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Version: 0.11.2 Type: application AppVersion: 1.2.1

Grafana Tempo in MicroService mode

Source Code

Chart Repo

Add the following repo to use the chart:

helm repo add grafana


A major chart version change indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change needing manual actions.

From Chart versions < 0.9.0

This release the component label was shortened to be more aligned with the Loki-distributed chart and the mixin dashboards.

Due to the label changes, an existing installation cannot be upgraded without manual interaction. There are basically two options:

Option 1 Uninstall the old release and re-install the new one. There will be no data loss, as the collectors/agents can cache for a short period.

Option 2 Add new selector labels to the existing pods. This option will make your pods also temporarely unavailable, option 1 is faster:

kubectl label pod -n <namespace> -l<release-name>-tempo-distributed-<component>,<instance-name><component> --overwrite

Perform a non-cascading deletion of the Deployments and Statefulsets which will keep the pods running:

kubectl delete <deployment/statefulset> -n <namespace> -l<release-name>-tempo-distributed-<component>,<instance-name> --cascade=false

Perform a regular Helm upgrade on the existing release. The new Deployment/Statefulset will pick up the existing pods and perform a rolling upgrade.

From Chart versions < 0.8.0

By default all tracing protocols are disabled and you need to specify which protocols to enable for ingestion.

For example to enable Jaeger grpc thrift http and zipkin protocols:

    grpc: true
    thriftHttp: true
  zipkin: true

The distributor service is now called {{tempo.fullname}}-distributor. That could impact your ingestion towards this service.

From Chart Versions < 0.7.0

The memcached default args are removed and should be provided manually. The settings for the memcached.exporter moved to memcachedExporter


Key Type Default Description
compactor.config.compaction.block_retention string "48h" Duration to keep blocks
compactor.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for the compactor
compactor.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the compactor pods
compactor.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the compactor pods
compactor.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumes for compactor pods
compactor.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for compactor deployment
compactor.image.registry string nil The Docker registry for the compactor image. Overrides tempo.image.registry
compactor.image.repository string nil Docker image repository for the compactor image. Overrides tempo.image.repository
compactor.image.tag string nil Docker image tag for the compactor image. Overrides tempo.image.tag
compactor.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for compactor pods
compactor.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for compactor pods
compactor.priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass for compactor pods
compactor.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the compactor
compactor.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Grace period to allow the compactor to shutdown before it is killed
compactor.tolerations list [] Tolerations for compactor pods
config string `"multitenancy_enabled: false\nsearch_enabled: {{ }}\ncompactor:\n compaction:\n block_retention: {{ .Values.compactor.config.compaction.block_retention }}\n ring:\n kvstore:\n store: memberlist\ndistributor:\n ring:\n kvstore:\n store: memberlist\n receivers:\n {{- if or (.Values.traces.jaeger.thriftCompact) (.Values.traces.jaeger.thriftBinary) (.Values.traces.jaeger.thriftHttp) (.Values.traces.jaeger.grpc) }}\n jaeger:\n protocols:\n {{- if .Values.traces.jaeger.thriftCompact }}\n thrift_compact:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- if .Values.traces.jaeger.thriftBinary }}\n thrift_binary:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- if .Values.traces.jaeger.thriftHttp }}\n thrift_http:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- if .Values.traces.jaeger.grpc }}\n grpc:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- end }}\n {{- if .Values.traces.zipkin}}\n zipkin:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- if or (.Values.traces.otlp.http) (.Values.traces.otlp.grpc) }}\n otlp:\n protocols:\n {{- if .Values.traces.otlp.http }}\n http:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- if .Values.traces.otlp.grpc }}\n grpc:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\n {{- end }}\n {{- if .Values.traces.opencensus}}\n opencensus:\n endpoint:\n {{- end }}\nquerier:\n frontend_worker:\n frontend_address: {{ include "tempo.queryFrontendFullname" . }}-discovery:9095\ningester:\n lifecycler:\n ring:\n replication_factor: 1\n kvstore:\n store: memberlist\n tokens_file_path: /var/tempo/tokens.json\nmemberlist:\n abort_if_cluster_join_fails: false\n join_members:\n - {{ include "tempo.fullname" . }}-gossip-ring\noverrides:\n per_tenant_override_config: /conf/overrides.yaml\nserver:\n http_listen_port: 3100\nstorage:\n trace:\n backend: {{}}\n {{- if eq "gcs"}}\n gcs:\n {{- toYaml nindent 6}}\n {{- end}}\n {{- if eq "s3"}}\n s3:\n {{- toYaml
distributor.affinity string Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity Affinity for distributor pods. Passed through tpl and, thus, to be configured as string
distributor.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for the distributor
distributor.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the distributor pods
distributor.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the distributor pods
distributor.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumes for distributor pods
distributor.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for distributor deployment
distributor.image.registry string nil The Docker registry for the ingester image. Overrides tempo.image.registry
distributor.image.repository string nil Docker image repository for the ingester image. Overrides tempo.image.repository
distributor.image.tag string nil Docker image tag for the ingester image. Overrides tempo.image.tag
distributor.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for distributor pods
distributor.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for distributor pods
distributor.priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass for distributor pods
distributor.replicas int 1 Number of replicas for the distributor
distributor.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the distributor
distributor.service.annotations object {} Annotations for distributor service
distributor.service.loadBalancerIP string "" If type is LoadBalancer you can assign the IP to the LoadBalancer
distributor.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] If type is LoadBalancer limit incoming traffic from IPs.
distributor.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service for the distributor
distributor.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Grace period to allow the distributor to shutdown before it is killed
distributor.tolerations list [] Tolerations for distributor pods
gateway.affinity string Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity Affinity for gateway pods. Passed through tpl and, thus, to be configured as string
gateway.basicAuth.enabled bool false Enables basic authentication for the gateway
gateway.basicAuth.existingSecret string nil Existing basic auth secret to use. Must contain '.htpasswd'
gateway.basicAuth.htpasswd string "{{ htpasswd (required \"'gateway.basicAuth.username' is required\" .Values.gateway.basicAuth.username) (required \"'gateway.basicAuth.password' is required\" .Values.gateway.basicAuth.password) }}" Uses the specified username and password to compute a htpasswd using Sprig's htpasswd function. The value is templated using tpl. Override this to use a custom htpasswd, e.g. in case the default causes high CPU load.
gateway.basicAuth.password string nil The basic auth password for the gateway
gateway.basicAuth.username string nil The basic auth username for the gateway
gateway.enabled bool false Specifies whether the gateway should be enabled
gateway.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for the gateway
gateway.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the gateway pods
gateway.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the gateway pods
gateway.extraVolumeMounts list [] Volume mounts to add to the gateway pods
gateway.extraVolumes list [] Volumes to add to the gateway pods
gateway.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The gateway image pull policy
gateway.image.registry string "" The Docker registry for the gateway image
gateway.image.repository string "nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged" The gateway image repository
gateway.image.tag string "1.19-alpine" The gateway image tag
gateway.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress Class Name. MAY be required for Kubernetes versions >= 1.18 ingressClassName: nginx -- Annotations for the gateway ingress
gateway.ingress.enabled bool false Specifies whether an ingress for the gateway should be created
gateway.ingress.hosts list [{"host":"","paths":[{"path":"/"}]}] Hosts configuration for the gateway ingress
gateway.ingress.tls list [{"hosts":[""],"secretName":"tempo-gateway-tls"}] TLS configuration for the gateway ingress
gateway.nginxConfig.file string See values.yaml Config file contents for Nginx. Passed through the tpl function to allow templating
gateway.nginxConfig.httpSnippet string "" Allows appending custom configuration to the http block
gateway.nginxConfig.logFormat string "main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $status '\n '\"$request\" $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" '\n '\"$http_user_agent\" \"$http_x_forwarded_for\"';" NGINX log format
gateway.nginxConfig.serverSnippet string "" Allows appending custom configuration to the server block
gateway.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for gateway pods
gateway.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for gateway pods
gateway.priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass for gateway pods
gateway.readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/"
gateway.readinessProbe.httpGet.port string "http"
gateway.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 15
gateway.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1
gateway.replicas int 1 Number of replicas for the gateway
gateway.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the gateway
gateway.service.annotations object {} Annotations for the gateway service
gateway.service.clusterIP string nil ClusterIP of the gateway service
gateway.service.labels object {} Labels for gateway service
gateway.service.loadBalancerIP string nil Load balancer IPO address if service type is LoadBalancer
gateway.service.nodePort string nil Node port if service type is NodePort
gateway.service.port int 80 Port of the gateway service
gateway.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of the gateway service
gateway.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Grace period to allow the gateway to shutdown before it is killed
gateway.tolerations list [] Tolerations for gateway pods
global.clusterDomain string "cluster.local" configures cluster domain ("cluster.local" by default)
global.dnsNamespace string "kube-system" configures DNS service namespace
global.dnsService string "kube-dns" configures DNS service name
global.image.registry string nil Overrides the Docker registry globally for all images
global.priorityClassName string nil Overrides the priorityClassName for all pods
ingester.affinity string Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity Affinity for ingester pods. Passed through tpl and, thus, to be configured as string
ingester.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for the ingester
ingester.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the ingester pods
ingester.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the ingester pods
ingester.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumes for ingester pods
ingester.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for ingester deployment
ingester.image.registry string nil The Docker registry for the ingester image. Overrides tempo.image.registry
ingester.image.repository string nil Docker image repository for the ingester image. Overrides tempo.image.repository
ingester.image.tag string nil Docker image tag for the ingester image. Overrides tempo.image.tag
ingester.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for ingester pods
ingester.persistence.enabled bool false Enable creating PVCs which is required when using boltdb-shipper
ingester.persistence.size string "10Gi" Size of persistent disk
ingester.persistence.storageClass string nil Storage class to be used. If defined, storageClassName: . If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning. If empty or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS, and OpenStack).
ingester.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for ingester pods
ingester.priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass for ingester pods
ingester.replicas int 1 Number of replicas for the ingester
ingester.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the ingester
ingester.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 300 Grace period to allow the ingester to shutdown before it is killed. Especially for the ingestor, this must be increased. It must be long enough so ingesters can be gracefully shutdown flushing/transferring all data and to successfully leave the member ring on shutdown.
ingester.tolerations list [] Tolerations for ingester pods
memcached.affinity string Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity Affinity for memcached pods. Passed through tpl and, thus, to be configured as string
memcached.enabled bool true Specified whether the memcached cachce should be enabled
memcached.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for memcached
memcached.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to memcached pods
memcached.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to memcached pods string "memcached"
memcached.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Memcached Docker image pull policy
memcached.replicas int 1
memcached.repository string "memcached" Memcached Docker image repository
memcached.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for memcached
memcached.service string "memcached-client"
memcached.tag string "1.5.17-alpine" Memcached Docker image tag
memcachedExporter.enabled bool false Specifies whether the Memcached Exporter should be enabled
memcachedExporter.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Memcached Exporter Docker image pull policy
memcachedExporter.image.repository string "prom/memcached-exporter" Memcached Exporter Docker image repository
memcachedExporter.image.tag string "v0.8.0" Memcached Exporter Docker image tag
memcachedExporter.resources object {}
overrides string "overrides: {}\n"
querier.affinity string Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity Affinity for querier pods. Passed through tpl and, thus, to be configured as string
querier.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for the querier
querier.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the querier pods
querier.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the querier pods
querier.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumes for querier pods
querier.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for querier deployment
querier.image.registry string nil The Docker registry for the querier image. Overrides tempo.image.registry
querier.image.repository string nil Docker image repository for the querier image. Overrides tempo.image.repository
querier.image.tag string nil Docker image tag for the querier image. Overrides tempo.image.tag
querier.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for querier pods
querier.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for querier pods
querier.priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass for querier pods
querier.replicas int 1 Number of replicas for the querier
querier.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the querier
querier.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Grace period to allow the querier to shutdown before it is killed
querier.tolerations list [] Tolerations for querier pods
queryFrontend.affinity string Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity Affinity for query-frontend pods. Passed through tpl and, thus, to be configured as string
queryFrontend.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for the query-frontend
queryFrontend.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the query-frontend pods
queryFrontend.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the query-frontend pods
queryFrontend.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumes for query-frontend pods
queryFrontend.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for query-frontend deployment
queryFrontend.image.registry string nil The Docker registry for the query-frontend image. Overrides tempo.image.registry
queryFrontend.image.repository string nil Docker image repository for the query-frontend image. Overrides tempo.image.repository
queryFrontend.image.tag string nil Docker image tag for the query-frontend image. Overrides tempo.image.tag
queryFrontend.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for query-frontend pods
queryFrontend.podAnnotations object {} Annotations for query-frontend pods
queryFrontend.priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass for query-frontend pods
queryFrontend.query.config string "backend:\n"
queryFrontend.query.enabled bool true Required for grafana version <7.5 for compatibility with jaeger-ui. Doesn't work on ARM arch
queryFrontend.query.extraArgs list [] Additional CLI args for tempo-query pods
queryFrontend.query.extraEnv list [] Environment variables to add to the tempo-query pods
queryFrontend.query.extraEnvFrom list [] Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the tempo-query pods
queryFrontend.query.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumes for tempo-query pods
queryFrontend.query.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for tempo-query deployment
queryFrontend.query.image.registry string nil The Docker registry for the query-frontend image. Overrides tempo.image.registry
queryFrontend.query.image.repository string "grafana/tempo-query" Docker image repository for the query-frontend image. Overrides tempo.image.repository
queryFrontend.query.image.tag string nil Docker image tag for the query-frontend image. Overrides tempo.image.tag
queryFrontend.query.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the query
queryFrontend.replicas int 1 Number of replicas for the query-frontend
queryFrontend.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for the query-frontend
queryFrontend.service.annotations object {} Annotations for queryFrontend service
queryFrontend.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service for the queryFrontend
queryFrontend.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Grace period to allow the query-frontend to shutdown before it is killed
queryFrontend.tolerations list [] Tolerations for query-frontend pods
search.enabled bool false Enable Tempo search
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for the service account string nil The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} ServiceMonitor annotations
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If enabled, ServiceMonitor resources for Prometheus Operator are created
serviceMonitor.interval string nil ServiceMonitor scrape interval
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Additional ServiceMonitor labels
serviceMonitor.namespace string nil Alternative namespace for ServiceMonitor resources
serviceMonitor.namespaceSelector object {} Namespace selector for ServiceMonitor resources
serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] ServiceMonitor relabel configs to apply to samples before scraping
serviceMonitor.scheme string "http" ServiceMonitor will use http by default, but you can pick https as well
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string nil ServiceMonitor scrape timeout in Go duration format (e.g. 15s)
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig string nil ServiceMonitor will use these tlsConfig settings to make the health check requests
storage.trace.backend string "local"
tempo object {"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"","repository":"grafana/tempo","tag":null},"readinessProbe":{"httpGet":{"path":"/ready","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":1}} Overrides the chart's computed fullname fullnameOverride: tempo
tempo.image.registry string "" The Docker registry
tempo.image.repository string "grafana/tempo" Docker image repository
tempo.image.tag string nil Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart's appVersion
traces.jaeger.grpc bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Jaeger GRPC traces
traces.jaeger.thriftBinary bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Jaeger Thrift Binary traces
traces.jaeger.thriftCompact bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Jaeger Thrift Compact traces
traces.jaeger.thriftHttp bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Jaeger Thrift HTTP traces
traces.opencensus bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Open Census traces
traces.otlp.grpc bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Open Telementry GRPC traces
traces.otlp.http bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Open Telementry HTTP traces
traces.zipkin bool false Enable Tempo to ingest Zipkin traces


The chart supports the components shown in the following table. Ingester, distributor, querier, query-frontend, and compactor are always installed. The other components are optional and must be explicitly enabled.

Component Optional
ingester no
distributor no
querier no
query-frontend no
compactor no
memcached yes
gateway yes

This chart configures Tempo in microservices mode.

NOTE: In its default configuration, the chart uses local filesystem as storage. The reason for this is that the chart can be validated and installed in a CI pipeline. However, this setup is not fully functional. The recommendation is to use object storage, such as S3, GCS, MinIO, etc., or one of the other options documented at

Alternatively, in order to quickly test Tempo using the filestore, the single binary chart can be used.

Directory and File Locations

  • Volumes are mounted to /var/tempo. The various directories Tempo needs should be configured as subdirectories (e. g. /var/tempo/wal, /var/tempo/traces). Tempo will create the directories automatically.
  • The config file is mounted to /conf/tempo-query.yaml and passed as CLI arg.

Example configuration using S3 for storage

config: |
  multitenancy_enabled: false
      block_retention: 48h
        store: memberlist
      frontend_address: {{ include "tempo.queryFrontendFullname" . }}:9095
        replication_factor: 1
    abort_if_cluster_join_fails: false
      - {{ include "tempo.fullname" . }}-memberlist
    per_tenant_override_config: /conf/overrides.yaml
    http_listen_port: 3100
      backend: s3
        access_key: tempo
        bucket: tempo
        endpoint: minio:9000
        insecure: true
        secret_key: supersecret
        queue_depth: 2000
        path: /var/tempo/wal
        consistent_hash: true
        host: a-tempo-distributed-memcached
        service: memcached-client
        timeout: 500ms