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File metadata and controls

141 lines (105 loc) · 8.27 KB


A virtual file format. When a file is read by src(), a Vinyl object is generated to represent the file - including the path, contents, and other metadata.

Vinyl objects can have transformations applied using plugins. They may also be persisted to the file system using dest().

When creating your own Vinyl objects - instead of generating with src() - use the external vinyl module, as shown in Usage below.


const Vinyl = require('vinyl');

const file = new Vinyl({
  cwd: '/',
  base: '/test/',
  path: '/test/file.js',
  contents: new Buffer('var x = 123')

file.relative === 'file.js';

file.dirname === '/test';
file.dirname = '/specs';
file.path === '/specs/file.js';

file.basename === 'file.js';
file.basename = 'file.txt';
file.path === '/specs/file.txt';

file.stem === 'file';
file.stem = 'foo';
file.path === '/specs/foo.txt';
file.extname === '.txt';
file.extname = '.js';
file.path === '/specs/file.js';


new Vinyl([options])


parameter type note
options object Detailed in Options below.


An instance of the Vinyl class representing a single virtual file, detailed in Vinyl instance below.


When any passed options don't conform to the instance property definitions (like if path is set to a number) throws as defined in the table.


name type default note
cwd string process.cwd() The directory from which relative paths will be derived. Will be normalized and have trailing separators removed.
base string Used to calculate the relative instance property. Falls back to the value of cwd if not set. Typically set to the glob base. Will be normalized and have trailing separators removed.
path string The full, absolute file path. Will be normalized and have trailing separators removed.
history array [ ] An array of paths to pre-populate the history of a Vinyl instance. Usually comes from deriving a new Vinyl object from a previous Vinyl object. If path and history are both passed, path is appended to history. Each item will be normalized and have trailing separators removed.
stat object An instance of fs.Stats, usually the result of calling fs.stat() on a file. Used to determine if a Vinyl object represents a directory or symbolic link.
contents ReadableStream
null The contents of the file. If contents is a ReadableStream, it is wrapped in a cloneable-readable stream.

Any other properties on options will be directly assigned to the Vinyl instance.

const Vinyl = require('vinyl');

const file = new Vinyl({ foo: 'bar' }); === 'bar';

Vinyl instance

Each instance of a Vinyl object will have properties and methods to access and/or modify information about the virtual file.

Instance properties

All internally managed paths - any instance property except contents and stat - are normalized and have trailing separators removed. See Normalization and concatenation for more information.

property type description throws
contents ReadableStream
Gets and sets the contents of the virtual file. If set to a ReadableStream, it is wrapped in a [cloneable-readable][cloneable-readable-docs] stream. If set to any value other than a ReadableStream, a Buffer, or null.
stat object Gets and sets an instance of fs.Stats. Used when determining if a Vinyl object represents a directory or symbolic link.
cwd string Gets and sets the current working directory. Used for deriving relative paths. If set to an empty string or any non-string value.
base string Gets and sets the base directory. Used to calculate the relative instance property. On a Vinyl object generated by src() will be set to the glob base. If set to null or undefined, falls back to the value of the cwd instance property. If set to an empty string or any non-string value (except null or undefined).
path string Gets and sets the full, absolute file path. Setting to a value different from the current path appends the new path to the history instance property. If set to any non-string value.
history array Array of all path values the Vinyl object has been assigned. The first element (history[0]) is the original path and the last element (history[file.history.length - 1]) is the current path. This property and its elements should be treated as read-only and only altered indirectly by setting the path instance property.
relative string Gets the relative path segment between the base and the path instance properties. If set to any value. If accessed when path is not available.
dirname string Gets and sets the directory of the path instance property. If accessed when path is not available.
stem string Gets and sets the stem (filename without extension) of the path instance property. If accessed when path is not available.
extname string Gets and sets the extension of the path instance property. If accessed when path is not available.
basename string Gets and sets the filename (stem + extname) of the path instance property. If accessed when path is not available.
symlink string Gets and sets the reference path of a symbolic link. If set to any non-string value.

Instance methods

method return type returns
isBuffer() boolean If the contents instance property is a Buffer, returns true.
isStream() boolean If the contents instance property is a Stream, returns true.
isNull() boolean If the contents instance property is null, returns true.
isDirectory() boolean If the instance represents a directory, returns true. An instance is considered a directory when isNull() returns true, the stat instance property is an object, and stat.isDirectory() returns true. This assumes a Vinyl object was constructed with a valid (or properly mocked) fs.Stats object.
isSymbolic() boolean If the instance represents a symbolic link, returns true. An instance is considered symbolic when isNull() returns true, the stat instance property is an object, and stat.isSymbolicLink() returns true. This assumes a Vinyl object was constructed with a valid (or properly mocked) fs.Stats object.
clone([options]) object A new Vinyl object with all properties cloned. By default custom properties are deep cloned. If the deep option is false, custom attributes will be shallow cloned. If the contents option is false and the contents instance property is a Buffer, the Buffer will be reused instead of cloned.
inspect() string Returns a formatted interpretation of the Vinyl object. Automatically called by Node's console.log.

Normalization and concatenation

All path properties are normalized by their setters. Concatenate paths with /, instead of using path.join(), and normalization will occur properly on all platforms. Never concatenate with \ - it is a valid filename character on POSIX system.

const file = new File();
file.path = '/' + 'test' + '/' + '';

// posix => /test/
// win32 => \\test\\