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File metadata and controls

59 lines (43 loc) · 1.61 KB


GoReleaser can be customized by tweaking a .goreleaser.yaml file.

You can generate an example config by running goreleaser init or start from scratch.

You can also check if your config is valid by running goreleaser check, which will tell you if are using deprecated or invalid options.

JSON Schema

GoReleaser also has a jsonschema file, which you can use to have better editor support:

=== "OSS" sh

You can also specify it in your `.goreleaser.yml` config file by adding a
comment like the following:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=

=== "Pro" sh

You can also specify it in your `.goreleaser.yml` config file by adding a
comment like the following:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=

You can also generate it for your specific version using the goreleaser jsonschema command.

Pin the schema version

You can pin the version by getting the schema from the GitHub tag, for example, for v1.12.0:

=== "OSS" sh

=== "Pro" sh