merchant to the provided URL of an external system where they can perform the action. For example to request a review in the Merchant Center. # Action that is implemented and performed outside of (your) third-party application. The application needs to redirect the merchant to the external location where they can perform the action. "type": "A String", # The type of external action. @@ -182,6 +246,7 @@

Method Details

{ # The payload for configuring how the content should be rendered. "contentOption": "A String", # Optional. How the detailed content should be returned. Default option is to return the content as a pre-rendered HTML text. + "userInputActionOption": "A String", # Optional. How actions with user input form should be handled. If not provided, actions will be returned as links that points merchant to Merchant Center where they can request the action. } languageCode: string, Optional. The [IETF BCP-47](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) language code used to localize support content. If not set, the result will be in default language `en-US`. @@ -213,6 +278,66 @@

Method Details

"attributeCode": "A String", # The attribute that needs to be updated. Present when the type is `EDIT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE`. This field contains a code for attribute, represented in snake_case. You can find a list of product's attributes, with their codes [here](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/7052112). "type": "A String", # The type of action that represents a functionality that is expected to be available in third-party application. }, + "builtinUserInputAction": { # Action that is implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application needs to show an additional content and input form to the merchant. They can start the action only when they provided all required inputs. The application will request processing of the action by calling the [triggeraction method](https://developers.google.com/shopping-content/reference/rest/v2.1/merchantsupport/triggeraction). # Action implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application needs to show an additional content and input form to the merchant as specified for given action. They can trigger the action only when they provided all required inputs. + "actionContext": "A String", # Internal details. Not for display but need to be sent back when triggering the action. + "flows": [ # Actions may provide multiple different flows. Merchant selects one that fits best to their intent. Selecting the flow is the first step in user's interaction with the action. It affects what input fields will be available and required and also how the request will be processed. + { # Flow that can be selected for an action. When merchant selects a flow, application should open a dialog with more information and input form. + "dialogButtonLabel": "A String", # Label for the button to trigger the action from the action dialog. For example: "Request review" + "dialogCallout": { # An important message that should be highlighted. Usually displayed as a banner. # Important message to be highlighted in the request dialog. For example: "You can only request a review for disagreeing with this issue once. If it's not approved, you'll need to fix the issue and wait a few days before you can request another review." + "fullMessage": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # A full message that needs to be shown to the merchant. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "styleHint": "A String", # Can be used to render messages with different severity in different styles. Snippets off all types contain important information that should be displayed to merchants. + }, + "dialogMessage": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Message displayed in the request dialog. For example: "Make sure you've fixed all your country-specific issues. If not, you may have to wait 7 days to request another review". There may be an more information to be shown in a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "dialogTitle": "A String", # Title of the request dialog. For example: "Before you request a review" + "id": "A String", # Not for display but need to be sent back for the selected action flow. + "inputs": [ # A list of input fields. + { # Input field that needs to be available to the merchant. If the field is marked as required, then a value needs to be provided for a successful processing of the request. + "checkboxInput": { # Checkbox input allows merchants to provide a boolean value. Corresponds to the [html input type=checkbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.checkbox.html#input.checkbox). If merchant checks the box, the input value for the field is `true`, otherwise it is `false`. This type of input is often used as a confirmation that the merchant completed required steps before they are allowed to start the action. In such a case, the input field is marked as required and the button to trigger the action should stay disabled until the merchant checks the box. # Input field to provide a boolean value. Corresponds to the [html input type=checkbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.checkbox.html#input.checkbox). + }, + "choiceInput": { # Choice input allows merchants to select one of the offered choices. Some choices may be linked to additional input fields that should be displayed under or next to the choice option. The value for the additional input field needs to be provided only when the specific choice is selected by the merchant. For example, additional input field can be hidden or disabled until the merchant selects the specific choice. # Input field to select one of the offered choices. Corresponds to the [html input type=radio](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.radio.html#input.radio). + "options": [ # A list of choices. Only one option can be selected. + { # A choice that merchant can select. + "additionalInput": # Object with schema name: InputField # Input that should be displayed when this option is selected. The additional input will not contain a `ChoiceInput`. + "id": "A String", # Not for display but need to be sent back for the selected choice option. + "label": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Short description of the choice option. There may be more information to be shown as a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + }, + ], + }, + "id": "A String", # Not for display but need to be sent back for the given input field. + "label": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Input field label. There may be more information to be shown in a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "required": True or False, # Whether the field is required. The action button needs to stay disabled till values for all required fields are provided. + "textInput": { # Text input allows merchants to provide a text value. # Input field to provide text information. Corresponds to the [html input type=text](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.text.html#input.text) or [html textarea](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/textarea.html#textarea). + "additionalInfo": { # Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information. # Additional info regarding the field to be displayed to merchant. For example, warning to not include personal identifiable information. There may be more information to be shown in a tooltip. + "simpleTooltipValue": "A String", # Value of the tooltip as a simple text. + "simpleValue": "A String", # Value of the message as a simple text. + "tooltipIconStyle": "A String", # The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present. + }, + "ariaLabel": "A String", # Text to be used as the [aria label](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/ARIA14.html) for the input. + "formatInfo": "A String", # Information about the required format. If present, it should be shown close to the input field to help merchants to provide a correct value. For example: "VAT numbers should be in a format similar to SK9999999999" + "type": "A String", # Type of the text input + }, + }, + ], + "label": "A String", # Text value describing the intent for the action flow. It can be used as an input label if merchant needs to pick one of multiple flows. For example: "I disagree with the issue" + }, + ], + }, "buttonLabel": "A String", # Label of the action button. "externalAction": { # Action that is implemented and performed outside of the third-party application. It should redirect the merchant to the provided URL of an external system where they can perform the action. For example to request a review in the Merchant Center. # Action that is implemented and performed outside of (your) third-party application. The application needs to redirect the merchant to the external location where they can perform the action. "type": "A String", # The type of external action. @@ -252,4 +377,48 @@

Method Details

+ triggeraction(merchantId, body=None, languageCode=None, x__xgafv=None) +
Start an action. The action can be requested by merchants in third-party application. Before merchants can request the action, the third-party application needs to show them action specific content and display a user input form. The action can be successfully started only once all `required` inputs are provided. If any `required` input is missing, or invalid value was provided, the service will return 400 error. Validation errors will contain Ids for all problematic field together with translated, human readable error messages that can be shown to the user.
+  merchantId: string, Required. The ID of the merchant's account. (required)
+  body: object, The request body.
+    The object takes the form of:
+{ # The payload for the triggered action.
+  "actionContext": "A String", # Required. The context from the selected action. The value is obtained from rendered issues and needs to be sent back to identify the action that is being triggered.
+  "actionInput": { # Input provided by the merchant. # Required. Input provided by the merchant.
+    "actionFlowId": "A String", # Required. Id of the selected action flow.
+    "inputValues": [ # Required. Values for input fields.
+      { # Input provided by the merchant for input field.
+        "checkboxInputValue": { # Value for checkbox input field. # Value for checkbox input field.
+          "value": True or False, # Required. True if the merchant checked the box field. False otherwise.
+        },
+        "choiceInputValue": { # Value for choice input field. # Value for choice input field.
+          "choiceInputOptionId": "A String", # Required. Id of the option that was selected by the merchant.
+        },
+        "inputFieldId": "A String", # Required. Id of the corresponding input field.
+        "textInputValue": { # Value for text input field. # Value for text input field.
+          "value": "A String", # Required. Text provided by the merchant.
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  languageCode: string, Optional. Language code [IETF BCP 47 syntax](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) used to localize the response. If not set, the result will be in default language `en-US`.
+  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
+    Allowed values
+      1 - v1 error format
+      2 - v2 error format
+  An object of the form:
+    { # Response informing about the started action.
+  "message": "A String", # The message for merchant.
+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.products.html b/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.products.html index 70fa0210f1..2b49a5ad8f 100644 --- a/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.products.html +++ b/docs/dyn/content_v2_1.products.html @@ -331,6 +331,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -605,6 +613,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -885,6 +901,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -1140,6 +1164,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -1394,6 +1426,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -1660,6 +1700,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -1932,6 +1980,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. @@ -2186,6 +2242,14 @@

Method Details

"A String", ], "source": "A String", # The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - "`api`" - "`crawl`" - "`feed`" + "structuredDescription": { # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information. # Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. + "content": "A String", # Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, + "structuredTitle": { # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information. # Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. + "content": "A String", # Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters. + "digitalSourceType": "A String", # Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - "`trained_algorithmic_media`" - "`default`" + }, "subscriptionCost": { # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract. "amount": { # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period. "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price. diff --git a/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/content.v2.1.json b/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/content.v2.1.json index e57d056474..df7691784f 100644 --- a/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/content.v2.1.json +++ b/googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/content.v2.1.json @@ -2838,6 +2838,39 @@ "scopes": [ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content" ] +}, +"triggeraction": { +"description": "Start an action. The action can be requested by merchants in third-party application. Before merchants can request the action, the third-party application needs to show them action specific content and display a user input form. The action can be successfully started only once all `required` inputs are provided. If any `required` input is missing, or invalid value was provided, the service will return 400 error. Validation errors will contain Ids for all problematic field together with translated, human readable error messages that can be shown to the user.", +"flatPath": "{merchantId}/merchantsupport/triggeraction", +"httpMethod": "POST", +"id": "content.merchantsupport.triggeraction", +"parameterOrder": [ +"merchantId" +], +"parameters": { +"languageCode": { +"description": "Optional. Language code [IETF BCP 47 syntax](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) used to localize the response. If not set, the result will be in default language `en-US`.", +"location": "query", +"type": "string" +}, +"merchantId": { +"description": "Required. The ID of the merchant's account.", +"format": "int64", +"location": "path", +"required": true, +"type": "string" +} +}, +"path": "{merchantId}/merchantsupport/triggeraction", +"request": { +"$ref": "TriggerActionPayload" +}, +"response": { +"$ref": "TriggerActionResponse" +}, +"scopes": [ +"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content" +] } } }, @@ -6186,7 +6219,7 @@ } } }, -"revision": "20240331", +"revision": "20240407", "rootUrl": "https://shoppingcontent.googleapis.com/", "schemas": { "Account": { @@ -7485,6 +7518,10 @@ false "$ref": "BuiltInSimpleAction", "description": "Action implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application should point the merchant to the place, where they can access the corresponding functionality or provide instructions, if the specific functionality is not available." }, +"builtinUserInputAction": { +"$ref": "BuiltInUserInputAction", +"description": "Action implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application needs to show an additional content and input form to the merchant as specified for given action. They can trigger the action only when they provided all required inputs." +}, "buttonLabel": { "description": "Label of the action button.", "type": "string" @@ -7507,6 +7544,62 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"ActionFlow": { +"description": "Flow that can be selected for an action. When merchant selects a flow, application should open a dialog with more information and input form.", +"id": "ActionFlow", +"properties": { +"dialogButtonLabel": { +"description": "Label for the button to trigger the action from the action dialog. For example: \"Request review\"", +"type": "string" +}, +"dialogCallout": { +"$ref": "Callout", +"description": "Important message to be highlighted in the request dialog. For example: \"You can only request a review for disagreeing with this issue once. If it's not approved, you'll need to fix the issue and wait a few days before you can request another review.\"" +}, +"dialogMessage": { +"$ref": "TextWithTooltip", +"description": "Message displayed in the request dialog. For example: \"Make sure you've fixed all your country-specific issues. If not, you may have to wait 7 days to request another review\". There may be an more information to be shown in a tooltip." +}, +"dialogTitle": { +"description": "Title of the request dialog. For example: \"Before you request a review\"", +"type": "string" +}, +"id": { +"description": "Not for display but need to be sent back for the selected action flow.", +"type": "string" +}, +"inputs": { +"description": "A list of input fields.", +"items": { +"$ref": "InputField" +}, +"type": "array" +}, +"label": { +"description": "Text value describing the intent for the action flow. It can be used as an input label if merchant needs to pick one of multiple flows. For example: \"I disagree with the issue\"", +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"ActionInput": { +"description": "Input provided by the merchant.", +"id": "ActionInput", +"properties": { +"actionFlowId": { +"description": "Required. Id of the selected action flow.", +"type": "string" +}, +"inputValues": { +"description": "Required. Values for input fields.", +"items": { +"$ref": "InputValue" +}, +"type": "array" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "ActionReason": { "description": "A single reason why the action is not available.", "id": "ActionReason", @@ -7855,6 +7948,24 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"BuiltInUserInputAction": { +"description": "Action that is implemented and performed in (your) third-party application. The application needs to show an additional content and input form to the merchant. They can start the action only when they provided all required inputs. The application will request processing of the action by calling the [triggeraction method](https://developers.google.com/shopping-content/reference/rest/v2.1/merchantsupport/triggeraction).", +"id": "BuiltInUserInputAction", +"properties": { +"actionContext": { +"description": "Internal details. Not for display but need to be sent back when triggering the action.", +"type": "string" +}, +"flows": { +"description": "Actions may provide multiple different flows. Merchant selects one that fits best to their intent. Selecting the flow is the first step in user's interaction with the action. It affects what input fields will be available and required and also how the request will be processed.", +"items": { +"$ref": "ActionFlow" +}, +"type": "array" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "BusinessDayConfig": { "id": "BusinessDayConfig", "properties": { @@ -7966,6 +8077,33 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"Callout": { +"description": "An important message that should be highlighted. Usually displayed as a banner.", +"id": "Callout", +"properties": { +"fullMessage": { +"$ref": "TextWithTooltip", +"description": "A full message that needs to be shown to the merchant." +}, +"styleHint": { +"description": "Can be used to render messages with different severity in different styles. Snippets off all types contain important information that should be displayed to merchants.", +"enum": [ +"CALLOUT_STYLE_HINT_UNSPECIFIED", +"ERROR", +"WARNING", +"INFO" +], +"enumDescriptions": [ +"Default value. Will never be provided by the API.", +"The most important type of information highlighting problems, like an unsuccessful outcome of previously requested actions.", +"Information warning about pending problems, risks or deadlines.", +"Default severity for important information like pending status of previously requested action or cooldown for re-review." +], +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "CaptureOrderRequest": { "description": "Request message for the CaptureOrder method.", "id": "CaptureOrderRequest", @@ -9677,6 +9815,165 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"InputField": { +"description": "Input field that needs to be available to the merchant. If the field is marked as required, then a value needs to be provided for a successful processing of the request.", +"id": "InputField", +"properties": { +"checkboxInput": { +"$ref": "InputFieldCheckboxInput", +"description": "Input field to provide a boolean value. Corresponds to the [html input type=checkbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.checkbox.html#input.checkbox)." +}, +"choiceInput": { +"$ref": "InputFieldChoiceInput", +"description": "Input field to select one of the offered choices. Corresponds to the [html input type=radio](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.radio.html#input.radio)." +}, +"id": { +"description": "Not for display but need to be sent back for the given input field.", +"type": "string" +}, +"label": { +"$ref": "TextWithTooltip", +"description": "Input field label. There may be more information to be shown in a tooltip." +}, +"required": { +"description": "Whether the field is required. The action button needs to stay disabled till values for all required fields are provided.", +"type": "boolean" +}, +"textInput": { +"$ref": "InputFieldTextInput", +"description": "Input field to provide text information. Corresponds to the [html input type=text](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.text.html#input.text) or [html textarea](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/textarea.html#textarea)." +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputFieldCheckboxInput": { +"description": "Checkbox input allows merchants to provide a boolean value. Corresponds to the [html input type=checkbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.checkbox.html#input.checkbox). If merchant checks the box, the input value for the field is `true`, otherwise it is `false`. This type of input is often used as a confirmation that the merchant completed required steps before they are allowed to start the action. In such a case, the input field is marked as required and the button to trigger the action should stay disabled until the merchant checks the box.", +"id": "InputFieldCheckboxInput", +"properties": {}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputFieldChoiceInput": { +"description": "Choice input allows merchants to select one of the offered choices. Some choices may be linked to additional input fields that should be displayed under or next to the choice option. The value for the additional input field needs to be provided only when the specific choice is selected by the merchant. For example, additional input field can be hidden or disabled until the merchant selects the specific choice.", +"id": "InputFieldChoiceInput", +"properties": { +"options": { +"description": "A list of choices. Only one option can be selected.", +"items": { +"$ref": "InputFieldChoiceInputChoiceInputOption" +}, +"type": "array" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputFieldChoiceInputChoiceInputOption": { +"description": "A choice that merchant can select.", +"id": "InputFieldChoiceInputChoiceInputOption", +"properties": { +"additionalInput": { +"$ref": "InputField", +"description": "Input that should be displayed when this option is selected. The additional input will not contain a `ChoiceInput`." +}, +"id": { +"description": "Not for display but need to be sent back for the selected choice option.", +"type": "string" +}, +"label": { +"$ref": "TextWithTooltip", +"description": "Short description of the choice option. There may be more information to be shown as a tooltip." +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputFieldTextInput": { +"description": "Text input allows merchants to provide a text value.", +"id": "InputFieldTextInput", +"properties": { +"additionalInfo": { +"$ref": "TextWithTooltip", +"description": "Additional info regarding the field to be displayed to merchant. For example, warning to not include personal identifiable information. There may be more information to be shown in a tooltip." +}, +"ariaLabel": { +"description": "Text to be used as the [aria label](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/ARIA14.html) for the input.", +"type": "string" +}, +"formatInfo": { +"description": "Information about the required format. If present, it should be shown close to the input field to help merchants to provide a correct value. For example: \"VAT numbers should be in a format similar to SK9999999999\"", +"type": "string" +}, +"type": { +"description": "Type of the text input", +"enum": [ +"TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", +"GENERIC_SHORT_TEXT", +"GENERIC_LONG_TEXT" +], +"enumDescriptions": [ +"Default value. Will never be provided by the API.", +"Used when a short text is expected. The field can be rendered as a [text field](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/input.text.html#input.text).", +"Used when a longer text is expected. The field should be rendered as a [textarea](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20121025/textarea.html#textarea)." +], +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputValue": { +"description": "Input provided by the merchant for input field.", +"id": "InputValue", +"properties": { +"checkboxInputValue": { +"$ref": "InputValueCheckboxInputValue", +"description": "Value for checkbox input field." +}, +"choiceInputValue": { +"$ref": "InputValueChoiceInputValue", +"description": "Value for choice input field." +}, +"inputFieldId": { +"description": "Required. Id of the corresponding input field.", +"type": "string" +}, +"textInputValue": { +"$ref": "InputValueTextInputValue", +"description": "Value for text input field." +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputValueCheckboxInputValue": { +"description": "Value for checkbox input field.", +"id": "InputValueCheckboxInputValue", +"properties": { +"value": { +"description": "Required. True if the merchant checked the box field. False otherwise.", +"type": "boolean" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputValueChoiceInputValue": { +"description": "Value for choice input field.", +"id": "InputValueChoiceInputValue", +"properties": { +"choiceInputOptionId": { +"description": "Required. Id of the option that was selected by the merchant.", +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"InputValueTextInputValue": { +"description": "Value for text input field.", +"id": "InputValueTextInputValue", +"properties": { +"value": { +"description": "Required. Text provided by the merchant.", +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "InsertCheckoutSettingsRequest": { "description": "Request message for the `InsertCheckoutSettings` method.", "id": "InsertCheckoutSettingsRequest", @@ -14140,6 +14437,14 @@ false "description": "The source of the offer, that is, how the offer was created. Acceptable values are: - \"`api`\" - \"`crawl`\" - \"`feed`\" ", "type": "string" }, +"structuredDescription": { +"$ref": "ProductStructuredDescription", +"description": "Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions." +}, +"structuredTitle": { +"$ref": "ProductStructuredTitle", +"description": "Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles." +}, "subscriptionCost": { "$ref": "ProductSubscriptionCost", "description": "Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract." @@ -14672,6 +14977,36 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"ProductStructuredDescription": { +"description": "Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions. See [description](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324468#When_to_use) for more information.", +"id": "ProductStructuredDescription", +"properties": { +"content": { +"description": "Required. The description text. Maximum length is 5000 characters.", +"type": "string" +}, +"digitalSourceType": { +"description": "Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - \"`trained_algorithmic_media`\" - \"`default`\" ", +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"ProductStructuredTitle": { +"description": "Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles. See [title](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324415#Whentouse) for more information.", +"id": "ProductStructuredTitle", +"properties": { +"content": { +"description": "Required. The title text. Maximum length is 150 characters.", +"type": "string" +}, +"digitalSourceType": { +"description": "Optional. The digital source type. Acceptable values are: - \"`trained_algorithmic_media`\" - \"`default`\" ", +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "ProductSubscriptionCost": { "id": "ProductSubscriptionCost", "properties": { @@ -16062,6 +16397,20 @@ false "Returns the detail of the issue as a pre-rendered HTML text." ], "type": "string" +}, +"userInputActionOption": { +"description": "Optional. How actions with user input form should be handled. If not provided, actions will be returned as links that points merchant to Merchant Center where they can request the action.", +"enum": [ +"USER_INPUT_ACTION_RENDERING_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED", +"REDIRECT_TO_MERCHANT_CENTER", +"BUILT_IN_USER_INPUT_ACTIONS" +], +"enumDescriptions": [ +"Default value. Will never be provided by the API.", +"Actions that require user input are represented only as links that points merchant to Merchant Center where they can request the action. Provides easier to implement alternative to `BUILT_IN_USER_INPUT_ACTIONS`.", +"Returns content and input form definition for each complex action. Your application needs to display this content and input form to the merchant before they can request processing of the action. To start the action, your application needs to call the `triggeraction` method." +], +"type": "string" } }, "type": "object" @@ -16099,6 +16448,20 @@ false "Returns the detail of the issue as a pre-rendered HTML text." ], "type": "string" +}, +"userInputActionOption": { +"description": "Optional. How actions with user input form should be handled. If not provided, actions will be returned as links that points merchant to Merchant Center where they can request the action.", +"enum": [ +"USER_INPUT_ACTION_RENDERING_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED", +"REDIRECT_TO_MERCHANT_CENTER", +"BUILT_IN_USER_INPUT_ACTIONS" +], +"enumDescriptions": [ +"Default value. Will never be provided by the API.", +"Actions that require user input are represented only as links that points merchant to Merchant Center where they can request the action. Provides easier to implement alternative to `BUILT_IN_USER_INPUT_ACTIONS`.", +"Returns content and input form definition for each complex action. Your application needs to display this content and input form to the merchant before they can request processing of the action. To start the action, your application needs to call the `triggeraction` method." +], +"type": "string" } }, "type": "object" @@ -18039,6 +18402,35 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"TextWithTooltip": { +"description": "Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information.", +"id": "TextWithTooltip", +"properties": { +"simpleTooltipValue": { +"description": "Value of the tooltip as a simple text.", +"type": "string" +}, +"simpleValue": { +"description": "Value of the message as a simple text.", +"type": "string" +}, +"tooltipIconStyle": { +"description": "The suggested type of an icon for tooltip, if a tooltip is present.", +"enum": [ +"TOOLTIP_ICON_STYLE_UNSPECIFIED", +"INFO", +"QUESTION" +], +"enumDescriptions": [ +"Default value. Will never be provided by the API.", +"Used when the tooltip adds additional information to the context, the 'i' can be used as an icon.", +"Used when the tooltip shows helpful information, the '?' can be used as an icon." +], +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "TimePeriod": { "description": "A message that represents a time period.", "id": "TimePeriod", @@ -18174,6 +18566,32 @@ false }, "type": "object" }, +"TriggerActionPayload": { +"description": "The payload for the triggered action.", +"id": "TriggerActionPayload", +"properties": { +"actionContext": { +"description": "Required. The context from the selected action. The value is obtained from rendered issues and needs to be sent back to identify the action that is being triggered.", +"type": "string" +}, +"actionInput": { +"$ref": "ActionInput", +"description": "Required. Input provided by the merchant." +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, +"TriggerActionResponse": { +"description": "Response informing about the started action.", +"id": "TriggerActionResponse", +"properties": { +"message": { +"description": "The message for merchant.", +"type": "string" +} +}, +"type": "object" +}, "UndeleteConversionSourceRequest": { "description": "Request message for the UndeleteConversionSource method.", "id": "UndeleteConversionSourceRequest",