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292 lines (181 loc) · 9.83 KB

File metadata and controls

292 lines (181 loc) · 9.83 KB



Patch Changes

  • 1da0da9: Update aws-cdk to 2.141.0, aws-cdk-lib to 2.141.0, constructs to 10.3.0
  • c8400c9: Add useful ASG group metrics (TOTAL_INSTANCES, etc) by default


Minor Changes

  • 96cb7dc: Use the recommended ELB security policy ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-2-2021-06 which includes TLS 1.3, and is backwards compatible with TLS 1.2.


Major Changes

  • fa0719b: BREAKING CHANGE: DevX Backups can no longer be enabled via the withBackup prop, which has been removed.

    Users should now opt-in/out of DevX Backups at the construct level (i.e. when defining an RDS instance, cluster or DynamoDB table).

    We recommend using the GuDatabaseInstance or GuDynamoTable to help with this. If these constructs cannot be used, resources can also be tagged like this: Tags.of(myDatabase).add("devx-backup-enabled", "true").


Minor Changes

  • 8bde0ca: Add Dynamodb construct with default deletion protection and mandatory opt-in/opt-out setting for DevX-backup.


Major Changes

  • 7cc8591: BREAKING CHANGE:

    Users of the GuDatabaseInstance class now need to explicitly opt-in/out of DevX Backups via the devXBackups prop.

Minor Changes

  • 197228b: GuLambdaFunction uses JSON logging by default, for compatibility with ApplicationLogLevel


Patch Changes

  • 89a22f1: Update aws-cdk to 2.136.1, aws-cdk-lib to 2.136.1, constructs to 10.3.0


Patch Changes

  • a98acf3: Update aws-cdk to 2.134.0, aws-cdk-lib to 2.134.0, constructs to 10.3.0


Patch Changes

  • 44788e5: Update aws-cdk to 2.132.0, aws-cdk-lib to 2.132.0, constructs to 10.3.0


Major Changes

  • 5fead41: - Load balancers now add headers with information about the TLS version and cipher suite used during negotiation
    • Load balancers now drop invalid headers before forwarding requests to the target. Invalid headers are described as HTTP header names that do not conform to the regular expression [-A-Za-z0-9]+

Patch Changes

  • a551119: Apply the App tag to the launch template created in the EC2 App pattern.

  • de7c472: Update dependencies

  • e1f3751: Fixes a bug where on a GuStack is always undefined, as it is never set.

    See #1497 (comment).


Major Changes

  • 6c5e701: Use PROD version of cognito-auth-lambdas instead of INFRA.

    We no longer update/use the INFRA version of cognito-auth-lambdas, although we won't be making any breaking changes to these lambdas there may be a situation if a user of CDK does not update for a long while, when they switch from INFRA to PROD they will suddenly receive a lot of updates to their lambdas.

    Users should take care to verify that any applications use Google Auth are still functional.


Minor Changes

  • edf5c7a: - Add readonlyRootFilesystem prop to specify whether the container is given read-only access to its root file system

    • Add containerInsights prop to enable CloudWatch insights
    • Replace deprecated state machine definition


Major Changes

  • 4548884: This change includes some potentially breaking changes for consumers of:

    Since v49.0.2, the EC2 instance profile created in GuEc2App, and it's subclasses, used the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore AWS Managed Policy to enable the SSM+SSH capability.

    In addition to enabling SSM+SSH, this Managed Policy also provided read access to all SSM Parameters. This is not least privilege.

    In this version, usage of the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore Managed Policy is swapped for a custom, more minimal, policy.

    [!IMPORTANT] Before upgrading to this version, ensure your application is not relying on the IAM Policy behaviour provided by AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore.

    If your application is reading SSM Parameters outside the /STAGE/STACK/APP/* namespace, you will need to add an explicit policy.

    An IAM Policy to read SSM Parameters in the /STAGE/STACK/APP/* namespace is already provided by the GuEc2App construct, via GuParameterStoreReadPolicy

    To understand if your application is impacted, consult this Service Catalogue query showing CloudFormation stacks using the above and using GuCDK v49.0.2 or above.

    Query ran in Service Catalogue

    with data as (
        select cfn.account_id
             , as account_name
             , tml.stack_id
             , cfn.last_updated_time
             , cfn.region
             , cfn.stack_name
             , tml.metadata ->> 'gu:cdk:version' as gucdk_version
             , cfn.tags ->> 'gu:repo' as repository
             , cfn.tags ->> 'Stack' as stack
             , cfn.tags ->> 'Stage' as stage
             , cfn.tags ->> 'App' as app
        from    aws_cloudformation_template_summaries tml
                join aws_accounts acc on tml.account_id =
                join aws_cloudformation_stacks cfn on tml.stack_arn = cfn.arn
        where   tml.metadata is not null
          and (
            (metadata -> 'gu:cdk:constructs')::jsonb ? 'GuEc2App'
                OR (metadata -> 'gu:cdk:constructs')::jsonb ? 'GuPlayApp'
                OR (metadata -> 'gu:cdk:constructs')::jsonb ? 'GuPlayWorkerApp'
                OR (metadata -> 'gu:cdk:constructs')::jsonb ? 'GuNodeApp'
    ownership as (
        select  distinct full_name
                , galaxies_team
                , team_contact_email
        from    view_repo_ownership
        where   galaxies_team is not null
                and team_contact_email is not null
    select      data.*
                , ownership.galaxies_team
                , ownership.team_contact_email
    from        data
                left join ownership on data.repository = ownership.full_name
    where       gucdk_version like '49%' -- affected version is 49.0.2 onwards, so this will catch some extra stacks, but hopefully not too many!
                OR gucdk_version like '5%';


Patch Changes

  • ec6bd81: Update aws-cdk to 2.127.0, aws-cdk-lib to 2.127.0, constructs to 10.3.0


Minor Changes

  • ac7354f: Support multiple EC2 apps with load balancer access logs enabled


Patch Changes

  • 8ead267: Remove direct dependencies that should be peer ones:

    • aws-cdk-lib
    • constructs

    No change for consumers that provide compatible packages


Patch Changes

  • d21b90e: Update aws-cdk to 2.121.1, aws-cdk-lib to 2.121.1, constructs to 10.3.0


Patch Changes

  • 2fd963b: Make dependency @changeset/cli development only


Major Changes

  • af50cf5: Removes supports for Stack Sets (added in #977) as it's no longer used, because of a lack of CD tooling support for deploying Stack Sets.

    Removing unused code means less code to maintain, and reduced complexity.

    Should Stack Sets be needed in future, offers an alternative approach to creating them in CDK.


Patch Changes

  • a473265: fix(deps): Update AWS CDK libraries to 2.114.1, and constructs to 10.3.0


Minor Changes

  • 8c40db382: Adds the optional enableDistributablePolicy prop to GuEcsTask so that consumers of this pattern can decide whether the task IAM role has access to the account's distributable bucket in S3.


Patch Changes

  • fcbabb5de: Update AWS CDK libraries to 2.109.0, and constructs to 10.3.0


Minor Changes

  • 5ee2c0955: feat(backup): Support backups provided by DevX

    Adds a new property withBackup to GuStack to enable backups provided by DevX.

    When true, all supported resources in the stack will receive a new tag devx-backup-enabled.

    To opt in/out an individual resource, you can manually apply this tag.



Minor Changes

  • 8541732ec: feat(riff-raff.yaml): Support cross stack dependencies

    Currently the riff-raff.yaml generator is not able to create dependencies between cloud-formation deployments. This means each cloud-formation deployment could happen at the same time.

    This does not work in the scenario where we have:

    • Stack A containing a bucket
    • Stack B CODE containing an app that uses A's bucket
    • Stack B PROD containing an app that uses A's bucket

    That is, we can't guarantee Stack A is deployed first.

    In this change we add support for the scenario where we have a shared resources stack. The generated riff-raff.yaml file will describe that Stack B CODE, and Stack B PROD depend on Stack A.

    It uses the AWS CDK mechanism


Major Changes

  • 2fd7d333c: Remove support for classic load balancers.

    Use of application load balancers (ALBs) is considered best practice, as ALBs are receiving more capabilities than elastic (classic) load balancers (ELBs). GuCDK should be encoding best practice, so remove support for ELBs.

    Please adopt application load balancers instead, or if necessary, use ELBs directly from AWS CDK.